"Please put all the five shadows' cloaks in front!"

With the words of the Great General of the Iron Country, Mifune, the five shadows took off the cloak that represented their identity and placed it on the table in front of him.

The guards of the shadows stood in the curtain behind the five shadows, staying there quietly, and on this occasion, they only came to see, and had no right to speak at all.

Hokage Tsunade's guards are Senju Rope Tree and Uchiha Shisui, which represent the two major families that established Konoha Village, and these two of them happen to be disciples of Relo, which is really wonderful.

Lei Yingai's guards, like in the original book, are Darui and Nozomi.

Mizukage Terumi's guard, there is no change, it is Chojuro who has grown up, and Blue with a white eye of Hinata.

Although Kazekage's guards have not changed, they are still Temari and Kankuro, but Kazekage is not I Ai Luo, but the agent Kazekage Kaizozo.

After all, the strength of Sand Hidden Village is not strong in the first place, and there is no one who can take on the responsibilities of Wind Shadow now, so I can only temporarily act as an agent of Kai Laozang, hoping that in the future, Kankuro and Temari can grow up as soon as possible and take over the heavy responsibility of Wind Shadow.

Tsuchikage Onoki's guards are still Kurotsuchi and Akachi, allowing the young man to see the world, and he already has the idea of letting Kurotsuchi take over.

Then Mifune continued: "In response to Lord Leikage's call, the Five Kages are gathered here at this moment, and now the Five Kage talks have officially begun. As

soon as Mifune's words fell, the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai took the lead and said: "I'll say it first, you all listen to me!"

But the other shadows are not the kind of obedient people, and the three generations of Tokage Onoki directly interjected and said: "Oh, the change in the five shadows is really big, is there no one in Sand Hidden Village?" Even Hai Laozang, you can even hold the position of acting wind shadow. Agent

Wind Shadow Sea Laozang said lightly: "Lord Tuying, if there is anyone in our Shayin Village and we don't need to tell you, but I think your Yanyin Village is the one who is gone."

"If I'm not mistaken, Lord Tsuchikage, you are much older than me, and you have been staying in the position of Tsuchikage with a thick face, so let's retire early!"

The third generation of Tokage Onoki's face became a lot gloomy when he heard this, and he was about to say something, but was interrupted by the fifth generation of water shadow Terumi Miyu spoke.

Terumi looked at the two old men and said, "Lord Tsuchikage, Lord Kazekage, please don't interrupt anymore."

Then he turned his head to the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai and said, "Lord Lei Ying, please continue." After

the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow was seriously injured, his temper was a little better, and he nodded after listening to Zhao Meiyu's words, and then spoke: "Now except for Konoha, the people in other villages have been captured by the Xiao Organization, although we don't know what their purpose is for the time being, but the Xiao Organization is a very dangerous existence."

"After all, it is already a little late to start joining forces after the pillars of all countries have been taken away." The third generation of Tokage Onoki said: "The human pillar power in the ninja village of the five major countries has been taken away, and if other countries are let know, it is simply a great shame, and it is common sense to secretly recycle." The

fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai slapped the table and stood up, and roared angrily at the third generation of Tokage Onoki: "I've put up with you for a long time, do you think I have a good temper as a Thunder Shadow?!"

"I'm still thinking about face, it's really a pedantic idea, you're old, and it's really not suitable to be a shadow anymore!"

As soon as Onoki heard this, his face suddenly became gloomy, he was originally a grumpy person, how could he endure being said by the shadows of other countries when these five shadows talked.

Onoki said in a deep voice: "How can the old man be a soil shadow, I don't need you to say, even if your father is still there, he won't talk to the old man like this!" As

soon as the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai heard this, they all wanted to rush directly over and kill this old man.

Wasn't his father, the third generation of Thunder Kage, ambushed by the ninja of Iwahide Village, and died of exhaustion after three days and three nights of fighting, and now Onoki even dared to confront his father in front of him.

But at this time, Shui Ying Zhaomei spoke, so that the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai temporarily suppressed the anger.

Terumi spoke: "Whether it is pedantic or not, as a water shadow, I admit that we are too passive.

"But even if the tailed beast is taken, it will not become an immediate threat, and controlling the tailed beast requires technology, knowledge and time."

Onoki nodded when he heard this, and said: "That's right, the human pillar force must grow with the tailed beast and adapt to each other, even if you want to control it like that, it is difficult to control, and you must not be careless.

Then he turned to Hai Laozang and said, "I'm right, Your Excellency Acting Wind Shadow." "

Because of the intelligence, they all know that the people of Shayin Village are the most unstable, and I Ai Luo often fell into violent walks in Shayin Village before, causing a lot of casualties to the village.

Although he knew that Onoki was provoking himself, Kai Laozang did not answer.

At this time, Tsunade, who had not spoken, began to speak, because Konoha was the most vocal in controlling the tailed beasts, after all, the tailed beasts in the first villages were assigned by the original Hokage.

Tsunade said flatly: "You know, the only ones who can really perfectly control the tailed beast are my grandfather, the first Hokage Senjukuma and Uchiha Madara Madara .

"Or you can add the former Mizukage Yakura and Lord Rakage's younger brother Killer Bee Kirabi."

Hearing Tsunade mention Kirabi, the fourth generation of Thunder Kage Ai couldn't help but clench his fists, and then slammed down on the table in front of him.

"Less verbosity here!" The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai roared.

The guards of the shadows behind the curtain also saw this scene.

"Stop the water!" Senju Rope Tree called Uchiha beside him to stop the water, and then the next moment he rushed into the field and blocked in front of Tsunade.

The guards of the other shadows also rushed down at the same time, and the situation in the field suddenly became anxious.

The shadow guards were all guarding against each other, but no one really took the lead.

Mifune, the Grand General of the Iron Country, who presided over the meeting, sighed when he saw this scene, and broke the solemn atmosphere with his words.

"Everyone, this is a place for discussion, please discipline yourself if you behave impolitely."

When Tsunade heard this, he also said to the rope tree and the water stop in front of him: "Retreat, rope tree, stop the water!" Rope

Tree and Shisui turned to look at Tsunade, then nodded, lifted their defensive posture, and returned behind Tsunade.

"You guys stand down too, Temari, Kankuro!" Hai Laozang said.

Terumi also spoke: "Chojuro and Qing, it's okay!"

Onoki didn't say much, just gave Akato and Kurotsuchi a look, and they also retreated behind Onoki.

Seeing this, the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai snorted coldly, and then sat down again and sat back in the chair.

Darui and Nozomi also lifted their guard and retreated to their positions.

Then Mifune saw that the situation had calmed down, so he spoke again.

"Guys, please continue the discussion!"

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