Ninety-nine of the Bound Way! Kaguya surrender!

Immediately afterwards, Lei Luo brazenly launched an attack on the iceberg in front of him.


With a loud bang, this iceberg was directly destroyed in Leiluo's hands.

Fortunately, Kaguya broke away in time, otherwise he would have been seriously injured under Leiluo's attack.

Seeing that Lei Luo was about to strike again, the large tube of wood Kaguya, which consumed a lot, hurriedly called a halt.

"Wait a minute, Relo, I agree to work with you!"

Lei Luo smiled slightly when he heard this, but he was now in Godzilla Immortal mode, and the usual slight smile now looked so hideous and terrifying.

Then Kaguya heard Lei Laurent reply.

"Want to collaborate now? It's late!

"Now you have only two paths, one is to die and the other is to surrender to me!"

What is the purpose of Kaguya Otsuki eating the fruit of the Divine Tree and cultivating the White Absolute Legion for.

It's not to deal with the three people of the big tube of wood peach, or because they don't want to die.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for Datumu Kaguya to choose the first path that Lei Luo said, and to submit to Lei Luo, Otomu Kaguya is even more unacceptable.

She is the ancestor of Chakra, how can she submit to an indigenous in the ninja world.

Thinking of this, I saw the corners of Kaguya's eyes burst out, but this was not because he opened his eyes, purely because of anger.

"Want me to submit to you?"


Then Kaguya directly induced the divine tree Chakra in his body, and instantly entered a state similar to the tailed beast mode.

And this state looks like....

A rabbit!

"Hahaha!!" Relo laughed as he looked at Kaguya's state.

"It's really cute and powerful, it turned out to be a rabbit, I didn't expect Kaguya to be a bunny girl, now I'm more interested." Relo's heart was full of bad taste.

Datuki Kaguya heard Leiluo's laughter, but he didn't know why, but he just felt that Leilo seemed to be laughing at himself for not measuring himself.

So Kaguya Otsuki became even more angry!

"Rabbit hair needle!"

The giant rabbit-tailed beast incarnated by the big tube wood Kaguya trembled, and in an instant, countless long-haired flying needles shot towards Leiluo.

In fact, this trick Datuki Kaguya had used before, it was the white-haired flying needle she used in human form.

Although he has now entered the state of the tailed beast, for Leiluo, this level of attack is still a small skill of the carving insect.

"Immortal Law. Golden Light Shield! A

huge golden barrier appeared in front of Lei Luo, easily blocking all the rabbit hair needles.

But behind the big tube of wood Kaguya, there were suddenly ten more huge Chakra tentacles, it seems that although this form has changed, it has not changed in essence, and it is still ten tails.

Under the control of Kaguya Otsuki, the ten tails were drawn towards Relo together.




Ten tails slammed into the ground beside Relo, creating countless huge craters in this hard ice.

And although Relo in Godzilla Immortal mode is huge, he is still very flexible, as if dancing, passing through the gap shrouded by the ten tails.

The anger in Kaguya's heart became stronger and stronger, and the red in the eyes of the giant rabbit-tailed beast he incarnated became deeper, and he looked more like a rabbit.

Then, when he opened his mouth, he directly condensed a tailed beast jade and blasted towards Lei Luo.

Lei Luo was not afraid to clash with her, and directly condensed an immortal atomic jade and collided with the ten-tailed beast jade.

"Boom !!"

With a loud bang, the wind and snow in the entire frost stopped, and a huge mushroom cloud rose at the collision place of the Immortal Atomic Jade and the Ten-Tailed Beast Jade.


Datumu Kaguya suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

In the collision just now, Lei Luo's Immortal Atom Jade still had the upper hand after all, and although the two eventually exploded together, the location of this explosion was closer to her, so the shock wave was more serious.

And because of the collision of the two, it caused a violent collision of the frost space, and she had to consume a lot of pupil power and chakra to maintain the Heavenly Imperial Middle School.

"Can't do this, it seems that we must return to the ninja world!"

Kaguya Otsuki made a decision in his heart, and then manipulated himself and Relo to return to the ninja realm and close the Heavenly Gohan.

Lei Luo only felt that the scenery in front of him changed instantly, and he knew that he was back in the ninja world.

Because the moon in the sky is so conspicuous, scarlet, and still blooming with a bright light.

It is also very miraculous, the light of the scarlet moon blooming is not red.

Godzilla Immortal Relo looked at the ten-tailed giant rabbit Datumu Kaguya in the distance, his eyes were cold, and he did not have the slightest idea of mercy from his subordinates.

Because in this level of battle, as long as you are not careful, you may lose everything.

It was a big deal that he killed Datumu Kaguya, only taking two god-level lottery points, and he definitely couldn't joke with his life.

Thinking about the original work, the reason why Naruto and Sasuke defeated Otsuki Kaguya was not because their strength surpassed Otsuki Kaguya, but simply because of the power of the Yin and Yang Seal from the Six Immortals.

It shows that the sealing technique is the ability to restrain the most Otsuki Kaguya, but the sealing technique in the ninja world cannot be stronger than the sealing technique of the six immortals.

But the binding path in the world of the Grim Reaper may have a different effect.

Thinking of this, Lei Luo began to chant.

"The thundering carriage, the gap of the spinning wheel, this thing has a cluster of light and divides into six!"

"Sixty-one 'Six Rods Light Prison'!"

As Lei Luo chanted, six pillars of light suddenly appeared and turned into ropes, controlling the limbs, body, and head of the ten-tailed giant rabbit incarnated by Kaguya.

No matter how Kaguya struggled, he couldn't get rid of it.

Because although the binding path seems to have a substance, it is actually a soul that is bound, and Datumu Kaguya has no soul defense means, so it is naturally impossible to get rid of it.

But the ten tails behind Kaguya were not bound, because the six-staff light prison could only release six pillars of light, so Kaguya controlled the tail to continue to bombard towards Leiluo, wanting to get out of the current predicament.

However, Lei Luo did not care and continued to chant.

"Ninety-nine of the Bound Paths. Prohibition! "

Chuqu. Stop the tension! In

an instant, a thousand rays of light bloomed out from Lei Luo's body, as if turning into a cloth of Dao Light, entwining the entire Kaguya, making his whole body unable to move, even the ten giant tails behind him.

"Jiqu. Hundred consecutive latches! With

the chant, dozens of light spears fell from the sky, piercing Kaguya's body, pinning it to the ground, making it impossible to resist.

Kaguya, who was pierced by the light gun, felt as if his soul had been pierced, and unspeakable pain spread throughout his body.

"Finale. The swastika is too sealed!

With Relo's last chant, Kaguya felt the breath of death envelop him.

So she struggled, and the strong desire for survival seemed to make her briefly break through a shackle, and opened her mouth to shout to Leiluo.

"I surrendered!"

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