After Leiluo cleared Bai Jue, he disbanded the assembly of the various troops, and let them all return to their proper positions according to the original plan.

And the reason why Lei Luo was able to deal with Bai Jue so easily was entirely because of his light attribute Chakra's reaction to the wood attribute Chakra.

Bai Jue itself is composed of wood Dun cells, and it is an imperfect wood Dun cell, when Lei Luo uses light fluctuations, the light attribute Chakra falls on Bai Jue's body, Bai Jue's body will unconsciously absorb Lei Luo's light attribute Chakra to make up for and improve himself, so it is difficult to maintain the transformation.

This can only be said to be a cycle of heavenly paths, mutual survival.


Land of Rain, Rain Hidden Village.

Black Jue drilled out of the ground and appeared in front of Obito.

Obito looked at Hei Jue and asked, "How about Hei Jue, has the intelligence detection of the Ninja World Alliance Army been clear?"

Hei Jue nodded and said, "I already understand the situation, but I feel that with our current strength, we may not be able to defeat the Ninja Alliance Army. "

Oh?" Obito's eyes narrowed slightly, "Then what do you want to do?"

Hei Jue's face was expressionless, and he said lightly: "Now we should do two things.

"First, speed up to wake up more Bai Jue."

"Second, resurrect Lord Uchiha!"

Obito said expressionlessly: "Resurrect Uchiha?

Hei Jue nodded and said: "Well, there is no way to do this, although it is a little early according to the plan, but now it can only be advanced." "

The reason why Kuro is in a hurry to resurrect Uchiha is entirely because of the strength of the Ninja Alliance.

He didn't have much confidence in Obito, and he didn't think that Obito alone could deal with so many people, especially Leiluo's strength, which was stronger than he expected.

A person should always have a peak, but Leiluo's strength seems to never peak, and it has been constantly improving.

Kuro feels that maybe only Uchiha can deal with Relo.

Obito nodded and agreed to Hei Jue's request, he had already controlled this reincarnation eye transplanted during this time.

He also understood that he wanted to use the "outer way. The Art of Reincarnation Innate "How much does it cost to resurrect Uchiha Madara.

But as long as he can fulfill his wish, he is willing to pay a great price, and in his heart, he has nothing to lose.

Outer Road. The innate art of reincarnation is a forbidden technique of the six realms, and only the owner of the eye of reincarnation can use it.

With this technique, the seal lasts for a few seconds, and then the green light is emitted around the deceased who has been performed and resurrected, which does not require a living person similar to the rebirth of dirt as a sacrifice, and the dead are resurrected as if they were alive.

However, the price of using this ninjutsu is to consume the life force of the caster, and the higher the strength of the resurrected person, the greater the life force consumed.

Obito is now half of his body full of Mudun cells, and his vitality should be enough to support him to use the "Outer Dao. The art of reincarnation" and not die.

After seeing Obito agree, Hei Jue took out a sealing scroll.

When the scroll is opened, there is a skeleton that is exactly the body of the legendary Uchiha Madara.

Then Hei Jue looked at Obito and said in a deep voice: "Obito, let's do it!"

Obito nodded solemnly, and then sealed the seal in his hand, and a special power was released in the eyes of reincarnation, spreading out like ripples and landing on the skeleton in front of him.


As the seal in Obito's hand continued, I saw that his face was hideous and bleeding, even if he clenched his teeth, he couldn't help but let out some painful snorts.

The vitality constantly flows into the eyes of reincarnation and transforms into pupil power, and the pain in this is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Under the shroud of the pupil power of reincarnation, the bones of Uchiha continued to grow internal organs, flesh and blood, and skin, and their vitality became stronger and stronger, and finally condensed into a complete human form.

Seeing this, Obito stopped the operation, paralyzed to the ground, trembling all over, if he held on a little longer, it was likely that he would be directly drained.

The next moment, the reborn Uchiha opened his eyes.


Like a long-sleeping dragon awakening, the incomparably huge Chakra rose up into the sky, directly shattering the ceiling and erupting towards the sky, as if announcing its return to the world.

"I, finally, is back!"

Uchiha clenched his fists, feeling the power that filled it, even if it was him, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but show a smile.

"Madara-sama, congratulations on coming to the Ninja Realm again!"

Hei Jue looked at Uchiha and lowered his head and said respectfully, perfectly playing the role of being the embodiment of Uchiha's will.

Uchiha glanced around and found Obito on the ground that was constantly trembling, and also saw the eye of reincarnation in Obito's eyes, but he did not immediately take it back, but instead said to Kurojie.

"What's going on now?"

Hei Jue replied respectfully: "The current Outer Path Golem has successfully absorbed the Chakra of the Nine Tailed Beasts, and it is estimated that it will be able to successfully fuse and revive it soon.

"But now the five major ninja villages of the five major countries have formed a ninja alliance to attack us together, and for a long time, we can only resurrect you in advance."

Uchiha said in a loud voice: "No, this time is just right, let this ninja alliance come and witness my return!" The

words were filled with strong confidence, just as they were then.

At this time, Obito finally felt a little more recovered, although he was still very weak, but the pain in his body had receded.

Then Obito got up from the ground, looked at Uchiha with a miserable face, and asked, "Uchiha Madara, this is the first time I've seen you look like when you were young." When

Uchiha heard this, he turned his head and looked at Obito, this is really a perfect chess piece, this reincarnation eye should be lent to him first, with the current situation, the pair of three-hook jade on his body is temporarily enough.

"But why is there only one eye of reincarnation?" Uchiha still had some doubts in his heart.

Just ask when you think of it, Uchiha has never been the kind of person who is mother-in-law.

"Obito, it's been a long time since I saw you, you have grown up very fast, thank you this time."

Obito shook his head slightly when he heard this, and said, "As long as I can see the perfect world, it doesn't matter.

Uchiha nodded and asked, "Obito, where is the other eye of reincarnation?" When

Obito heard this, he opened the Kamui space, took out another reincarnation eye that had been saved, and handed it to Uchiha.

After taking this reincarnation eye, Uchiha directly dug out one of his own three-hook jade and pressed the reincarnation eye in, and after a simple Chakra treatment, this reincarnation eye has been perfectly integrated with Uchiha spot, because this is originally his eye.

Feeling the pupil power of the eye of reincarnation, Uchiha showed a hint of a smile.

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