
Relo of the Immortal Godzilla Cloak mode smashed directly from the air and smashed into the ground.

However, because of the protection of the outer immortal Godzilla's coat, Relo was not injured.

"Ho ho!"

Lei Luo struggled to stand up straight, feeling the terrifying pressure coming from him, and Lei Luo understood what the space he was in now was.

This is the hypergravity space in the space controlled by the Otsuki Kaguya Heavenly Go.

Then Lei Luo saw that the Dao Seeking Jade suddenly appeared next to Kaguya in front of him, and unlike the Seeking Jade of Uchiha, this Seeking Jade was obviously much larger.

"Swell and seek Dao Jade?"

Expansion Seeking Dao Jade, in the "Book of Formations" that Lei Luo had seen in his previous life, was evaluated as: "Seal the power of Senluo and summon the pitch-black sphere of chaos." It can extinguish all nature, reduce the world to nothingness, and at the same time be the starting point of a new space".

This is the chakra of the ninjas captured by Kaguya Otsuki who ingested the divine tree, and the "Seeking Jade" was maximized. It is the same object as the black ball behind the six-path pattern Uchiha spot, but it is completely incomparable in size. The five elements, yin and yang all the properties are swallowed together, hiding the power to return the world to nothingness, a huge chaotic block!


Under Kaguya's control, the swelling Dao Jade rushed directly towards Leiluo.


Although Lei Luo is now in the Immortal Godzilla mode, he does not dare to hard connect with such a perverted thing as the Expansion Seeking Jade, and the Ice Wheel Pill that has become huge and incomparably in line with his current body size appears in his hand, blocking the attack of the Expansion Seeking Jade.


But at this moment, Lei Luo instantly trembled, and an unspeakable sharp pain spread throughout his body, as if his soul was torn apart, making him can't help but cry out.

Because of the severe pain, Leiluo's figure also suddenly slumped, which made him directly exit the immortal Godzilla mode, and couldn't help but kneel to the ground.


Lei Luo gasped, this sharp pain finally eased a lot, looked down, but found that there was a small gap in the ice wheel pill in his hand.

The ice wheel pill was integrated with his soul, and the ice wheel pill was damaged, no wonder there was a sharp pain from the soul.

Lei Luo originally thought that the Dao Seeking Jade could not destroy the Ice Wheel Pill, but he didn't expect that this Swelling Seeking Dao Jade was not only large, but also able to have an effect on this kind of soul incarnation.

If he had known, Relo would not have been stupid enough to hard connect.

"It seems that this ice wheel pill can't be used in the process!"

"Can't delay any longer, it seems that it has to be solved as soon as possible!"

Relo got up from the ground and entered Immortal Mode again, and this time directly into Full Body Godzilla Mode.

This state should be called Godzilla.

Relo also had no more thoughts of talking to Kaguya, and directly attacked Kaguya.

"Void walking!"

Although this is the space controlled by Kaguya's Heavenly Emperor, Leiluo's void walk can still find the various nodes that exist in this space.

When the Godzilla Immortal Relo appeared again, he had already appeared behind Kaguya Otsuki, and then directly swung his claws towards Kaguya.


Lei Luo slammed his paw on the ground, and in an instant, a deep pit appeared on the ground, rubble flew around, and smoke and dust filled the air.

And when Lei Luo waved his claw, he felt the sharp claw wind behind him, so he also instantly retreated into the space, dodged Lei Luo's claw, and let him pounce.

Then, when Datumu Kaguya appeared again, he controlled the expansion of the Dao Jade and attacked Leiluo.

Lei Luo has already suffered a loss on the expansion of Dao Jade, and naturally will not go to hard connect again.

"Immortal Law. Atomic Jade! "

Godzilla Immortal Relo opened his huge mouth, and the terrifying aura condensed in his mouth, and this time he also added the fairy chakra to it.

Then Godzilla Immortal Lei Luo suddenly vomited, and a golden, red and blue flashing energy ball rushed directly towards the expansion of Dao Jade.

When the Swelling Dao Jade and the Immortal Atom Jade collided together, Datumu Kaguya's face suddenly changed.

She felt that the Chakra in her body was like opening the gate and releasing water, gushing out of her body and replenishing it into the swollen Dao Jade.

But after all, this still did not overwhelm Leiluo's Immortal Atomic Jade, and under this collision, the Dao Jade and the Immortal Atomic Jade exploded together.

"Boom !!"

A violent shock wave spread, feeling that the entire space was shaking, and the earth under his feet was constantly trembling.

Datumu Kaguya felt the fluctuations of this space, and the pupil power of the reincarnation writing wheel eye continued to gush out, which stabilized this hypergravity space.

"I didn't expect this guy to be so difficult!"

Datumu Kaguya stared closely at the location where Lei Lu was, his face was very ugly, and at the same time there was a trace of regret.

Leiluo's strength is already on the same level as her, and if she chooses to cooperate with Relo before, she should be more confident in dealing with the three of Taitu Wood Peach in the future.

But there are not so many ifs in this world, and now I only hope that I can successfully kill Lei Luo and absorb the power in his body to enhance my strength.

However, even if she chose to cooperate with Relo, Relo may not necessarily agree, because the only ways to deal with Kaguya in the system mission are sealing, killing, and subduing.

Cooperation does not meet the conditions for completing the task.

"Looks like I have to go to the starting ball space to replenish Chakra!" Otsuki Kaguya thought to himself.

But just when this idea arose in Kaguya's heart, Lei Luo had already guessed.

If you want to maintain the space where the Heavenly Imperial Middle School is located, you need to consume a lot of Chakra, and then Datumu Kaguya released so many powerful techniques, Chakra must consume a lot.

And if Kaguya Otsuki goes to the Origin Ball space, she can absorb the Chakra of the person controlled by the Infinite Moon Reading to restore herself.

And after absorbing everyone's Chakra, the strength and speed of Kaguya will be further improved.

Naturally, Lei Luo couldn't just watch Kaguya return to his state and then deal with himself.

At the moment when Kaguya shuttled through space and came to the beginning ball space, Lei Luo also discovered the node connecting the hypergravity space and the beginning ball space through Kaguya's actions.

Then he used the Void Walk and directly entered the Origin Ball space with Kaguya through that space node.

After Kaguya came to the Origin Ball space, she immediately prepared to absorb everyone's Chakra to recover herself, but at this moment, she found that Lei Luo had actually followed her into the Beginning Ball Space.

"Damn guys!"

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