Just when Uchiha Obito was fighting with Uchiha Shuizu and Uchiha Itachi, the White Legion had already engaged in a ninja alliance.

And the four shadows are also rushing towards this side, but their whereabouts have long been discovered by the black.

"Madara-sama, Hokage, Thunder Shadow, Water Shadow, and Earth Shadow are rushing towards Yuyin Village, and it is estimated that they will arrive soon." Kuro Jue stood in front of Uchiha and said with his head bowed respectfully.

Uchiha looked up and showed a hint of a smile when he heard this, "Oh, the shadow of the four great ninja villages?"

"It's kind of interesting, just let them warm up with me!"

As soon as the words fell, Uchiha's figure disappeared in place.


"There is a ninja with a huge chakra rushing towards us!"

Tsunade sensed Uchiha's chakra fluctuations and immediately stopped the remaining three shadows, remaining on guard, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

"Impossible! How could it be him?!

Onoki looked at the figure that appeared in front of him, his voice trembling a little, revealing a hint of disbelief.

Tsunade also recognized the figure and looked heavy.

"Who is this person?" Terumi looked at the reaction of Onoki and Tsunade, and was surprised that this person was able to make the two shadows make such a gesture.

"Uchiha Madara!" Tsunade spat out the man's name word by word.

Onoki also nodded cautiously.

"How is that possible?! Isn't this guy dead a long time ago? "The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai is also hard to believe when he hears this, and Uchiha looks very young, how is this possible.

Even if Uchiha can live until now, he should be an old man much older than Onoki, and the person in front of him is obviously a young adult!

"I don't know what's going on, but I won't forget his face!" Onoki said in a deep voice.

And at this time, Uchiha had already come to them.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that there are still people in the ninja world who know me now!"

Uchiha looked at the four shadows in front of him proudly, not paying attention at all.

Then he said to Tsunade: "Well, you should be the granddaughter of the pillars, I didn't expect that even you could become a Hokage, it seems that Konoha is nobody."

Tsunade snorted coldly when he heard this, "It's not up to you to decide whether or not there is anyone in Konoha, although I don't know how you became like this, but you should stay in the grave at your age."

"Since you ran out, then I'll send you back again!"

Uchiha laughed maniacally when he heard this: "Hahahaha, with ambition, worthy of being the granddaughter of the pillar, then you guys come!"

Tsunade turned his head and shouted at the remaining three shadows, "No matter how much prestige he has, we must defeat him, this is our responsibility as shadows!"

Onoki nodded and said, "Don't worry, remember, be careful with his eyes!"

"Then let's go up!"

As soon as the words fell, a flash of thunder flashed, and the fourth generation of thunder shadows rushed directly towards Uchiha.

"Just let me see how strong this Ninja Asura of yours really is!"

"Lei Duan. Righteous thunder is angry with thunder axe! "

Under the blessing of Lei Dun Chakra, the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai was like a bolt of lightning, and instantly appeared above Uchiha Ban's head, and his right leg was like a thunder giant axe, slashing towards Uchiha Ban's head.

But even with his speed, his movements were indeed clearly visible in Uchiha's chakra eyes, and he easily dodged his leg.

And reflexively punched him in the head.


The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai did not dodge, suddenly held Uchiha Ban's fist, and then smashed a backhand elbow into Uchiha Ban's chest, directly smashing it through.

But the Uchiha spot, which was smashed by him in the next second, instantly turned into a wooden statue.

"This is grandfather's wood doppelganger technique?!"

Tsunade's pupils shrank sharply when he saw this, and then he immediately recovered.

Uchiha's figure reappeared and came in front of her, and his right leg kicked her with a violent wind.

"Strange power!"

Tsunade didn't have time to dodge, so he could only fight hard with Uchiha Madara, and his right fist smashed directly on the sole of Uchiha Madara's foot, blocking this move.

"Good strength, but you're too far behind the pillars!"

Uchiha looked at Tsunade and said lightly.

"I'm not as strong as my grandfather, but your strength is also much worse than the legend!"

Tsunade replied without showing any flinch.

At this moment, the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai had rushed up again and came to the back of Uchiha.

"Lei Duan. Thunder hot knife! "

I saw the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Ai turn his palm into a knife and directly slash at Uchiha Spot.

But at this moment, countless vines suddenly grew behind Uchiha and bound towards the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Ai, forcing him to stop.

"Mu Duan?!"

"That's right! I have now successfully fused the power between the pillars, and no one in this world can stop me anymore!

Uchiha said coldly as he listened to Tsunade's question.

"A few of you only have this little strength, then now that the warm-up is over, you should also die!"

"Mu Dun. The birth of the flower and tree world! Obviously

, Uchiha no longer has the idea of playing with the few people in front of him, after all, they are not pillars, and they are not qualified to fight with themselves at all.

With the imprint of Uchiha's spots, countless trees suddenly rose up and soon grew into towering giant trees, with huge buds growing on the trees.

Faced with this move, the four shadows did not have the ability to hard connect, and immediately used the teleportation to leave the battlefield. Dodge the attacks of the trees.

And Onoki looked at this trick but understood that the buds on the tree must not be allowed to open.

If the buds open into flowers, they will constantly release pollen, and once they inhale the pollen of the flower, they will faint and be slaughtered by him.

"Then use this trick!"

Onoki uses the phrase "Tsuchi. The Light and Heavy Rock Technique "flew into the sky with his body, looking at the growing woods below, Chakra gathered in his hands.

"Dusty. The art of boundless stripping! "

This is an upgraded version of the Dust Escape Origin Stripping Technique, which not only expands in scope and power, but also has a lasting effect, and any object that approaches the Boundless Stripping Technique will turn into an atomic state.

As the light wave in Onoki's hand shot out, the flower and tree realm released by Uchiha Madara turned into ashes in an instant, and this light wave shot towards Uchiha Madara unabated.

But Uchiha easily dodged Onoki's move.

Then he looked at Onoki as if he remembered something, and said: "You are the little ghost who followed Wu back then, it seems that you have learned a lot with Wu."

Onoki levitated in the air, looked at Uchiha Madara below, and said with a firm look in his eyes: "That's right, back then, neither my teacher nor I were your opponents, and we were severely injured by you, which formed a nightmare in my heart.

"Now, I finally have a chance to regain myself!"

"Uchiha, suffer death!"

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