Early the next morning, Relo was called up early by Lin.

After carefully grooming and dressing, and then putting on the imperial god robe of the sixth generation Hokage prepared in advance, today's Lei Luo can be described as handsome.

"Lei Luojun, today is really very handsome." Lin looked at the well-taken care of Lei Luo and said gently, with a gentle smile in her eyes.

Hong and Xiyan also nodded when they heard this, and said: "That's right, that's right, Lei Luojun is really handsome today."

Then Hong turned to Kaguya and asked, "Kaguya-hime, what do you think of Lei Luojun's outfit today?" Datumu

Kaguya obviously didn't expect that Xi Rihong would take the initiative to ask his opinion, and he was a little in a daze for a while.

Then Lei Luo heard Kaguya repli blankly, "Ah, Reilo-kun? Well, handsome!

This dumbfounded look seemed a little cute, which made Relo couldn't help but smile on his face.

"Hahaha! You guys are really the first time in so many years to praise me so much, it's really a little embarrassing!

Lei Luo touched the back of his head and said with a smile.

"Uncle Relo!"

At this moment, a shout came from downstairs in the psychic beast shop, it was Naruto Uzumaki, Relo's godson.

Since Wave Feng Shuimen and Uzumaki Shinna could identify themselves, Naruto moved back to Watergate's house, and the family of three was finally reunited.

After all, he had lived in Relo's shop for more than ten years, and Naruto was very familiar with this place, even if he moved back, it was still regarded by him as his home.


Naruto didn't wait for Relo to reply, so he ran directly to the second floor.

"Uncle Relo, how are you preparing here, Mother-in-law Tsunade asked me to urge you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Naruto saw Reiro wearing the robe of the sixth generation Hokage Imperial God, and he was instantly attracted.

"This imperial god robe is so handsome!"

"I will definitely be a Hokage in the future!"

Relo looked at Naruto, whose eyes lit up after seeing the imperial robe, and said with a smile: "Naruto, if you let Tsunade-sama hear this, she will definitely beat you up fiercely, and even call her Tsunade mother-in-law."

"Also, isn't Watergate the fourth generation of Hokage, you haven't seen your father wearing an imperial robe for so long?"

Naruto shook his head and replied, "No, Dad said that he is no longer a Hokage, so he can no longer wear the Imperial God Robe."

"He now wears that black dark uniform every day, and I asked him to put on the imperial robes to show me that he didn't agree."

Hearing this, Lei Luo smiled and said: "Watergate's requirements for himself are too strict, and he doesn't even meet the requirements of his own children."

"But Naruto, don't worry, as long as you learn ninjutsu well and improve your strength, I will let you be the seventh generation Hokage in the future!"

"Let's wear our own imperial robes!"

When Naruto heard Relo's words, he smiled and said, "Uncle Relo, this is what you said!"

"No backtracking!"

"I will definitely become the Seventh Generation Hokage!"

Relo smiled and touched Naruto's head, now Naruto's height is only one head lower than himself, and it is estimated that he will be able to catch up with him in a few years.

Time flies so fast!

"All right! That's it time for small talk, Tsunade-sama and they're all waiting, it's time for us to go to the Hokage Building! Relo

took Rin and Naruto to the Hokage Building together.

He is the protagonist of today's ceremony!


Today's celebration is very grand, not only because Reiro succeeds the sixth generation of Hokage, but also to remove the haze of the Fourth Ninja World War.

Various shops in Konoha Village are also illuminated and offer various events to attract customers.

Standing on top of the Hokage Building, Lei Luo looked at the crowd of people under the black pressure underground, and his heart was also very happy.

"It seems that I am still very popular in Konoha Village."

Then, Reiro took the cloak, which represented the position of Hokage, from Tsunade's hand and announced it loudly to the villagers of Konoha.

"From today onwards, I will be the sixth generation Hokage Relo!"

The crowd under the Hokage Building erupted into cheers, and the villagers felt very relieved to have such a powerful Hokage.

Lin and the others looked at the high-spirited Lei Luo, their eyes full of adoration.

After the ceremony, the crowd dispersed and continued the celebration, while Relo followed Tsunade and them into the Hokage's office.

Looking at the familiar Hokage office, Lei Luo sighed with some emotion.

He used to come to the Hokage's office countless times to receive and submit tasks, but now he has become the Hokage, and it is his turn to post tasks and receive tasks for others.

Just as the so-called new official took office with three fires, since Lei Luo has become a fire shadow, some positions should also be changed.

Relo looked at these familiar faces in Hokage's office and spoke.

"Now that I've become Hokage, I should go to the capital to report to the daimyo soon."

Tsunade nodded and said, "That's right, Reilo-kun, according to common sense, he should go to report to the daimyo after that.

Relo continued, "Okay, then I'll issue my first order as Hokage now, this is mainly the arrangement of some locations in the village, so that the village can continue to operate safely during the time I leave the village." The

people in Hokage's office did not speak, quietly waiting for Relo's arrangement.

"First, the Minister of Darkness is still served by Bofeng Shuimen."

There is no objection from everyone, since the last time Tsunade arranged this position for Watergate, Watergate is now very adaptable, and there is no objection either.

"Article 2, the Minister of Medical Affairs is Senju Tsunade."

Tsunade had served as the fifth Hokage before, and there was no additional experience to care about anything else, so the head of the medical department in the village had always been the old gangster of Koharu.

Now that Tsunade has retired from Hokage's position, he is fit to serve as the head of the medical department.

Tsunade smiled when he heard this and said, "Lei Luojun, can't you just let me relax a little?"

Lei Luo also replied with a smile: "The able person works hard, you are still so young, isn't it a matter of staying at home every day."

Tsunade waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, you don't say any more, I agree." Xiaochun

listened to Leiluo's arrangement, although he was a little dissatisfied, but he did not dare to show it, although as an elder, but their elder group now has a lower and lower voice in the village.

This made Xiaochun sometimes particularly nostalgic for when Tuan Zang was still there, when the voice of their elder group was not many times stronger than now.

However, the third arrangement that Lei Luo said next made Koharu dumbfounded.

"Third, the existence of the Elder Group is no longer suitable for the development of Konoha, and I have decided to disband the Elder Group."

"From now on, there will be no more Elder Group in Konoha Village!"

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