While the Five Kage talks were going on, Relo also left Konoha and headed for Yuyin Village.

The Nine Tails in the body of the Wave Feng Shui Gate had been extracted by him and sealed into a special sealing container, and then he revived the Wave Feng Shui Gate again.

However, this time, he did not let the wave feng shui gate leave Konoha again, but instead let the wave feng shui gate protect Naruto first in case something happened.

And when he returns from Yuyin Village, Bofeng Shuimen no longer needs to hide his identity.

By the time Relo came to Yuyin Village, Konan, who had already waited there, had already conveyed the news to Nagato in advance.

"Beauty, long time no see!" Lei Luo obviously didn't have any pressure, looking at Xiao Nan and having the mind to laugh a few words.

But Xiao Nan was very cold, and said to Lei Luo: "The leader is waiting for you, follow me!"

Then Lei Luo followed Xiao Nan into Yuyin Village and came to the top of the central tower.

At this time, there was only Payne in the center tower.

"Lei Luojun, are you here?" Payne looked at Relo and said.

Lei Luo nodded, then pulled a chair and sat down, and said, "Have you already captured Ichio to Yao on your side?"

Payne nodded and said, "That's right, the mission on my side has been completed, what about your Nine Tails?"

Lei Luo said with a smile: "Don't worry, the Nine Tails are ready, but I want to ask you how far you have absorbed now?"

Payne's expression remained unchanged, and he said coldly: "Of course, it has been all absorbed, as long as I absorb the Nine Tails again, I can successfully resurrect the Ten Tails." "

The human pillar power from one tail to eight tails, after being captured by Payne, has already extracted the tailed beast in his body through the nine seals of the phantom dragon and was absorbed by the outer path golem.

Now as long as he absorbs the Nine Tails in Lei Luo's hand, the Ten Tails can be successfully resurrected.

Lei Luo nodded, and then took out a sealing scroll from his body, and the container that sealed half of the nine tails was sealed in this scroll.

Then Relo looked at Payne and said, "This is the Nine Tails."

"As a collaborator, I remind you one last word, be careful."

As soon as the words fell, Leiluo's body dissipated directly, leaving only the sealing scroll on the chair.

It turned out that Lei Luo was afraid of something going wrong, and did not enter Yuyin Village with his real body at all, but separated a shadow doppelganger with the Nine Tails to meet Payne.

Payne had already discovered this, and originally he was thinking of trying to see if he could leave Relo behind, but he dismissed the idea when he saw that it was just a shadow doppelganger.

But Leiluo's last words still made Nagato raise some vigilance against Kurojie in his heart, but he didn't care much, because he always thought that the eye of reincarnation was his own, and he couldn't think that it was someone else's eye of reincarnation placed on him.


Xiao Nan heard Payne's shout and walked in from outside, but saw that there was only Payne alone in the center tower.

So Xiao Nan opened his mouth and asked, "Payne, is there something going on?" What about Relo from Konoha Village?

Payne replied, "He's gone, you go and gather the others, ready to absorb the Nine Tails!"

Xiao Nan nodded, then turned and walked out.


Iron Country, the venue of the Five Kage Conference, the Five Kage talks are still going on.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai scanned the circle and spoke: "The Xiao organization was formed by the rebels from various villages.

Then he turned his head to look at Onoki and said, "Not only that, I have also investigated, and some of you have used the Xiao Organization.

"So, I don't trust you!"

Hai Laozang asked puzzled, "Use the Xiao Organization?" What's going on? After

all, he and Chiyo have been in seclusion for a long time, and although they are now in control of the village, there are still many things in the past that have not yet been understood.

Hearing this, Onoki leaned back and said lightly: "Now that the big countries are basically stable, arms reduction has gradually replaced arms expansion, tensions between countries have eased, and the threat of war has been reduced.

"For the country, the ninja village, which exists as a military force, becomes a heavy financial burden."

"Having said that, casually reducing the size of the Ninja Village comes with corresponding dangers, and if a war breaks out, relying on inexperienced ninjas will definitely cause problems, and then the war will be lost."

Hai Laozang immediately understood when he heard this, nodded and said: "So, in order to avoid risks, one of the methods is to hire mercenary groups to know the organization?"

Onoki replied, "That's right!

"It takes effort and money to cultivate excellent ninjas in your own village, and the Xiao Organization, which makes a living from war, is an active expert group, and it can undertake the war at a low price and get the best benefits."

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai interrupted Onoki's words when he heard this, and said, "Don't say something nice, Tokage!"

"But the most suspicious thing is the fog!"

When Zhaomei heard this, he raised his head and looked directly at the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai looked at Zhao Mei and said unabashedly: "You guys don't engage in diplomacy, and there are also rumors that you are the source of the Xiao Organization!"

When Zhaomei heard this, he said, "Since I am here, I will be honest." Qing

Wenyan behind the curtain was surprised, "Lord Mizukage, is she going to tell that matter?"

Then, Terumi was heard continue, "The former fourth generation Mizukage Yakura, we suspect that he is likely to be manipulated by someone else, and that person is likely to come from the Knower Organization.

"So, we didn't want to make things big before..." The

fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai snorted coldly and said, "It's all a mountain of raccoon!"

Onoki said with a bad face: "Pay attention to words and deeds! Thunder Shadow!

"After all, in this era of reduced armaments, you are still desperate to expand, chase power, and collect ninjutsu, which has led us to hire the Xiao Organization in order to resist."

"What did you say?!" The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai stood up directly when he heard this.

But Tsunade spoke up.

"Stop arguing, give me quiet! Since I came here to discuss cooperation, now is not the time to pursue responsibility.

Then Mifune coughed a few times and spoke, "Everyone, Your Excellency Hokage is right, since everyone gathered here with great difficulty, they are all here for cooperation.

"From the standpoint of a neutral country, how about let me say a few words?!"

"The leader of the Xiao organization grasps the trend of the times and expands his strength by exploiting the distrust hidden in the stability of various countries."

"However, misfortune and misfortune depend on each other, and it is rare for the five shadows to gather together."

"I propose that while dealing with the problems of the Xiao Organization, how about temporarily putting aside the problems of the past and forming a joint army of the five major ninja villages that is the first in the world?"

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