"Dusty. The Art of Origin Stripping!

Ohnogi's hand once again released a cone-like enchantment and shot towards Uchiha.

Uchiha sneered, his figure flashed, and he dodged Onoki's attack.

Then he made a seal in his hand, opened his mouth and spit it out, and in an instant, a terrifying sea of fire struck towards Onoki.

"Fire. Fire extinguished! "

But the other three shadows are not vegetarians, and Terumi, who has never made a move, finally made a move.

Terumei, as a water shadow, is powerful, and can use his chakra in a waterless land to make a super water escape.

And Terumi has the four Chakra attributes of water, fire, earth, and thunder, and has the blood succession limit "dissolved" and "boiling", and is the only ninja who has two blood succession limits.

"Shui Duan. Water array column! "

I saw Terumi's hand sealed, Chakra gathered behind his throat, spit out a large meteorite-like water ball from his mouth, and rushed directly towards the sea of fire released by Uchiha.


A burst of steam filled the air, and the fire of Uchiha was extinguished!

Then Terumi sealed again.

"Shui Duan. The art of water dragon bullets! A

hideous water dragon hovered into the air, and instantly rushed towards Uchiha.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai also instantly injected a large number of thunder chakra into the water dragon bomb, and instantly formed a combination ninjutsu-thunder water dragon bomb.

This added a paralyzing effect to the water dragon bullet, and its power was even higher.

But at the moment when the thunder water dragon bullet was about to hit Uchiha Spot, Uchiha Spot's reincarnation eye turned, and an armor instantly appeared outside his body, blocking this attack.

It's Susano!

A dark blue Chakra armored samurai, holding a sword in both hands, this Uchiha Madara is completely able to sa as soon as it is opened.

After blocking the Thunder Water Dragon Bullet, Susanoo swung his sword and slashed at Shikage.

Uchiha Madara stood in the middle of Susano, his hands in front of his chest, without feeling the slightest pressure, looked at the four shadows and said coldly: "Just a few of you, do you want to dance?!"

"Don't underestimate people!"

Tsunade snorted coldly, then rushed towards Uchiha again.

"Heavenly keep!"

Tsunade kicked on top of Susano, but did not shake Uchiha in the slightest.

Uchiha said lightly: "With this level of attack, there is not even a need for defense!"

"Then try my trick!"

"Thunder Abuse Level Chiyomai!"

The fourth generation of Thunder Kage Ai also rushed up after Tsunade, and the thunder chakra on his body flashed, turned his palm into a knife, and slashed at Susanoo of Uchiha Madara fiercely.

Terumi's attack followed.

"Dissolved. The Art of Monster Solving! In

an instant, countless highly corrosive acids gushed out of Terumi's mouth, shrouding Uchiha's Susano.


this strong acid corrosion, Uchiha's Susanoo finally showed some signs of collapse.

Onoki finally made a move, adding the last straw.

"Dusty. The Art of Origin Stripping! A

cube enchantment shot out of Onoki's hand and slammed into the gap that Susanoo had been corroded by Terumi's Monster Melting Technique.

Uchiha's Susanoo finally collapsed, but the next moment Uchiha's reincarnation eyes rotated.

"Seal the seal!"

The surrounding ninjutsu was instantly absorbed by it, and no damage was caused by its body.

A smile appeared at the corner of Uchiha's mouth.

"Very good, your performance finally made me have some interest!"

"Lei Dun's ninjutsu, coupled with the blood succession boundary between Dissolution and Dust, the attack is quite fierce, very good."

"But what about your defenses?!"

The eye of reincarnation turned again, and Susanoo appeared outside Uchiha's body again, and then waved his hand, and countless huge series of gouge jade flew towards the four shadows.




After a violent roar, the smoke and dust cleared, and two huge stone giants blocked in front of the four shadows, blocking Uchiha's attack.

"The stone giants of the earth, two stone giants, double defense, this is quite good."

Saying that, Uchiha was ready to attack again.

Onoki looked at Uchiha with a solemn expression, and then said to the three people next to him: "It's coming!"

"From now on, we're going to take turns attacking!"

"Okay! I see! The three replied.

"Shui Duan. The Art of Mist Concealment! With

Terumi's imprint, the mist instantly filled the entire battlefield, covering their figures.

"Lei Duan. Thunder abuse level Chiyo Mai! "

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai once again punched Susano, this time the stimulation of Lei Dun Chakra was more violent, and the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai had turned into lightning.

Seeing this, Onoki pushed him again and added strength!

"Tu Duan. Super Heavy Rock Art! "

With this help, the fourth generation of Thunder Kage Ai actually punched through Uchiha's Susano, causing it to shatter again.

Seeing this, Onoki made a seal in his hand.

"Tu Duan. Colossus of Rock!

Onoki's figure instantly rose tall, and a huge rock colossus appeared under his feet.

"Crush him!"

Under Onoki's control, the rock colossus slammed a punch towards Uchiha.

Uchiha looked at the fist smashed by the rock colossus, and did not panic at all.

"Mu Duan..."

"The Flower Tree Realm has arrived!"


Thick trees rose from under the feet of the Colossus, and then bound and controlled the Colossus, and this fist could no longer be smashed.

Then the trees snapped together, and the rock colossus split in an instant.

Fortunately, Onoki controlled the stone to fly with himself and the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Ai, but this time he couldn't stop the buds on the trees from opening.

"Attention! Beware of pollen! Tsunade exhaled, and then immediately covered his mouth and nose.

As the flowers bloom, countless pollen scattered, and the yellow pollen covered the sky, a sandstorm-like scene.

But just then, Uchiha once again released Susanoo, and then slashed down at Shikage with a sword.


Four Shadows discovered Uchiha's actions and immediately prepared to dodge, but accidentally sucked a small mouthful of pollen, and instantly fell into a trance, still not completely dodged.

The four figures were instantly blasted out.

"You guys pay too much attention to flowers!" Uchiha said lightly.

Then the figure flashes and jumps to stand on top of the tree.

"Let's add another big fire to you!"

"Fire. The fire is extinguished! "

In an instant, the sea of trees turned into a sea of fire, and it was more violent than the previous sea of fire.

"Water Shadow!"

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai shouted, and Terumi struggled to get up from the ground.

"Shui Duan. Water array column! Terumi

also wanted to do the same and extinguish the fire of Uchiha again.

But this fierce battle just now made her very consumed, and even though it offset some of the power of the fire, she still collapsed to the ground without extinguishing the sea of fire.

Seeing that the four shadows have fallen into a desperate situation.

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