The reason why Tsunade would march to the Land of Rain was entirely because of Relo's intelligence.

Under Tsunade's orders, the Ninja Alliance army marched to the border of the Land of Rain.

"First send an intelligence team to investigate the current situation in the Land of Rain."


The Land of Rain, Yuyin Village, now everything is under the control of Obito, who has become the new leader of the Xiao Organization.

Not long ago, when Obito and Kurojie successfully killed Nagato, even though Konan's arrival was already in time, he was still one step late.

Konan's eyes watched as Obito dug out Nagato's reincarnation eye.

In grief and indignation, Xiao Nan directly revealed the back hand she had prepared - 600 billion detonation charms.

She was already preparing to be buried for Nagato with the entire Yuyin Village.

However, she still did not succeed in detonating, and she was directly killed by Obito using a Kamui shuriken, leaving only a full of regret.

After Obito safely received everything from Xiao Organization, he took out one of his own kaleidoscopes and then transplanted a reincarnation eye.

In order to complete the unlimited monthly reading plan, this reincarnation eye must be fused.

Just when Obito had just successfully fused the eye of reincarnation in the secret room, Hei Jue appeared in front of him.

Looking at Hei Jue's anxious look, Obito asked suspiciously: "Hei Jue, what's wrong?"

Hei Jue looked at Obito who opened his eyes, and hurriedly said: "Now the situation is very bad, the Ninja World Alliance formed by the five major powers has rushed to the Land of Rain, and they already know our base.

Obito said lightly: "When Lei Luo came to the Land of Rain to cooperate with Nagato, you should have thought that there would be such a day. "

Although I don't know what Relo's purpose is and why he wants to help Nagato collect the tailed beast, he definitely has his own plans."

Hei Jue nodded and replied, "I know what you said, but I didn't expect that the Ninja World Alliance Army would be successfully formed so quickly, and the 100,000 Bai Jue army would have no time to wake up all of them."

Obito asked, "Then how many troops do we have now?"

Hei Ji replied, "In addition to these people from Xiao Organization and Yuyin Village, there are 20,000 Bai Jue, which I woke up in advance when Nagato and them absorbed the Nine Tails.

Obito smiled and said, "Enough! "

Although it is a coalition of the five major powers, their number may not be much larger than ours, and now that the Outer Path Golem has successfully absorbed the Nine Tailed Beasts, his strength is very strong."

"Moreover, Bai Jue can also transform into ninjas from other ninja villages and cause destruction from within the coalition forces, which is enough for them to be in a hurry."

"Now you send Bai Jue to find out the specific intelligence of the coalition forces."

Hei Jue nodded, listening to Obito's words, he also felt that although the current preparation was not so sufficient, the Ninja World Alliance should not be their opponent.

"This plan will definitely succeed!"

Then Hei Jue retreated underground to arrange for Bai Jue to collect intelligence.

Obito is familiar with the eye of reincarnation and fully controls his abilities as soon as possible.


The border of the Land of Rain, where the coalition forces are stationed.

Many Bai Jue sneaked into the camp under Hei Jue's arrangement.

"Hmm..." Several

ninjas struggled to fall down, mouthing hesitantly, but unable to say a word, because their throats had been pierced by Bai Jue.

"Quick, transform into their appearance, and watch out for someone coming again."

Under the command of a Bai Jue, the remaining few Bai Jue transformed into the appearance of the ninja in front of him.

"Mu Dun. Decay decomposes!

Bai Jue pressed his hand on the corpse of the ninja in front of him, and the corpse was quickly decomposed and disintegrated into the earth, disappearing into this world forever.

The blood stains were also cleaned by the white.

"Now everyone is scattered and continues to look for targets, looking for opportunities to assassinate important targets."

Then these transformed whites scattered and merged into the camp, and no one noticed anything wrong.

The field hospital of the coalition army was naturally a very important target, and the two Bai Jue walked straight towards the field hospital in the midst of a clear investigation.

"Hey Kujiro, what are you going to do?"

It was obvious that this was an acquaintance of Bai Je who turned into a ninja, and Bai Je replied without changing his face: "Oh, it's nothing, I seem to have eaten something bad, I've been having diarrhea today, and I'm going to the hospital to get some medicine."

The acquaintance ninja smiled and said, "Kujiro, you won't be scared because you haven't been on the battlefield for a long time!"

Bai refused to reply: "Wow, I'm going to be angry when you say that, and tell you that I just ate a bad stomach." "

I have to say that Bai Jue's role is seamless, talking to the ninja in front of him like an old friend, and does not show the slightest scene.

"Ouch!" Bai Jue covered his stomach all of a sudden, making a very nervous look, "It's not good, this stomach has started to stir again."

"I won't talk to you, I'll go to the hospital quickly."

Seeing this, the acquaintance ninja also pressed the idea of small talk, and said: "Kujiro, go quickly!"

Bai Jue bent down and sped towards the field hospital.

"Kujiro, what's wrong with this today, didn't you eat something together yesterday, why don't I have anything?" The acquaintance ninja shook his head, not paying attention to it, and turned and walked towards his tent.

Bai Jue easily came to the location of the field hospital, pushed open the curtain of the camp tent and walked in.

"Where are you a ninja? What are you doing here?! A medical ninja asked, looking at Bai Jue who walked into the tent.

Bai Jue bent down and pretended to be very uncomfortable and said: "I am from Yanyin Village, I may have eaten a bad stomach, I will get some medicine." "

Iwain Village?!" The medical ninja in front of him said: "Now everyone is from the Ninja Alliance, and I will answer to tell me about the troops in the future."

"Say which unit you belong to, and you have to record the medication."

This moment stumped Bai Jue, he had just sneaked in, and he had not yet figured out what troops were there.

Seeing that he was about to be exposed, Bai Jue directly turned ruthless and moved towards the medical ninja in front of him.

The medical ninja was unguarded and was directly pierced into the heart by the wooden thorn sticking out of Bai Jue's hand.


After all, the medical ninja did not have a chance to speak again, but this movement was already seen by the other two medical ninjas in the camp.

"Enemy attack!"

The other two medical ninjas shouted in unison.

The patrolling team in the camp rushed directly to this side when they heard the sound, and the head of the medical unit, Chiyo, also heard the sound and came to this tent instantly.

Upon entering the tent, Chiyo saw a ninja standing with his back to him while a medical ninja fell at his feet.

"What the hell are you?!"

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