This time facing Kaguya's long hair, Relo did not dodge anymore.

I saw that Lei Luo's right hand was held in the void, and the ice wheel pill appeared in his hand.

"Water Breath * One Style * Water Surface Slash!"

Orochimaru cut an arc in the air, cutting off Kaguya's long hair directly.

"What are you?!"

Otsuki Kaguya asked as he looked directly at Lei Luo, while his body slowly floated down from the air to the ground.

Then I saw the corners of Kaguya's eyes burst out, opened his white eyes, and observed the flow of Chakra in Leiluo's body.

"What is it?!"

Relo was clearly visible in the eyes of Kaguya Otsuki, and Kaguya was surprised because she saw a completely different chakra in the position of Relo's heart.

Hot and tyrannical, full of dangerous aura.

This is clearly not something that should exist in this world.

"But it doesn't matter!"

"Ninja, no, it should be said that it is a ninja."

"I have nothing to say to people like you who don't understand the meaning of Chakra at all and can only fiddle with it at will."

"Here... This land... It's my precious nursery and can't let it hurt anymore. "

End the fight!"

"Right here, destroy you!"

As soon as Kaguya's words fell, the environment around Lei Luo changed instantly, and his body turned into as if he was in a volcano, and there was surging magma under his feet.

Although the sudden change in this scene caught Relo off guard, he immediately calmed down and knew where he had come.

"This definitely can't be an illusion, even if it's Kaguya, I should be immune to her illusion."

"This should be the space opened up by Kaguya's reincarnation writing chakra eye pupil technique, the Heavenly Emperor."

Heavenly Emperor is an ability to weave space freely, and it is the power of Chakra's ancestor after opening his eyes, that is, a technique that can only be used by Kaguya with the "eye of reincarnation".

Using Tenno-Gochu, you can transfer yourself and the people around you to other spaces in an instant, and the spaces that can be moved include lava, ice, hypergravity, sand, acid, and other spaces.

And these five spaces are directly connected to the Origin Ball space, and in the Origin Ball Space, Kaguya can absorb the Chakra of the Infinite Moon Reader to restore and improve his strength.

And the space where he is now is obviously the lava space in the Heavenly Palace.

Feeling his body constantly descending, seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the magma below, Lei Luo did not panic.


The ice wheel pill in Lei Luo's hand directly entered the state of swastika and became the Great Red Lotus Ice Wheel Pill.

Frost wings appeared behind Relo, flew with him, and transmitted him a cold breath, making him more comfortable in this hot lava space.

Datuki Kaguya looked at the frost wings that appeared behind Leiluo, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

But she was only a little surprised.


Kaguya's white hair turned into countless flying needles, separated from the body, like a thorny rainstorm, poured down towards Lei Luo, and with Kaguya's opening to the white eyes, the positions attacked by the white hair flying needles were all various acupuncture points.

As long as she is pierced into her body by this white-haired flying needle, Chakra will be sealed, lose her ability to resist, and let her slaughter.

But this move is not a threat to Leiluo, but it should not be underestimated.

Then Lei Luo directly induced the immortal chakra in his body, and instantly entered the Three Immortal Immortal Mode.

"Immortal Law. Guang Duan. Golden Light Shield! "

The immortal light in the body gushed out, condensing into a barrier of light in front of him, seemingly weak, but in fact indestructible.

The white-haired flying needles released by Kaguya were blocked one after another, and then fell weakly, falling into the magma below, and were burned to ashes.

It was not easy for Lei Luo's trick Golden Light Shield to be developed at the beginning, after all, light is formless and phaseless, unlike the five attributes of water, earth, wind, fire and thunder, which can be borrowed from nature, and it is easier to develop.

But for Relo, who lacks defensive ninjutsu, this is still a ninjutsu that must be developed.

In the end, Lei Luo's spirit flashed, and he remembered an ability he had learned in his previous life, the golden light spell inherited by the Heavenly Master Mansion in the world under one person.

Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, Wan Qi's root. Cultivate ten thousand calamities and prove my divine powers.

Inside and outside the three realms, only the Tao is respected. The body has a golden light, covering my body.


This was the successful development of this move of ninjutsu.

After watching his attack be successfully blocked by Leiluo, Kaguya Otsuki rushed directly towards Leiluo.

"Once again, I'm going to bring Chakra together into one!"

"Eighty God Air Strike!"

I saw Datumu Kaguya condensing Chakra in his palm, and instantly threw out countless punches, like an air cannon towards Leiluo.

"Lean! You have to gather the chakra together, don't come to me, my chakra is not from you!"

"If you want to become one with me, I'll be happy to accept it."

Lei Luo looked at the attack of Datumu Kaguya without care, and even had the mind to continue to tease a few words.

Datumu Kaguya did not reply, but his eyes were a little sharper, and his hand was more rapid.

However, Lei Luo still felt a little happy looking at this attack of Datumu Kaguya, it was really a long time since there was a hearty physical duel.

However, with the physical skills of the current state alone, it should be difficult to resist Kaguya's attack, but in this state, it may not be.

"Eight doors open to Dun Jia!"

"Open the door, close the door, give birth to the door, hurt the door, Du door, Jing Gate, shock door!"

"Open it all for me!"


A powerful momentum erupted from Leiluo's body, this time to open to the seven gates, plus the blessing of the Three Immortal Immortal Mode, should be enough to suppress Kaguya in terms of physical skills!

"Day Tiger!"

Lei Luo blasted out with a punch, and the air was compressed by Lei Luo's fist wind, forming a tiger-shaped air bomb, which instantly blasted towards the eighty god sky of Datumu Kaguya.

"Boom !!"

A strong shock wave spread, and Lei Luo was forced back a short distance by this shock wave, and the magma under his feet surged even more violently, but Lei Luo's face was full of smiles.

Because he was very sure that the move just now was definitely won by him.

Sure enough, a small scar appeared on Kaguya's face, and a trace of blood flowed.

"I'm sorry to get you hurt, but it's not okay in this state now, I have to convince you!"

Although Lei Luo's body is very strong, the direct opening of these eight doors to the seventh door still gives him a lot of pressure, and this state cannot continue forever.

So in the next second, Lei Luo pulled out a volley with one leg, and driven by the leg wind, a violent tornado appeared, and constantly wrapped in magma towards the big tube of wood Kaguya.

"Konoha Dragon God!"

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