In the face of this sea of fire, the water stoppers did not panic at all.

Since the person in front of him claims to be Uchiha, his strength must not be underestimated, and those boring temptations can be dispensed with.


Uchiha Itachi directly activated his kaleidoscope chakra eye ability, and the black flame burned in the sea of fire, not only blocking Obito's attack, but also counterattacking Obito along the sea of fire.

Uchiha Obito saw that his pupils shrank.

"What kind of flame is this?!"

"Even flames can be incinerated!"

"Is this his kaleidoscope pupil technique?"

But when the flame of Amaterasu burned to Obito's body, Obito did not dodge, there was a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth, and the next moment Obito's figure turned into a wooden statue.

"Avatar? No, if it's a stand-in technique, it definitely can't hide my eyes, this should be a Mu Dun doppelganger! Uchiha looked at the burned wooden doppelganger and withdrew his Amaterasu's flame.

In the next instant, as if sensing something, Uchiha Weasel instantly pulled out the kunai around his waist and stabbed back, flipped over with his body, and sure enough, Obito appeared behind him.

But the Ku Wu in his hand passed directly through Obito's body.

"This is the time-space pupil technique mentioned by the teacher." Uchiha looked at this scene with a solemn expression, thinking of the ability that the teacher Relo had said to him.

Then Uchiha stopped the water and appeared directly behind Obito in an instant, pulled out his knife and backhanded it, and Uchiha Weasel left and right sandwiched Obito in the middle.

Uchiha Obito was originally going to turn into reality and launch a counterattack after avoiding Uchiha's suffering, but the knife of stopping the water forced him to dismiss this idea.

In the next second, the figure with soil disappeared again and appeared not far from the two people who stopped the water.

"Good junior, I'm going to get real!"

Uchiha took the soil to look at the two of them and narrowed his eyes, and said coldly.

Shuishui smiled and said, "Then come on!" "

Mu Duan. Thorn Killing! With

the seal of the soil, countless thorny vines rushed from the ground towards the two of them.

Seeing this, Shuishui used the Fire Chakra to instantly complete the change in nature, and the Fire Chakra was attached to the ninja knife in his hand.

"Stopping the flow of swordsmanship. Chiyan! "

Shuishui swung his knife and cut out several flame knife qi, cutting off the incoming thorn vines, leaving pitch-black knife marks on the ground.

How to say that Shuishui is also a disciple of Leiluo, and Leiluo is not a person who hides his secrets, and there is nothing hidden in the teaching of Shuishui in terms of swordsmanship.

The water-stopping sword technique is based on the water breath school sword art of Leiluo, combined with his own understanding and his own chakra attributes, and is more suitable for himself.

Moreover, with the qualification of stopping water, he has a profound understanding of the change in the nature of Chakra, which greatly strengthens the power of the water-stopping sword technique, which can easily cut off the "Mu Duan. The vines released by the "Thorn Killing Technique".

This battle is naturally not a family game, nor is it a turn-based game in which you make one move and one move.

After stopping the water and cutting off the vine, a moment of body flashed directly to the head of Obito, and then the ninja knife in his hand cut straight down.

"Stopping the flow of swordsmanship. Burst inflammatory! "

The nature of the attached fire chakra this time has changed to bursting, not the heat of Chiyan, if an ordinary person is cut by this knife, his whole body will explode.

The blasted flames then burn until they become ashes.

But Shisui was disappointed again, and his ninja knife passed through Obito's body again, and the moment the ninja knife passed through Obito, Obito immediately turned into reality.

"Abominable! If I can't lock this guy, my other gods won't work!"

Uchiha was about to turn around and attack, but found that he had been put on a chain with Obito.

Under the pull of the chain, the figure couldn't help but pause, but before he could cut the chain, Obito's attack came in front of him.

"Mu Dun. Hell chaos!

Countless thick vines came out from the back of the soil, formed a giant hand, and grabbed it towards the water.

"You can only use that trick!"

The pupil power in the eyes of the water-stopping kaleidoscope writing wheel gushed out wildly.


Chakra instantly built a skeleton outside the water stop, broke the chain with soil, and then waved his hand to block the incoming hell chaos.

"Hmph! Is it only you who can use Susano?!

Obito snorted coldly, and a skeleton skeleton also condensed outside his body, and then smashed a punch towards the water.


Shuishui caught Obito's fist, but was smashed back half a step.

"Even if we use the same power, our Chakra is very different!"

Obito looked at Susanoo and said lightly, with a hint of disdain in his tone.

After all, Obito is fused with Mudu cells, and his chakra amount is much more than that of the water and weasel.

Shisui himself knew this, and he could clearly feel that after he turned on Susano, the chakra in his body was like a sluice gate releasing water, and it was draining rapidly.

"This battle can no longer be consumed, it must be fought quickly!"

Just when the water stop and the soil were deadlocked, the Uchiha ferret on the side would not stand idly by, and turned on the kaleidoscope again and used Amaterasu.

The black flame burned on Susanoo with soil, but it felt that it had little effect.

"For me in this state, this pupil technique of yours is no longer so powerful!" Obito said in a loud voice.

"Is it?! But don't forget, I also turned on the kaleidoscope! Uchiha said in a deep voice.

Then he stopped Amaterasu, activated his pupil power, and also released Susanoo.

"It's true that we're not your opponents one-on-one, but what about one-on-two?" Uchiha said coldly, and then manipulated Susanoo to punch Obito in the back.


Obito turned sideways, reached out again to block Itachi's fist, and then spoke.

"Even if it's one-on-two, you're not my opponent!"

Then he suddenly threw the water stop and weasel duo in Susano's state directly.



The two were thrown heavily to the ground, but with Susanoo's protection, neither of them was injured.

"Itachi, our Chakra can't last long, we have to fight quickly, I'll go first, and then you can see the right time and release your other technique!"

Uchiha nodded when he heard this.

Then in the next second, Uchiha stopped the water and took a deep breath, more pupil power surged out of the kaleidoscope writing wheel's eyes, and the Susa skeleton outside the body also turned into Susa armor.

"Weasel, three minutes!"


The next moment, the water stop in the complete Susa state instantly rushed towards Obito!

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