The dry persimmon ghost mackerel listened to Obito's words and nodded coldly, he was not a passionate person.

"Okay, Jade girl, let's talk about it later." After Payne finished speaking to Obito, he turned to Hei Jue and said, "Jue, go and inform everyone to assemble, I have something to notify."

Hei Jue nodded and replied, "Yes!" "


Before long, the current members of the Xiao Organization gathered in the central tower.

Payne sat on the main throne and looked condescendingly at the members below.

Then he pointed to the soil and said, "This is A Fei, codenamed Jade Girl, who will be the person of our organization from now on."

Obito greeted everyone, "Hello seniors, please take care of you!"

Then Payne continued: "I called you here this time, mainly to assign the next tasks." "

Now that we have successfully captured Ichio, Nio, and Yunu he captured Mioi alone, it's time to make a move on the others."

"Jade girl, Nandou!"

Obito and dried persimmon ghost mackerel heard the sound and responded, "Yes!"

Payne said: "The next task of the two of you is to capture the four-tailed human pillar force and the five-tailed human pillar force, and if the intelligence is handed over, you can find him." The

dried persimmon ghost mackerel replied coldly: "No problem!

Obito replied with an excited look: "I didn't expect that as soon as I joined the organization, the organization gave me such an important task, I was so excited!" "

Don't worry, Boss Chief, Senior Nandou and I will definitely complete the mission!"

Then Payne looked at Deidara and said: "Qinglong, the six-tailed human pillar force will be handed over to you, and the intelligence will also be asked, is there any problem."

Deidara replied with a smile: "Of course, no problem, I will let him see my perfect art!"

Payne then said, "Suzaku, Hokuto!

Suzaku and Hokuto replied in unison, "In!" "

Suzaku in the original book is Uchiha Itachi, and Hokuto is Kakuto, but now Uchiha Itachi has not defected to Konoha to join the Xiao Organization, and Kakuto has also died at the hands of Relo.

The current Suzaku and Hokuto are unknown people who did not appear in the original work, and in terms of strength, they are still a notch worse than the dried persimmon oni mackerel and Deidara.

However, the strength of the seven-tailed human pillar Lifu of Taki Hidden Village is considered to be relatively inferior in the human pillar force, and it is not even comparable to the two-tailed Yugi, and the strength of Taki Hidden Village is not strong, and it may be hindered less.

Although the strength of Suzaku and Hokuto is a little worse, it is still enough to capture the pillar force of the seven-tailed people.

So Payne spoke, "You two go and capture the seven-tailed pillar force."

Suzaku replied in a deep voice, "Yes!"

Then Payne said aloud to everyone in the Xiao Organization: "Okay, that's all I have to arrange, do you have any questions?"

Everyone shook their heads, indicating that they were fine.

Payne nodded and said, "Good, you can get started!"

Then, after learning the detailed information from Hei Jue, everyone left the central tower one after another.

In the center tower, only Payne and Hei Jue remained.

Just as Hei Jue was about to retreat and leave, Payne looked at Hei Jue and suddenly spoke: "Jue, you have to keep an eye on the eight-tailed man Zhu Liqi Rabbi of Yunyin Village next, as long as he leaves Yunyin Village, you will report it to me."

Hei Jue nodded and replied, "Don't worry, leave it to me!"

"One more thing!" Payne said with an indifferent expression, "No matter what the true identity of the newcomer you brought Ah Fei is, but I hope he doesn't disrupt my plan, otherwise I won't show mercy."

Hei Jue listened to Payne's words, his heart tightened, and he quickly replied: "I promise that Ah Fei definitely really wants to join our Xiao organization, and it will definitely not affect our plans."

Payne nodded and said coldly: "I hope so, okay, then you go down first, remember to notify me of the news of the eight-tailed human pillar force." "

Yes!" Hei Jue whispered back, then dived underground and disappeared away.

But Hei Jue's heart is not as calm as it seems.

"Did Payne find something? Is this warning me?

"It's impossible, Payne's intelligence is all from me, and I have never exposed my true purpose, absolutely impossible!"

"As long as I come step by step according to the plan, I will definitely be able to successfully rescue my mother!"

I have to say that Kuro has completely implemented the will to save Otsuki Kaguya, and how many storms and waves have been set off behind the ninja world in order to save Otsuki for thousands of years.

This time, it was the closest he came to success, and he would definitely not pass up any possible opportunity.

Then Hei Jue once again firmed his heart, using the art of mayflies to travel through the earth and swim towards the Land of Thunder.


Tea country, border.

The always huge white bird flew over the border and kept flying into the interior of the Tea Country.

On closer inspection, the white bird was not a real creature, but had been fabricated from clay, and there was a figure standing on it.

I saw that this person was wearing a black robe with red clouds and black on a black background, and he had long yellow hair, which was the green dragon Deidara.

"That guy said that the six-tailed man Zhuli is in the territory of the country of tea, I hope he won't lie to me, otherwise I will definitely blow him up when I go back." Deidara thought to himself.

Deidara learned from Kuro that the six-tailed man Zhu Li Yutaka was hiding in the Land of Tea, and he immediately rushed over to carry out the capture mission.

Soon, Deidara arrived at the destination of his trip, the Earth Spider Family.

The Earth Spider family is a family with powerful forbidden arts.

As long as they use forbidden techniques, they can absorb natural energy, and if the gas storage time reaches 30 minutes, and then bursts outward with itself as the center, they can completely destroy a radius of hundreds of kilometers or more.

The longer the gas storage time, the greater the damage range, if the gas storage time is long enough, it can destroy the range of more than half a million kilometers.

Of course, if you want to learn this forbidden technique, you must also have a special physique, and it is generally very good to have one in a generation among the earth spider family.

According to Hei Jue's intelligence, the six-tailed man Zhu Liyu Gao hid his identity and hid near the Earth Spider Clan.

Deidara manipulated the clay bird to hover over the earth spider family, sensing the trail of Hataka, but never found it.

"Damn it! Then don't blame me, let these guys feel my art first!

Deidara thought that Hei Jue had mentioned that Yu Gao had accepted an apprentice in the Earth Spider Clan, so Deidara decided to bombard the Earth Spider Clan directly, and he didn't believe that Yu Gao would never come out!

"Detonating clay. C1. Clay spider!

Deidara's hand was sealed, and the dense clay spider fell from the clay bird and attacked the earth spider clan below.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

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