"Fire. Dragon Fire Art! "

Obito was directly sealed, and when he opened his mouth, a line of fire shot towards Nagato.

Nagato was unmoved, and his reincarnation eyes flashed, summoning the Hungry Ghost Dao and blocking it in front of him.

The Dragon Fire Art with Earth was easily devoured by the Hungry Ghost Dao.

"Didn't you say you were Uchiha Madara? Is that all you have? Nagato said coldly.

Since Obito and Kuro definitely wanted to make a move against him, then he naturally didn't have any thoughts of mercy from his subordinates.

"Asuras. Overlord Fist! "

I don't know when, Asura Dao has been summoned by Nagato, and instantly appeared behind Obito, swinging his giant fist and smashing down towards Obito.

But Obito did not dodge, this fist directly passed through Obito's body, smashed on the ground, and then Obito reflexively kicked the Asura Dao out.

"This space-time ninjutsu is really troublesome!" Nagato couldn't help but frown.

But Nagato is not panicked, even if this reincarnation eye is really Uchiha's, but now it is on him, with his strength, even Uchiha is not necessarily his opponent.

What's more, this Ah Fei in front of him is most likely not Uchiha at all.

Just after Obito kicked the Flying Asura Dao, a moment rushed towards Nagato's body.

The chain in his hand waved, and he pulled his head towards Nagato.

However, Nagato's body was able to use the full power of Payne's six paths, and with a wave of his right hand, the repulsion filled the space in front of him.

"Shinra Heavenly Sign!"

But Obito immediately used divine power, turning the void into reality, and the repulsion had no target at all, and this Shenluo Tianzheng was empty!

"I have already said that your reincarnation eye is mine, and I know his ability very well!" Obito said coldly.

Although Obito's words are false, his understanding of the eye of reincarnation is indeed true.

Hei had already made clear to him all the abilities of Nagato's reincarnation eye, as well as the shortcomings of his abilities.

At the moment when the repulsive force dissipated, turning the void into reality, the chain had already come to Nagato.

But the next moment, it was directly flashed by Nagato.

After all, Nagato does not only use the eye of reincarnation, he is a ninja who is not weak.

Although he dodged Obito's attack, Nagato couldn't help but frown.

First, because through the performance of Obito just now, it showed that he really knew his ability.

The second is that he already feels that his body is a little overwhelmed, and for so many years because of the drag of the eye of reincarnation, his body has been considered to be full of holes, and it is estimated that he will not be able to last for a few years.

This is now using the body to fight, and it is even more instantaneous to feel a sense of exhaustion welling up from the bottom of my heart.

But now that he sees the promise of success, he will never give up.

Forcibly picking up his spirits, he directly sealed the seal and summoned all the six paths of Payne.

"Psychic arts. Cerberus! As

soon as the Beast Dao appeared, it directly summoned a three-headed vicious dog shrouded in flames.

When the hellhound opened its mouth, a flame sprayed towards Obito.

But he was easily dodged by Obito.

"You actually used fire in front of me?!" Obito sneered, "Let you see what is the real fire!" "

Fire. The fire is extinguished! Obito

opened his mouth and vomited, and the entire space turned into a sea of fire, the air was constantly distorted, and the feeling of heat rushed to his face.

Nagato knew that he could no longer stay in this space, which was too restrictive for the Asura Dao.

The Hungry Ghost Dao blocked in front of Nagato, resisting and absorbing this sea of fire, and Asura Dao smashed the wall with a punch, flashing out with Nagato's body.

Seeing this, Obito directly followed in an instant.

Just out of the room, a giant missile flew towards him.


The giant missile exploded in an instant, destroying the entire room.

But Obito had already hid in space the moment the giant missile exploded.

When he reappeared in front of Nagato, he was still unharmed.

"Asura said. Three heads and six arms! "

The Asura Dao instantly changed into a living weapon, and the various weapons in the body were exposed, directly attacking the soil.

But just when Asura Dao was about to rush to Obito's body, he suddenly stopped, and then fell to the ground.

It turned out that when Nagato was controlling Payne Rokudō and Obito to fight, Kuro had already taken the opportunity to dive underground and came to Payne's feet.

With the art of mayflies, Kuroji perfectly blended into the earth, without revealing the slightest breath, and Nagato did not find him at all during the battle.

As a result, Nagato was successfully attacked by the black and stabbed into the heart.

"Yahiko, Konan, I'm sorry... Seemingly... I can't realize our dreams..." Nagato's

consciousness faded, and then he fell into darkness.

Obito looked at Hei Jue and said with a smile: "Hei Jue, good job!"

Then a momentary figure came directly to Nagato's body, reaching out and ready to gouge out Nagato's reincarnation eye.

But at this moment, a harsh shout came from behind him.

"Nagato !!"


Just as Obito and Kuro Nagato were making a move, the Ninja World United Army was finally formed.

The five great ninja villages have all sent the elites of the village, ready to eliminate the Xiao organization once and for all.

The supreme commander of the Ninja World United Army this time is naturally the fifth generation of Hokage Tsunade, who has already been decided.

The general staff of the coalition army became Leiluo, and his subordinates led the ninjas of the Nara clan, as well as Azabui and others from Yunyin Village.

The commander of the coalition army is set as the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai.

The rest of the ninja members are basically unchanged from the original book, but almost half of them are missing.

Because at the request of Lei Luo, the members of the coalition are all ninjas above the middle ninja of the major ninja villages, and the strength of the lower ninja is only cannon fodder on the battlefield, increasing casualties.

The perception force is mainly responsible for sensing the enemy's position, and the captain is set as Hinata Hiashi, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, and the deputy captain is set as the Qing of the Mist Hidden Village.

For the sake of the overall situation, although Hinata Hiashi was very unhappy with the white eyes of Qing, he still accepted the arrangement.

The intelligence force is mainly responsible for receiving and transmitting intelligence, and the captain is the patriarch of the Yamanaka clan, Yamanaka Haichi, after all, the secret art of the Yamanaka clan is too suitable for transmitting intelligence.

The medical logistics unit, responsible for rescuing the wounded, this time Chiyo personally came to serve as the captain, after all, in terms of Chiyo's medical level, she should be second only to Tsunade.

The Daimyo Guard, a special unit established to protect the daimyo, is led by the fifth generation of Mizukage Terumi to prevent members of the Sho Organization from controlling or assassinating the daimyo.

As for the other tracking teams, surprise units, and the commanders of the major combat units, there are basically no major changes, all similar to the original work.

Perhaps this is the arrangement of the will of the world!

When the Ninja United Army was successfully formed, Tsunade, as the supreme commander, gave her first order.

"The army is up! Target the Land of Rain! "

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