The feather master's hand made a seal, and a hideous water dragon flew out and attacked Payne.

The cave entrance was narrow and difficult to perform, and Payne's figure exploded and exited the cave.

Then Payne's hand was sealed, and a figure suddenly appeared, blocking Payne's body.

"Seal the technique to suck out!"

The fierce water dragon that attacked was directly absorbed by this figure and did not cause any damage to Payne.

This figure is the Hungry Ghost Dao of Payne's Six Dao.

Payne looked at Yu Gao and said lightly: "Don't struggle, just obediently tie up your hands!"

"To create a new world, we need you."

"Nope... It's a tailed beast that needs inside you!

"I take it, Rokuo!"

Listening to Payne's words, Yutaka did not have the idea of fighting, and directly rushed out of the cave to leave.

But at this time, another figure appeared behind Payne, it was Asura Dao, and he saw that he raised his hand and several missiles shot towards Yu Gao's front.




Countless trees in the mountains and forests fell under the bombardment of missiles, and Hataka's front road was also blocked.

Hataka kept dodging, and his hand also quickly sealed the seal, releasing ninjutsu to resist.

"Shui Duan. Water Array Wall! "

Shui Duan. Iron shells! "

Shui Duan. Water Rush! The

smoke cleared, and Yu Gao was half kneeling on the ground, seemingly unharmed.


But immediately after, Yu Gao Yangtian roared angrily, directly entered the tailed beast coat mode, and as soon as it came up, it was six tails coming out in unison.

"Have you finally come up with your real skills?" Payne looked at Yu Gao in the state of the tailed beast's coat and said, "This is the power we want."

Yutaka didn't reply, roared angrily, and the six chakra tails behind him were pumped directly towards Payne.



Payne's six figures flashed in succession, directly dodging the sweeping tail.

Then Asura Dao directly unscrewed his right hand, revealing the hidden cannon barrel inside.

Hell Dao was sealed in his hand, and a huge Hades appeared behind him.


The Beast Dao also directly sealed and summoned a huge chameleon.

"Let's go!"

Payne gave an order, and the other five attacked Hataka together.

Seeing this, Hataka waved his tail again and flung it towards the human road, but the tail was nailed to the ground by the human road sword.

Yu Gao was furious, and when he opened his mouth, he spewed out an explosive foam towards the Human Dao, but he was still absorbed by the Hungry Ghost Dao that appeared in time.

Hataka was about to attack again, but his figure was pulled uncontrollably into the air.

At this time, the traces of the chameleon appeared behind Yu Gao, and it turned out that the chameleon hid its figure and dived near Yu Gao, and then bound it with its long tongue.

"Caught it?" Payne looked at this scene with some doubts, but it was too relaxed.

"Dissolve the coat!"

At this moment, the crimson tailed beast Chakra shrouded outside Yu Gao's body suddenly turned dark blue, and then turned into a swimming fish, got rid of the shackles of the chameleon dragon's tongue, and rushed directly towards the Hungry Ghost Dao and the Human Dao.

Yu Gao's speed was too fast, there was no time to react, and almost instantly, the Hungry Ghost Dao and the Human Dao were directly pierced by Yu Gao and fell to the ground.

The chameleon stuck out its tongue again and bundled towards Hataka, but it was burned by the Chakra outside Hataka's body, and immediately released it.

But the Asura Dao and the Beast Dao had already taken the opportunity to pull the Hungry Ghost Dao and the Human Dao back to Payne's side, and then threw these two into the mouth of Hades behind the Hell Dao.

Hades will repair these two, and then spit them out intact, just temporarily losing their combat power.

Unrestrained, Yu Gao landed on all four paws, his six tails constantly waving behind him, and his eyes were fixed on Tendo Payne, ready to attack at any time.

"That's like words!"

Although the Hungry Ghost Dao and the Human Dao could no longer fight, Payne did not panic at all, looking at Yu Gao's appearance and said lightly.

Then the figure of Heavenly Dao Payne floated from the tree to the ground, landing on the glade in the forest not far in front of Yu Gao's body.

"Come on! Six Tails! Yu

Gao's figure flashed when he heard this, and he rushed directly towards Payne.

Payne waved his right hand forward.

"Shinra Heavenly Sign!"

Yu Gao seemed to hit an invisible qi wall, his figure solidified, and he was directly ejected in the next second.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Yugaku, who flew upside down, broke more than a dozen trees in a row before stopping, and then Yutaka directly controlled his tail, rolled up the fallen trees and threw them towards Payne.

Payne waved his hand, and the flying tree stopped in front of him, and then fell weakly to the ground.

Yutaka, on the other hand, followed the tree and rushed towards Payne.


Payne jumped into the sky to dodge Hataka's attack, and Hataka slapped him on the ground.

Then Payne in the sky casually threw out six black rods and nailed the six tails of Yu Gao to the ground.

The power coming from the black rod made Yutaka lose control of his body.

At this time, Asura Dao, who had been standing on the side for a long time, launched an attack.

"Giant missile!"

"Weapons in the body!"

First of all, the back of the Asura Road unfolded, a launch pad stood out, and more than a dozen giant missiles blasted towards Yugao.

Then, immediately afterwards, the head of the Asura Dao opened, and the chakra in the body condensed in the head, releasing a chakra energy cannonball like a laser cannon, and blasted towards Yu Gao together.

"Boom !!!!"

The place where Hataka was located was washed by missiles, the earth was cracked, and even groundwater flowed out.

The smoke and dust cleared, Yutaka had recovered his true body, and lay dying on the ground.

And the Hades behind the Hell Dao opened his mouth, and the restored Human Dao and the Hungry Ghost Dao came out.

Yutaka no longer had any possibility of resisting and escaping.

Hataka, who fell to the ground, struggled to pick up his flute and blew out a bubble with the last chakra on his body.

"Shui Duan. Messaging bubble! Then

he said his last words.

"Hotaru... You must... Live well..." Then

the feather master loosened, the flute fell to the ground, the whole person was already unconscious, and the last transmission bubble flew higher and higher, floating into the sky.

Payne looked at the last foam of Yu Gao, did not stop it, let out a low sigh, let the hungry ghost Dao carry the unconscious Yu Taka on his back, turned away, and walked in the direction of the Land of Rain.

The transmission bubble floated farther and farther, and finally floated to the earth spider Hotaru in the earth spider tribe.

Earth Spider Hotaru looked at this bubble, recognized at a glance that it was a bubble blown by his master, and immediately reached out and took it.

At the moment when Earth Spider Hotaru's hand touched the transmission foam, the foam shattered, and Hataka's last words sounded in Earth Spider Hotaru's ears.

"Hotaru... You must... Live well..." The

earth spider firefly instantly burst into tears.

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