Land of Thunder, Yunyin Village, Yunlei Gap.

Chirabi was ordered by the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Eller to stay in the Cloud Thunder Gorge, these three or five days are fine, this stay for a month or two, Chirabi feels that he is going crazy.

"Hehe, Kirabi is really unhappy, big brother, he won't let me travel."

"Staying in Yunlei Gorge every day is like going to prison, I must find a way to run out, hehe!"

Kirabi practiced his rap, thinking about running out.

The two Yunyin guarding Chirabi at the exit of Yunlei Gorge are full of helplessness, and it is really uncomfortable to listen to Chirabi rap here every day.

But they didn't realize that at this moment, Chirabi had touched their side.


Kirabi grabbed the two and slammed them into the middle, and the two Yunyin fainted directly.

"Oh roar!"

"Hehe, I'm really happy that the plan succeeded, no one can stop me Yaoi Kirabi, Yohe!"

Chirabi didn't stay much and ran directly out of Yunyin Village, and he was really crazy for a while.

After a long time, the two Yunyin guards came to their senses.

Hurriedly ran into the Cloud Thunder Gorge and searched for a circle, but there was no trace of Chirabi for a long time.

"Ah, Lord Chirabi ran away!"

"What to do? Lord Lei Ying will definitely punish!

"Then there is no way, we can only blame ourselves for being too careless, and we still have to report this matter to Lord Lei Ying."

"That's right, let's go, I have to tell Lord Lei Ying about this quickly!"

The two Yunyin ninjas hurriedly ran towards the Thunder Shadow Building and reported to the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Ai about Kirabi's escape.


The Land of Thunder, Yunyin Village, in the office of Thunder Shadow.

"What?!" The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai slapped the table and stood up, with a fierce momentum, looked at the two Yunyin ninjas in front of him and said: "You guys said that Kirabi knocked you unconscious and escaped?!" The

two Yunyin ninjas looked at the fierce fourth-generation Thunder Shadow Ai, and stammered back, "No... That's right, Lord Thunder Shadow, odd... Lord Chirabi, he fled! "

Waste! You two waste! The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai pointed at the two Yunyin ninjas and cursed, spitting all over.

The two Yunyin stood trembling on the side, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

After scolding a few words, the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai said to the two: "You guys let me go down!" Go and collect the penalty yourself! "


The two Yunyin ninjas were amnestied, quickly nodded yes, and left the Thunder Shadow office.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai watched the two walk out of Lei Ying's office, and then shouted.


In an instant, a cloud shadow appeared in the office of Thunder Shadow, half-kneeling on the ground.

"Lord Thunder Shadow!"

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai looked at the cloud hidden dark part in front of him and said sharply: "Send me two teams of dark parts, go find Kirabi, and bring him back to me!"

"If he doesn't want to come back, you tell him, if he doesn't come back, I'll personally strike and beat him to death!"

When Yunyin Dark Department heard this, he bowed his head and replied, "Yes!" Then

he quickly left the Thunder Shadow office and went to arrange for the Dark Squad to find Kirabi.

But what no one found out was that everything that happened in this Yunyin Village was seen by Bai Jue, who was hidden underground, and then Bai Jue transmitted information to Hei Jue.


Land of Rain, Rain Hidden Village, Central Tower.

After successfully capturing the six-tailed man, Zhu Liyugao, Payne immediately rushed back to Yuyin Village.

Other members of the Xiao organization also returned one after another and successfully completed the task.

Obito and Dried Persimmon Ghost Fish set off a lot of storms in the Land of Earth, and Dry Persimmon Ghost Fish successfully captured the four-tailed human pillar Li Lao Zi and the five-tailed man Zhu Li Han with his own strength.

One of the two people's pillar force is magma-like melting, and the other is the ability of steam high temperature, which is just restrained by the water escape of the dried persimmon ghost mackerel.

Obito turned into salted fish that can only shout "six six six" all the time, and paddled next to the dried persimmon ghost mackerel.

Only when the last three generations of Tokage Onoki chased after him and prepared to strike, he opened the space-time ninjutsu and dodged a damage with the dried persimmon oniki, and then immediately fled.

Payne looked at the two and said rare words of condolence.

"Good work you guys! Nandou, Jade Girl, well done!

Obito replied with a giggle: "It's okay, this is what we should do, this is all thanks to Nandou seniors, I'm just a newcomer, and I'm just playing soy sauce." The

dried persimmon ghost mackerel didn't say much, just nodded slightly.

Deidara looked at Obito's appearance, feeling a little unhappy, but did not say anything.

After all, only he failed this mission, and he still relied on the leader himself to capture the six-tailed human pillar force, which was really faceless.

Suzaku and Hokuto also managed to capture the seven-tailed man Pillar Reve, and looking at the girl who was in a coma, there was nothing unbearable in Payne's eyes, only calm and indifference.

Obito looked at Payne and did not mention Deidara, as if deliberately provoking trouble, he asked: "Qinglong senior, has your task not been completed?"

Deidara's face changed instantly, and he replied coldly: "The six-tailed human pillar force has been successfully captured, and other things don't need to be talked about by you, a newcomer."

Obito said with a mean look: "Although I am a newcomer, my task has been successfully completed, it seems that your art is not very good at senior."

Deidara was instantly enraged by Obito, and said sharply: "Newcomer, do you want to try my art?"

Payne looked at the noisy duo below and said, "Okay!

"You two stop arguing!"

"Who's making a fuss, blame me for not being polite!"

Deidara looked at Obito and snorted coldly, not speaking.

Obito listened to Payne's words, looked at Deidara's angry appearance, smiled and didn't say anything more.

Payne looked at the quieted Xiao organization everyone, turned to Hei Jue who was standing on the side, and asked: "Jue, over there in Yunyin Village, does the eight-tailed person Zhuli have any new information?"

Hei Jue nodded and replied in a deep voice: "Chief, I was about to tell you about this. "

According to the intelligence transmitted back by the doppelganger I left behind in Yunyin Village, the eight-tailed man Zhuliqi rabbi knocked out the guards guarding the Yunlei Gorge and escaped."

"Although it is said that the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Aiye sent the Cloud Shadow Shadow Shadow Department to look for the traces of Kirabi, but I discovered Chirabi before them, this is an opportunity."

Payne nodded when he heard this, and said: "Very good, absolutely, you did a very good job this time."

Then he turned to all the members of the Xiao Organization below and said, "Although the eight-tailed human pillar force has left Yunyin Village now, we may still encounter the Yunyin ninja at any time.

"And if you want to capture Yao, the movement created must be not small, and Yunyin Village is likely to send people to support."

"So I decided that this mission to capture the pillar power of the eight-tailed people, we know that all the members of the organization will be dispatched, do you have any problems?!"

Everyone in the Xiao organization listened to Payne's words and said that there was no problem.

Deidara is even more geared, ready to show off his skills in this mission and show off his art.

Payne looked at everyone in the Xiao Organization and said in a straight voice.

"Very good! Without further ado, let's do it now!


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