Obviously, Leiluo's difficulty made Kaguya Otsuki very angry, and she didn't expect that there were other people in her own space who could travel freely.

But the priority now is to absorb the chakra of those who read in the infinite month to restore themselves.

And even if Relo followed her to the Origin Ball space, this Chakra can only be absorbed by himself.

So as soon as Datumu Kaguya waved his hand, countless pure Chakras escaped from the space wall of the Origin Ball space, and then under the control of Datumu Kaguya, they converged towards his body.

"This Kaguya may not put me in the eyes too much, absorb Chakra in my face, will you absorb it, won't I?"

Lei Luo looked at the big tube of wood Kaguya who was absorbing everyone's chakra in front of him, and he was a little speechless.

But his own consumption does not have to be small, although he has Shuria's rhapsody to speed up Chakra's reply, but this speed is not as fast as absorbing other Chakra.

So Relo also began to absorb the Chakra in the space of the first ball, but he found that he couldn't absorb it.

"No wonder Datuki Kaguya is so confident in absorbing in front of me, presumably she herself knows very well that others can't absorb the Chakra in this Origin Ball space."

"But she still underestimated me!"

"My means are more than that!"

I saw that Relo once again induced the power of Godzilla in his body, and instantly entered the full body Godzilla mode.


I saw that Relo, who was transformed into Godzilla, opened his mouth and inhaled, and a terrifying devouring force came out of Godzilla's mouth, and the Chakra that was being absorbed and gathered by Kaguya was instantly diverted.

Almost half of the Chakra converged towards Godzilla's mouth.

After all, devouring energy is Godzilla's best natural instinct, even if it is controlled by others, it can be forcibly devoured.

And as Godzilla absorbs, more and more Chakras are taken from Kaguya's side and converge towards Godzilla.

Kaguya, who is absorbing Chakra, finds that he can absorb less and less Chakra.

"What's going on? The amount of Chakra in this ninja world is probably too rare.

Then Kaguya opened his eyes and found Godzilla devouring Chakra in the distance like a cloud.

"It's you again!"

Datuki Kaguya was already a little gritted and said.

After that, Kaguya naturally stopped posing, watching Godzilla, who was incarnated by Relo, continue to absorb Chakra and directly attack Relo.

Although Relo has been devouring Chakra, he has also been observing Kaguya's situation through the Five Visions.

Lei Luo, who had absorbed so many Chakras, couldn't help but feel that he had fully recovered, and even felt that his strength was even stronger than before.

At the moment when Kaguya's body disappeared in place, Lei Luo immediately stopped absorbing and entered a state of alert.


Relogothra swung his claw back, just enough to block Kaguya's attack using Horasaka to shuttle behind Relo.

Then Relo instantly entered immortal mode again and transformed into a Godzilla immortal.

"Eat me another shot of Immortal Atomic Jade!"

Lei Luo opened his huge mouth, condensed and spit out a golden, red and blue flashing energy ball again, and blasted towards the big tube of wood Kaguya.

After all, now that Lei Luo's state has returned to full, and even increased, it is even easier to release this kind of powerful attack.

But Datumu Kaguya was shocked when she looked at the oncoming Immortal Atomic Jade, after all, she had seen the power of this move before, and it was something that successfully swelled it and burst the Dao Jade.

So Kaguya Otsuki left the starting ball space directly and dodged this move.

Lei Luo looked at the big tube of wood Kaguya who disappeared in the space of the beginning ball and naturally chased after him, using the void to walk through the space node and came to the space where the big tube wood Kaguya escaped.

As soon as he entered this space, his eyes were white, and the light was refracted, and Leiluo's eyes almost flashed blind.

"This is the frost space in the Heavenly Palace!"

Relo quickly adapted to this environment, and although the frost in this frosty space was bitterly cold, it had no effect on the Godzilla Immortals.

Then Lei Luo looked for the traces of Datumu Kaguya in this frosty space through the Five Visions Omnimeter.

But no matter how you look at it, there is no trace of Datumu Kaguya in the sky and on the ground, but Lei Luo can feel her breath and know that she is definitely here and has not left.

Then suddenly countless ice picks shot towards Relo, saying that it was ice picks, but that was relative to the size of Godzilla.

For Lei Luo himself, this attack on him is the tip of an iceberg.

However, this attack is just a carving insect trick for the Godzilla Immortals, and I saw that with a wave of the Relo Godzilla Immortals, five light blades shot out from the tip of the claws.

After leaving the tip of the claw, it seemed to grow in the wind, turning into five heavenly complete light knives, smashing the incoming ice picks one after another.

And Relo looked in the direction where the ice pick came, but still found no trace of Kaguya.

At this time, Relo remembered why this situation occurred.

In this frost space, Kaguya has another ability to merge with the frost space and turn into ice, so Relo can't find her traces.

But now that he had figured out this joint, Relo had a way to find her.

So Kaguya heard a faint chant in the ice and snow.

"The heart of the south, the pupil of the north, the fingertips of the west, and the toes of the east, gather with the wind, and disperse the rain!"

"Fifty-eight of the Bound Road 'Chasing Sparrows'!"

A faint fluorescence drifted away with Relo's chant, tracking Kaguya's soul breath, and soon Relo discovered Kaguya's location.

It turned out that Kaguya was hidden in the iceberg in the southwest direction, and although her body had been integrated into the iceberg, her soul had been marked by Relo, and it was clearly visible in Relo's induction.

"Come out! Kaguya!

Godzilla Immortal Relo walked step by step towards the iceberg where Kaguya was, and finally stopped in front of the iceberg, his eyes seemed to penetrate the iceberg, staring straight at Kaguya in the iceberg.

"Hiding it like this is probably too inconsistent with the name of your Chakra ancestor."

Kaguya listened to Relo's voice and finally determined that he had found himself who was integrated with the iceberg, which made a trace of trepidation appear in her heart.

Just like the day when he was chased and fled thousands of years ago.

But she still had a little luck in her heart, in case Relo just tricked her out, maybe Relo just guessed that she was here.

Then she also deliberately manipulated the iceberg in the southeast direction to launch several ice picks towards Leiluo, wanting to guide Relo to change direction.

But this ice pick was in the hands of the Godzilla Immortal Relo, and it dispersed with a wave of his claws.

"Then don't blame me!"

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