"Lord Thunder Shadow!"

After the entire Xiao organization evacuated, the ninjas who rushed to support Yunyin Village were belated, and they couldn't help but exclaim when they looked at the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow lying on the ground without dying.

A ninja who was good at medical ninjutsu quickly flashed to the side of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow in an instant, inquiring about his physical condition.

"How is Lord Lei Ying?!"

The squad leader of the ninja class in Yunyin Village looked at the medical ninja and asked eagerly.

The Yunyin Medical Ninja replied with a sigh of relief: "This is fortunate that Lord Lei Ying's body is strong, and if it were someone else, he would have died a long time ago."

"Although there is no danger to life, Lord Lei Ying's condition is also very serious, and with the medical condition of our village, it will take at least three months to cultivate!"

The leader of Yunyin's squad also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's good that Lord Lei Ying is not in danger of life, but it seems that Lord Kirabi has been captured by the enemy.

Then the leader of Yunyin's ninja squad turned to the ninja behind him and said, "You guys go clean up the battlefield and bring back the corpses of the ninja in the village."

"Let's take a step first and send Lord Lei Ying back to the village first."

The Yunyin ninja bowed his head and said, "Yes!" "


Land of Fire, Konoha Village, Hokage Office.

Tsunade looked at the information that had just been transmitted from the dark department, and his brows furrowed.

"The Xiao Organization actually succeeded in capturing the eight-tailed man Zhu Liqi Rabi, and even the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow was seriously injured and unconscious."

"The strength of this Xiao organization is already a little beyond its control, if they come to Konoha, will Reilo-kun be able to successfully protect Naruto from being captured?"

"How about letting Lei Luojun take Naruto to find a deserted place to hide first?"

"No, in case it's discovered, it's not worse!"

The more Tsunade thought about it, the more headache he felt, but he couldn't think of any good way to deal with it.

"Forget it, let's ask Lei Luojun to discuss!"


With Tsunade's shout, the dark ninja on duty in the Naruto Building appeared in Naruto's office in an instant.

It's a pity that the ninja on duty today is not Xiyan, just an ordinary dark squad leader.


The Dark Squad Leader greeted respectfully, waiting for Tsunade's instructions.

"You go to the Relo Psychic Beast Shop, inform the elite Shang Shinobi Relo to come to the Hokage office, just say that I have something to find him!" Tsunade looked at the dark part in front of him and spoke.


As soon as the words fell, the leader of the dark squad left the Hokage office directly in an instant.

Not long after, the Dark Squad Leader returned to Hokage's office with Relo.

"Very good, you go down first!"

Tsunade waved his hand at the Dark Squad Leader and said.


The Dark Squad Leader left Hokage's office and returned to his duty post.

Relo waited until the Dark Squad Leader left, looked at Tsunade and asked, "Tsunade-sama, are you looking for me for something?"

Tsunade looked at Relo and did not answer directly, but instead asked Relo a question.

"Reilo-kun, how is Naruto doing?"

Relo listened to Tsunade's question, and knew what Tsunade was looking for him for, and if nothing else, it must be the organization's business.

Relo smiled and replied, "Naruto has been doing well recently, and his strength has improved very quickly, and he just came back from a mission with Kakashi yesterday.

Tsunade sighed when he heard this and said, "Reilo-kun, don't let Naruto go out on a mission again recently, I'll talk to Kakashi later."

"Let's just say that they have done so many tasks and given them a period of time off."

Relo nodded and replied, "No problem, but Tsunade-sama, what happened?"

Tsunade said: "The people of the Xiao Organization went to the Land of Thunder to capture the eight-tailed human pillar force, and also beat the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow into a state of serious injury and coma, and has not come to his senses so far. "

The next target of the Xiao Organization must be the Nine Tails inside Naruto's body, so don't let Naruto go out again recently."

Sure enough, I didn't expect Nagato's progress to be so fast, but this guy from Nagato hasn't sent information to himself, is it because he hasn't returned to Yunyin Village, or is there some other change?

Then Relo said to Tsunade-sama, "Tsunade-sama, don't worry, I will protect Naruto, the Abby combination is just my defeated subordinates, if I make a move, the Abby combination will not survive."

"With my strength, I am enough to deal with the Xiao Organization!"

Tsunade felt a little relieved when he heard this, nodded and said, "Lei Luojun, I believe in your strength, but you better pay more attention."

Lei Luo nodded and didn't say anything more, after all, all the arrangements behind this can't be known to others now, but he can now notify the water gate to take out the nine tails in his body.

Then take time to go to Yuyin Village, I don't know how I will react if I take the soil to see me.

Tsunade looked at Relo and said, "Then let's do this first, Reilo-kun, you go back first."

Hearing this, Relo retreated, turned and walked out of the Hokage's office.


Just as the country of fire received the news, the country of wind, the country of earth, and the country of water also received the news.

But for these three countries, their tailed beasts have been snatched away, and hearing this news only adds another worry, and they want to know what the organization collects the tailed beasts for.

Another week passed, and in the Yunyin Village of the Land of Thunder, the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai finally woke up.

After the fourth generation of Lei Yingai came to his senses, he gave an order to Darui beside him.

"Darui, you go to contact the other four powers, as well as the general of the Iron Country, Mifune, I want to hold the Five Shadows Conference, the place is set in the Iron Country, the purpose of this meeting is to fight the Xiao Organization!" The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai said sharply.

Darui looked at the angry fourth-generation Lei Ying Ai, nodded and replied, "Yes!" Lord Thundershadow! Then

Darui walked out of the ward and arranged for someone to contact and inform the other four powers and the Iron Country, and the other guardian of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Ai, Nozomi, remained in the ward, protecting the safety of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow.

"Than, I will definitely avenge you!" The fourth generation of Lei Yingai, who was still lying on the hospital bed to cultivate, thought of Kirabi, who was captured by the Xiao Organization, and knew that he must be less fierce.

Soon after, the other four powers and the Iron Country agreed to Thunder Kage's proposal and agreed to convene the Five Kage Conference, which would be presided over by Mifune as a neutral.

The meeting was scheduled for a month later.


A month later, the five shadows of the five major countries had rushed to the capital of the Iron Country with their escorts, and although the fourth generation of thunder shadows was still wrapped in bandages, they were not harmed, and they recovered with a strong physique.

Then, under the arrangement of Mifune, the great general of the Iron Country, everyone came to a black tower, which is the location of the Five Kage Conference.

"I, General Mifune of the Iron Country, preside over this Five Kage Conference as a neutral country, and I hope that you can talk calmly."

"I announce... The Five Shadows Festival has officially begun! "

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