While Relo and Tsunade were discussing in Hokage's office, the situation of the Spider Clan in the Land of Tea changed, and Hataka finally made a move.

During Deidara's four-round bombing, Yutaka finally made a move, blocked Deidara's attack with bubbles, and detonated the clay bomb in the sky in advance, without causing any more impact on the soil spider clan's clan land.

"Hahaha, you're finally out!" Deidara looked at the feather height that appeared, laughed, and manipulated the clay giant bird to fall from the air.

It seems that this trick is used correctly, and attacking the earth spider tribe can indeed force Yu Gao out.

While Deidara was bombing the Earth Spider Station, Hataka was in the forest near the Earth Spider Clan, teaching his little apprentice, Earth Spider Firefly.

Then he heard an explosion from the earth spider tribe, and the earth spider firefly quickly pulled him over and found Deidara.

He was reluctant to make a move, but looking at the clay bomb that Deidara dropped again, he knew that if he didn't make a move, the earth spider family would probably not be able to withstand this wave.

For the sake of the little apprentice, he blocked Deidara's attack.

But as soon as Yutaka heard Deidara's words, he knew that his target was himself, and asked coldly, "What the hell are you?!" "

Yu Gao has always hidden the identity of his human pillar force, so he is derailed from the outside world's information, and he does not know about the organization.

Deidara smiled and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that my goal is you!"

Yutaka listened to Deidara's words, his eyes were cold, and he knew that this move was inevitable, but in order to no longer have any impact on the Earth Spider Clan, Yutaka disappeared in place with an instantaneous technique and ran towards the forest in the distance.

Seeing this, Deidara also understood Yu Gao's intention, but it didn't matter, his purpose was only Yu Gao, so he immediately followed.

As soon as he entered the forest, Hataka immediately stopped, turned and attacked Deidara.

"Shui Duan. The Art of Foam!

Hataka pulled out the flute pinned to his waist, ran the chakra, and blew out countless foams towards Deidara.

Then these bubbles exploded under the control of Yu Takao.

But Deidara stopped in time and kept dodging, and the foam of the feather did not affect him.

Deidara looked at Yutaka and said happily: "I didn't expect you to be a person who understands art, so let you see my art!" "

Detonating clay. C2. Dragon!

Deidara looked at Yu Gao's explosive foam and saw that the hunter was happy, and as soon as he came up, he directly used C2 and released the clay dragon, and then the clay dragon rushed towards Yu Gao, spitting out clay bombs in his mouth.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The trees in the forest were constantly collapsed by the bombardment of clay bombs, and Yutaka dodged in all directions, but the clay dragon's bombs were too dense, and there was nowhere to hide.

Yutaka's eyes were cold, and his hand was sealed, and he used ninjutsu to resist.

"Shui Duan. The Art of the Great Falls! "

Shui Duan. The art of water dragon bullets! "

With the seal of Yu Gao, a waterfall fell from the sky and quickly rushed towards the clay dragon, and then a water dragon flew out of the waterfall and attacked Deidara.


Seeing this, Deidara, directly detonated the C2 clay dragon, and suddenly the waterfall was cut off, the water dragon was shattered, and a deep pit remained in the ground.

Then Deidara, instead of attacking immediately, looked at Yu Gao and sighed and said: "It's really disappointing to me, I thought I could have an art showdown, but your art is not pure enough, then don't blame me!"

Yutaka was confused by Deidara's words, and then said, "I don't know what to do." "

Shui Duan. Strong acid foam! Yu

Gao picked up the flute, blew out countless emerald green foam, and attacked Deidara, and the emerald green foam under the sun looked beautiful.

But this bubble not only explodes, but it also contains strong acid from the six tails, which should not be underestimated.

Although obsessed with art, Deidara in the middle of the battle is very calm and cunning, and will not underestimate the opponent.

Looking at the foam that flew again, Deidara's hand quickly froze.

"Detonating clay. Little bird!

Deidara waved his hands, and countless small clay birds rushed towards the strong acid foam that flew in.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

There was another series of explosions, but pity this forest, the destruction was miserable, the acid left after the explosion of the strong acid foam fell on the trees, and constantly made a "nourishing" sound, which shows how acidic it is.

"You can't help me, give up!" Yu Gao looked at Deidara's attack method so single, and also relaxed a little, and looked at Deidara.

Deidara was a little annoyed and replied, "Don't underestimate my art!" "

Detonating clay. Gemini Snake! "

Detonating clay. Psychic art!

Deidara attacked again, and with one move, two clay giant pythons rushed towards Yugao.

Then a clay doppelganger was separated from the body, and rushed towards Yutaka after the clay python.

Under the control of Deidara, the clay giant python was like a real giant python, quickly passing through the ground, and instantly rushed to Yu Gao's body, and then at the same time flicked its tail to attack Yu Gao.

Yu Gao stepped on the ground and instantly dodged the attacking snake tail, but at this time Deidara's clay doppelganger also rushed up, holding a knife and slashing at Yu Gao in the air.

Yutaka had nowhere to borrow power in the air, so he could only hold the flute and hard take the knife of the clay doppelganger, and then was knocked to the ground.

At the moment when Yu Gao landed on the ground, the clay python under his feet exploded under Deidara's control.


Hataka was engulfed in the explosion.

But the smoke and dust cleared, and Yutaka was only slightly injured, because at the moment when the clay giant python exploded, Yutaka entered the tailed beast coat mode.

The six-tailed Chakra, covered with his body, fended off most of the explosion damage for him.

"It's me underestimating you, but you won't have another chance!"

Hataka looked at Deidara, roared, and then attacked Deidara directly.

"Uyi. Lotus leaf foam! "

Yu Gao, who was in the state of the tailed beast's coat, was like condensing the tailed beast jade, condensing a huge foam in front of him, round and sticky and containing strong acid, and then quickly flew towards Deidara.

"Detonating clay. Centipede! "

Detonating clay. Two-winged bird! "

Detonating clay. Grasshopper!

Deidara sensed the dangerous aura contained in this unusual bubble, and quickly threw clay bombs to resist.

However, as soon as these clay bombs came into contact with the lotus leaf foam, they were directly corroded and dissolved by the strong acid in it, and the explosion failed.

Seeing that the lotus leaf foam was about to rush to his side, Deidara gritted his teeth and made that move.

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