Border of the Land of Rain, Ninja Alliance Camp.

Lei Luo in the tent of the General Staff suddenly felt a panic, but he didn't know what was happening, but the perception force had already detected it.

"The discovery of the ultra-large Chakra fluctuation, this fluctuation is very amazing, it seems that a very terrifying creature has appeared." The cold sweat on Qing's forehead was scared out, and he said in a panic.

"Haichi, immediately inform the Five Shadows and the General Staff of this news."

"I understand."

After getting the news from the sensing force, Lei Luo also understood why he had a flustered feeling, it should be that the outer path golem had been successfully revived.

And after hearing the news, the Five Shadows couldn't sit still.

In addition to the four generations of Lei Ying, who are now leading the troops, the other four shadows have come to the position of the staff headquarters, and everyone in the staff has gathered in the central camp tent and is analyzing the current situation, and Lei Luo as the general staff officer naturally came.

"How far is the second force from Yuyin Village? Can you get there right away? The third generation of Tokage Onoki asked.

"Can't catch up, the second unit is still some distance away from the location of the Xiao organization. According to the planned route of travel, the Third Force was the closest to the location of the Xiao organization. Azabui from Yunyin Village replied immediately.

"Then notify the third force and immediately rush to the location of the Xiao Organization." Tsunade said immediately after hearing this.

"Yes, Naruto-sama."

"Wait a minute!"

At this moment, the person who was about to go to inform was stopped by Relo.

Lei Luo looked at Tsunade and said, "The plan cannot be changed, and what appears in Yuyin Village now cannot be solved by the third force.

"At this time, the others can't move for the time being, I think I need a few of you to probe it, with the strength of several of you, even if you are not defeated, it should be no problem to leave."

Tsunade looked into Relo's eyes, then nodded and said, "Good! Now you are the General Staff officer, and I agree with your proposal. Then

Tsunade took Onoki and Terumi to explore the Yuyin Village, and Kaiyozo's strength was still a little worse, and he was left in the camp.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the old immortal turned out to be a dragger." Hai Laozang had a bitter smile on his face, but did not object, because he knew that his strength was indeed inferior to the other four shadows.

How to say that he is only temporarily acting as the leader of the wind shadow and presides over the overall situation of Shayin Village.

It was at this time that the sensing forces again discovered the situation.

The Xiao organization also sent troops!

The White Jeopardy Legion no longer concealed and came out of Yuyin Village to face the major forces of the Ninja Realm Alliance.


Land of Rain, Rain Hidden Village.

"It's finally time for a decisive battle, Madara-sama!"

Hei Jue said with a smile, but there was excitement in his eyes, which was closer to his goal of resurrecting Kaguya Otsuki.

"Hehe, we've been preparing for this plan for many years." Uchiha said with an exclamation, but his face was calm.

"Now it's finally time when the plan is about to succeed, and no one can stop us anymore."

Uchiha Obito stood aside and asked expressionlessly, "Is the march route determined?"

Uchiha narrowed his eyes, looked at Obito and said: "Bai Jue has already been sent, although it has not been able to awaken all of them, but these 50,000 Bai Jue are enough."

At this moment, as if he had received some information, Hei Jue suddenly spoke: "Madara-sama, there are two of your juniors coming from outside the village, do you want to meet them?"

Uchiha snorted coldly in disdain, and spoke: "Kurojue, since you are my will incarnation, then you should know about me, and the Uchiha clan of Konoha no longer have anything to do with me."

Then said to Obito: "Obito, these two little bugs outside will be handed over to you, no problem?!"

Uchiha nodded lightly and said, "Leave it to me!" As

soon as the words fell, I saw a vortex instantly appear in front of my eyes, sucking it in.

"Kamui... What a good pupil technique..."


The Land of Rain, outside the Village of Rain Concealment.

"We can't get any closer, ferrets."

Uchiha said with a solemn expression: "This place is already very close to Yuyin Village, and the slightest mistake is likely to be detected by the enemy.

Uchiha nodded and replied, "Don't worry, Brother Shuishui, I understand this measure."

Just when Shuishui was about to say something, his face suddenly changed, and a strong sense of crisis spread throughout his body, and Shuishui left the position where he was just now.

Seeing this, Uchiha Weasel also instantly entered the highest state of alert, opened the Sharingan to observe the surroundings, and the rotating pattern in the eye indicated the level of the Sharingan-kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Genius is still a genius after all, a few years ago Uchiha Weasel successfully opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and at the same time he opened his eyes, he was already identified as the next patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

"There are Chakra fluctuations, here!"

Uchiha stared closely at the location where the water stopped just now, and saw that in the empty place, a distorted spatial vortex appeared, and a figure came out of it.

"Well, the response is fast." Obito said lightly, "I didn't expect that you two juniors actually turned on the kaleidoscope. That's

right, at the same time that Uchiha stopped the water, he also opened his kaleidoscope chakra eye.

"Jade girl?" Uchiha looked at Obito's appearance and spit out his question.

According to the intelligence, the person in front of him should be a ninja codenamed Jade Girl in the Xiao Organization, but now it looks different from the intelligence.

Although it is still a spiral mask, it shows two eyes, and one of them turns out to be the legendary eye of reincarnation.

Isn't this eye of reincarnation the eyes of the leader of the Xiao Organization?

Uchiha replied with a smile when he heard this, "Jade girl? That's just an identity for me when I'm bored.

"You can call me Uchiha Madara!"

"Uchiha Madara?!" The water and weasel were shocked when they heard this, but they immediately came back to their senses and regained their calm with their good psychological quality.

"Whether you are Uchiha or not, you are our enemy, presumably you did not appear here to make a family with us." Uchiha stopped the water and kept a close eye on Obito's every move.

Uchiha took the soil to listen to Shuishui's words and sneered.

"Hehe, that's right, you're right, I'm your enemy."

"Juniors, let me see your strength!"

As soon as the words fell, Uchiha took the soil and blatantly shot out, and launched an attack towards Uchiha and Uchiha Weasel.

"Fire. The fire is extinguished!

Uchiha took the seal in his hand, and suddenly spewed out a sea of fire towards the water stop and weasel

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