So Relo took the two to the Hokage's office.

Tsunade was still wondering why Relo had brought the two Dark Men over.

But then the two dark parts took off the masks on their faces, and Tsunade looked at the impossible face and suddenly fell into shock.

"You... "

Watergate, Jiu Xinnai, you are still alive?!"

"Illusion! Untie! Tsunade

thought he had been hit by the illusion, and Yuki tried to lift the illusion, but it had no effect.

Jiu Shinna looked at Tsunade's shocked appearance and laughed all of a sudden.

"Tsunade-sama, I'm not an illusion with Watergate!"

Tsunade calmed down for a long time before returning to his calm state.

Then Tsunade opened his mouth and asked, "Jiu Shinnai, Watergate, what the hell is going on?" Bo

Feng Shuimen smiled and replied, "It's all thanks to Lei Luojun, he successfully resurrected us!"

Tsunade turned his head to look at Relo-kun when he heard this, and asked, "Reilo-kun, you can actually be resurrected?!"

"When did you resurrect Watergate and Jousinnai?"

Relo looked at the shocked Tsunade and said with a smile: "Watergate's words, it has been a long time, and Naruto has already been revived before he was enrolled in the ninja school. "

Jiu Shinnai's words, probably the year Naruto graduated."

Tsunade heard this and asked, "Why didn't you tell me all the time?"

Relo replied: "Because Watergate their enemies are not clear, they cannot be exposed yet."

Tsunade nodded and said, "Now that you decided to let Watergate expose them, it means that you already know where the enemy was back then, right?"

"That's right, I already know where the man from the village is." Lei Luo replied, "He is now a member of the Xiao Organization.

"Is it the Xiao Organization again?" Tsunade muttered.

Then Tsunade came back to his senses, and said with a straight face: "The matter I came to you is also related to the Xiao Organization. "

At this Five Shadows Conference, the five great ninja villages have formed a joint army of the ninja world, and I have now been elected as the commander of the alliance."

"To call you is to ask you what we should do?"

When Lei Luo heard this, he said helplessly: "Why do you ask me about this kind of thing? Isn't this kind of strategic thing the most suitable for the people of the Nara family?

Tsunade smiled back, "Because after this war, I am ready to retire from the position of Hokage, and the sixth Hokage is you!"

"What?!" Now it was Relo's turn to be a little surprised, "Tsunade-sama, you Hokage did a good job, why did you abdicate?"

Tsunade replied, "It's been more than ten years since I succeeded Hokage, and I'm really tired.

"There is no one in the village other than me who is more powerful and qualified to serve as the Hokage than you."

"Actually, the fifth Hokage wanted you to be the one back then, but you were still too young at the time."

At this moment, the system that had not appeared for a long time suddenly spoke out.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for triggering the mission, one force!

"One Force: Successfully succeeded to the position of Hokage and took control of the Fire Nation."

"Mission Reward: God-level Draw Points*1."

Relo's eyes lit up when he looked at this task, this system is not here to send lottery points, as long as he agrees to Tsunade now, then inheriting the Hokage is not a certainty.

The system retorted: "Host, just inheriting the position of Hokage is not considered to complete the task, you still have to control the Fire Country."

Lei Luo replied with a smile in his heart: "System, this is even simpler, I will not be as pedantic as the traditional Hokage, since I am a Hokage, it is not easy to successfully control a Fire Country."

"If the daimyo is disobedient, control him directly, or change another obedient one."

The system listened to Leiluo's words, fell silent again, and no longer responded.

Tsunade looked at Relo, who had been lowering his head, thinking he was thinking, so he asked, "How is it?" Lei Luojun, how did you think about it?

Hearing this, Lei Luo raised his head and looked at Tsunade and said, "In that case, then I agree."

"After all, being a Hokage was a dream I had when I was at Ninja School."

Tsunade's face turned into a smile when he heard this, and he spoke: "Very good, then this Ninja World Alliance mission will be left to you to arrange."

Relo nodded and said, "Tsunade-sama, I have a proposal.

"What proposal, you say!" Tsunade replied.

Relo continued, "I hope to have Watergate serve as the leader of the Dark Division.

"After all, Watergate used to be a Hokage, and it is not easy to serve as a dark leader now, this is the most suitable position for Watergate."

Tsunade nodded when he heard this, "No problem, even if you don't say it, I will arrange a position for Watergate." "

The Dark Leader is indeed the right fit for Watergate."

"What about the Ninja Alliance?"

Lei Luo replied: "If you want to deal with the Xiao Organization, the combat power of the lower ninja level is not used at all, at the very least, it must be medium ninja.

"Now let's gather Shang Shinobu for a meeting!"

Tsunade nodded, and then sent the dark department to summon all the shinobi who were still in the village to come to the Hokage's office for a meeting.


Land of Rain, Rain Hidden Village.

In an underground space, all the members of the Xiao Organization gathered here, using the Phantom Dragon Nine Seal to absorb the Chakra of the Nine Tails, and transmit it to the body of the Dao Outer Dao Golem.

Now the progress has progressed to nine out of nine, and it will be successfully absorbed soon.

But at the moment when the Nine Tails were successfully absorbed, Nagato's mind had just relaxed, but he found that two figures appeared behind him.

Obito and Kuro!

"How did you two show up here?!" Nagato looked at the two with a cold expression.

Now all the members of the Xiao Organization should still be in the underground space, how could this Ah Fei He come to the location of his body.

Obito haha said with a smile: "Of course, we are here because of you, your task has been completed, there will be nothing for you next, and I should also recycle the eye of reincarnation."

Nagato said coldly, "What nonsense are you talking about!

Obito smiled and said, "You don't really think that this eye of reincarnation is your own, but now you can tell you that this eye of reincarnation is mine, and I personally pressed it for you."

"What the hell are you?" Nagato didn't believe it at all.

Obito replied lightly, "You can call me Uchiha Madara!"

Nagato snorted coldly and said, "How is it possible, Uchiha has long been dead for I don't know how many years!"

Obito replied, "If not, you can ask, he is the embodiment of my will."

Kuro replied, "That's right, I am indeed the will embodiment of Lord Uchiha. "

In the consciousness of Obito and Madara, Kuro is the will embodiment of Madara, and now that Kaguya has not been successfully resurrected, Kuro will naturally not reveal his true identity, and he is still playing this role.

"Since you already know my true identity, it's time to return the eye of reincarnation, don't force me to do it myself!" Obito said coldly.

How could Nagato hand over the eye of reincarnation like this, now that all the nine tailed beasts have been collected, seeing that his dream is about to be completed, how can he give up at this time.

"Then don't blame me!"

The next moment, Obito blatantly struck!

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