Suddenly, the earth spider tribe land below fell into chaos.

"Enemy attack!"

The ninjas of the Earth Spider clan reacted, evacuated the crowd, and used ninjutsu to fend off Deidara's attack.

However, their strength was too weak compared to Deidara, and as soon as they met, there were many casualties.

The people of the earth spider clan are very depressed, what is the cause of this enemy, their earth spider clan has always been safe and guarded, did not provoke any other forces, why did this person directly attack without saying a word.

Deidara naturally didn't know what the ninja of the Earth Spider clan below thought, he just kept throwing small clay bombs downwards to bombard, waiting for the six-tailed man pillar Liyu to rise.


Land of Fire, Konoha Village, Relo Psychic Beast Shop.

Relo was in the bedroom on the second floor looking through the information he had just received from Nagato.

"Nagato's progress is quite fast, so quickly I got the one, two, and three tails."

"That newcomer Ah Fei should be bringing soil, he finally appeared, and he is enough to hide."

"The Xiao Organization has made another all-out move this time, and it seems that the four-tailed, five-tailed, six-tailed, and seven-tailed will also be able to get their hands soon."

"Then in this case, only the eight-tailed man of Yunyin Village, Zhu Liqi, will remain."

"If you deal with Chirabi, Payne should personally take action, and even gather all the members of the Xiao Organization to go to Yunyin Village together, and should be able to successfully capture it."

"According to my agreement with Nagato, the Nine Tails need to rely on me to do it."

"Now the Nine Tails are divided into two yin and yang, and only one is enough."

"My mission itself is to reverse Naruto's fate, and besides, Naruto is also my son, and I can't touch the one in his body."

"Then I can only grievance Watergate again, Watergate is so smart, as long as I tell him the seriousness of the matter, he should agree, and I can resurrect him later, there should be no problem."

Relo's mind flipped, thinking about what to do next.

At this time, Xi Yan suddenly returned to the psychic beast shop, and Lei Luo immediately sensed it through the perception enchantment arranged in the store, and Xi Yan must have something to find him.

So Relo collected the information from Nagato, walked out the door and walked downstairs.

"Lei Luojun!" Xi Yan looked at Lei Luo, who came down from the upstairs, and said.

Lei Luo looked at Xi Yan with a smile and asked, "Xi Yan, don't you have a mission in the dark department today?" Came back so early?

Then he stepped forward, stopped Xiyan in his arms, took off Xiyan's dark mask, looked at her beautiful face, and stroked her long purple hair.

Faced with this action of Lei Luo, Xi Yan suddenly blushed and struggled to get out of Lei Luo's embrace.

You took the dark mask in Lei Luo's hand and put it on his face, and said: "Lei Luojun, don't make trouble, I came to have business." "

Alright!" Lei Luo also straightened his expression and said, "Xiyan, if there is anything, just say something."

Yuyan said, "I am also on duty in the Hokage Building today, and Tsunade-sama sent me to call you to the Hokage office and say that she has something to find you."

Lei Luo nodded and said, "Okay, let's go then."

Then he stepped forward and directly took Xi Yan's hand and walked in the direction of the Hokage Building.

Xi Yan did not struggle to dodge, and obediently followed Lei Luo's side.

Of course, when he was about to arrive at the Hokage Building, Yuyan withdrew his hand from Leiluo's hand and said, "Leiluo-kun, you go first, Tsunade-sama is waiting, I still have to go on duty." Then

he disappeared in an instant.

Lei Luo smiled as he watched Xi Yan leave, walked into the Hokage Building, and came to the door of the Hokage's office.

"Knock knock!"

Relo stepped forward and knocked on the door, and after hearing a "please come in" from inside, he pushed the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the Hokage's office, Tsunade looked up at Relo who walked in and smiled and said, "Reilo-kun, you are here."

Relo nodded and asked, "Tsunade-sama, Xiyan said you have something to find me?" When

Tsunade heard this, he picked up a scroll on the table and handed it to Relo, and said, "That's right, you look at this first."

Relo opened it and saw that it was a message from the dark department.

It says that the fourth generation of Mizukage Yakura in the Mist Hidden Village of the Land of Water suddenly disappeared, and the Mist Yin Village fell into chaos, and the elder families of the Mist Yin Village attacked each other and competed for the new position of Mizukage.

In the end, a female ninja named Terumi successfully staged a coup d'état, served as the fifth generation of Mizukage, stabilized the overall situation of the village of Kirihide, and vigorously changed the policy of Yakura to stay, and sent missions to other villages, wanting to establish diplomatic relations with other villages.

For these things, why did Tsunade call him here, Relo didn't understand a little.

"Have you finished reading it?" Tsunade asked, looking at Relo.

Relo nodded and asked, "Tsunade-sama, what are you looking for me for?"

Tsunade heard this and replied, "I came to you because of two things, the first is still the problem of the organization.

"I suspect that the disappearance of the fourth generation of Water Shadow is inseparable from the Xiao Organization."

"The fourth generation of Mizukage Yakura is the human pillar force of the three tails, and it is likely that the Xiao Organization took it away."

"But it didn't cause any movement in Wuyin Village, which shows that the fourth generation of Water Shadow has no power to resist at all in the hands of the Xiao Organization, and we need to be more careful."

Relo nodded, he knew that Yakura was so easy to take away because Yakura had been manipulated by Obito all the time, but he couldn't tell Tsunade about these things.

So Relo opened his mouth and asked, "I will pay more attention to this, I will definitely protect Naruto's safety, what is the second thing?"

Tsunade said, "The second thing is the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Mist Hidden Village, how do you think we should deal with it?"

Lei Luo shook his head lightly and said, "It's good that you decide this matter yourself, I haven't cared about this."

"But I think it's okay to establish diplomatic relations or not, Wuyin Village is isolated overseas, and the impact on us is very small."

"Of course, how to do it in the end, it is still up to you, Naruto-sama, to make a decision."

Tsunade listened to Relo's nonsense and couldn't help but give him a blank look, but she also knew Relo's attitude, that is, the Mist Hidden Village was not worried.

So Tsunade spoke, "Okay, I know, I'll think again." "

Reilo-kun, you can go back first, and you must pay attention to protect Naruto's safety."

Lei Luo nodded and replied, "Don't worry, then I'll go first."

Then he turned and walked out of Hokage's office.

Back at the psychic beast shop, the first thing Relo did was to send information to the Wave Feng Shui Gate, informing him to return to Konoha and discuss important matters with him.

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