When Lei Luo kicked this kick, he remembered his first teacher, Chen Baojun.

It was he who taught Lei Luo physical arts and laid a solid foundation for Lei Luo, and this move "Konoha Dragon God" was a unique skill developed by Teacher Chen.

And now, Teacher Chen has died and his soul has returned to the underworld.

In this cruel ninja world, it is already a kind of fulfillment to be able to live to the end of life.

When Lei Luo learned the news of Teacher Chen's death, he also had the idea of resurrecting him.

But the light of his awakening can only be resurrected, and it cannot restore people's youth, and for Teacher Chen's age, resurrecting him is just making the old man suffer, and it is meaningless.

Moreover, Teacher Chen's family is harmonious, and his children and grandchildren are full, and this life is already very complete.

When the tornado kicked out by Lei Luo came to the body of Datumu Kaguya with magma, Kaguya's face did not change color, and he raised his hand to absorb the tornado directly.

"Yes, Kaguya also has the same ability to absorb various techniques and energies as Madara, and with Kaguya's Chakra amount, her absorption ceiling is much higher than Madara's."

Relo thought to himself as he looked at this scene.

At this moment, Lei Luo found that the figure of Datumu Kaguya had actually disappeared.

"Not good!"

Lei Luo immediately turned around, but he felt like he had weighed ten thousand pounds on his body, and it was difficult to twist his body.

At this moment, Relo was convinced that Kaguya had indeed appeared behind him.

And Lei Luo also remembered what ability Kaguya used.

Huangquan Hiryasaka, "Book of Formations" commented that "at the moment before the moment is full, he appears from the gate of Hades!" "

Kaguya, who uses this technique, has the ability to travel freely through space, opening a black portal out of thin air, which can not only allow the caster to travel in the same space, but also allow the caster to freely enter and exit between real space and different space.

This technique can be used to attack, shorten the distance of long-range ninjutsu, disrupt and surprise opponents, and can also be used to evade and escape in times of crisis, and does not require sealing.

Kaguya can also perform this technique in the white-eyed state.

And this body-fixing effect is an unknown technique, which is combined with a technique that Hirasaka Huangquan performed on Naruto and Nijuko in the original book.

But no matter what kind of technique it is, it is all related to Chakra, and Relo also thought of a way to break the game, that is, to use xenomorph energy.

So Relo directly triggered the power of Godzilla in his body and entered Godzilla's cloak mode.

This was the first time that Lei Luo had used Godzilla's cloak in the Three Immortal Immortal Mode, but he didn't expect that this power had successfully fused.

The new Godzilla coat is no longer the dark blue armor as before, but instead fuses a brilliant gold, which feels like a river of stars.

And when Relo successfully entered Godzilla's Cloak mode, he regained control of his body.

So Leiluo's figure disappeared instantly, dodging the attack of Datumu Kaguya.

Turning around, Leilo looked at the weapon in Kaguya's hand and broke out in a cold sweat.

"I lean!"

"It turned out to be a total killing of ashes!"

This technique is a must-kill skill of Kaguya, and it will be destroyed if touched.

The so-called co-killing of ashes is the art of changing the composition of bones to turn them into tough weapons, shooting bones from the palm of the hand, and the body of the person who is stabbed by the bone will gradually collapse like a reincarnated person in dirt.

This technique is similar to Junmaru's corpse vein, but it is far more dangerous. Because Junmaro's corpse vein itself is an ability from Kaguya's bloodline, and it is also a version that has been weakened from generation to generation.

Datuki Kaguya looked at the starry version of Godzilla's coat outside Relo's body, and her eyes revealed a trace of confusion, because in her impression, she had never seen this ability, which was definitely not something that should be in this world.

"Who the hell are you? You are definitely not a person in this world!

Datumu Kaguya stopped controlling the co-killing ashes, pointed at Lei Luo from afar, and asked in a cold voice.

Lei Luo replied with a smile: "Huh, you guess?

At this time, Hei Jue flowed out of the sleeve of Kaguya's robe and said to Kaguya: "Mom, this guy is also a member of the Ninja Sect, a ninja, but he has the boundary of light and blood that has never appeared in the ninja world. Datumu

Kaguya listened to Hei Jue's words and shook her head slightly, she knew that Leiluo's identity was definitely not so simple.

Lei Luo also heard Hei Jue's words, and said: "Hei Jue is right, I am just an ordinary ninja with special bloodstain boundaries.

"I don't know what kind of people are big tube wood peach style, big tube wood gold style, big tube wood poku style and so on."

When Kaguya Otsuki heard these three names, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, this was the first time in a thousand years that he had heard the names of these three people in the ninja world.

Thousands of years ago, when people in the ancient era of the ninja world did not know the true formation of Chakra, there were already wars.

One day, the Otsukimoto family planted a sacred tree, and in order to give the sacred tree nutrients, the Otsukimoto family sent Kaguya to Earth to cultivate this sacred tree by absorbing the power of the earth and the spirit of humans.

And let Kaguya guard the sacred tree that only bears fruit once in a thousand years, but also continue to provide Chakra to the Otsuki family, and when the Chakra fruit is ripe, the Otsuki family will send three people to Earth to collect the fruit of the sacred tree, and welcome Kaguya back to the alien planet.

But later, Kaguya swallowed the fruit of the Divine Tree, and naturally it was impossible to return it to the Ben family, and he had a supreme position in the ninja world, and he did not want to return to the alien planet.

Because Kaguya was afraid that the Otsukimoto family would notice his behavior of stealing the fruit of the Divine Tree, he used Infinite Moon Reading, thus creating a large number of living weapons to deal with the peach, gold, and ura styles that would come later.

But after so many years, Kaguya has matured a lot, so he is just a little flustered.

Then Datuki Kaguya stared at Lei Luo coldly and said: "Although I don't know how you know the news of those three people, as long as I absorb the Chakra on your body, plus the White Absolute Legion of the Ninja Realm, I am not afraid of those three people."

"Just obediently hand over Chakra and merge with me!"

Lei Luo sighed when he heard this, and said: "It seems that this battle is still unavoidable, you woman is really stubborn and short-sighted.

"You just want to absorb my Chakra and never think about cooperating?"

Datumu Kaguya snorted coldly when he heard this, and opened his mouth to reply: "Cooperation?!"

"There is no one worth believing in this ninja world, and no one is qualified to cooperate with me!"

After listening to Kaguya's words, Relo also understood Kaguya's thoughts.

After all, she was originally for the sake of the child and the ninja world, but in the end she was sealed by her own son, presumably at that time she lost the possibility of trusting others.

After Kaguya Otsuki finished speaking, he didn't have the idea of talking to Relo anymore.

In the next second, Relo found that the space he was in had changed again.

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