
When Koharu was still dumbfounded, Mito Menyan couldn't wait to jump out.

"Leiluo, although you are Hokage, you also do not have the power to dissolve the Elder Group!"

Lei Luo looked at Mito Menyan who jumped out, and his expression became cold.

When he first settled the group by himself, he had proposed that Tsunade disband the elder group.

But Tsunade had just taken office not long ago, and for the sake of stability in the village, there was no way to move these two old guys for the time being.

But now that so much time has passed, I didn't expect this Mito Menyan to still be so confused about the situation.

They should have learned to fly apes and retire a long time ago, and it is not good to repay their grandchildren and raise their children at home?

People who have been reluctant to hold these powers and positions in their hands have already half-cut off into the earth, and have always occupied positions and have not moved.

So Mito Menyan heard Lei Luo say coldly: "Oh? I don't have power, so who does? "

At the beginning, your elder group was established by the third generation of the Hokage Ape Flying Sun, so is there any problem with me withdrawing him now?"

Mito Menyan looked at Leiluo's cold eyes, and then remembered how strong the man in front of him was, this was the man who single-handedly defeated Uchiha.

After all, they were all immersed in dreams, and they didn't know what happened behind Uchiha Madara, only knowing that it was Relo who defeated Uchiha and won the fourth Ninja World War.

Just now, he was carried away by the news of the dissolution of the elder group that Lei Luo said, and now he calmed down by looking at Lei Luo's cold eyes, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of fear.

"Forget it, I'm all this age, disband it." Mito Menyan thought to himself, and then the whole person fell down, feeling a little older again.

Then looked at Relo and said, "I'm sorry, Lord Naruto, it was the old immortal who said it just now, and I agreed to disband the elder group." When

Lei Luo heard Mito Menyan's words, the cold look on his face relaxed, and a kind smile appeared on his face again.

Then he said to Mito Menyan: "It seems that Elder Menyan still understands the great righteousness. Turning

his head to look at Koharu, he asked, "Elder Koharu, do you agree to disband the elder group?"

As soon as Lei Luo spoke, Xiaochun couldn't wait to reply, "Agree, I also agree to disband the elder group."

"I've been thinking about retiring for a long time, and now it's time to enjoy the blessings."

Mito Menyan's performance just now was in her eyes, and naturally she would not touch Leiluo's mold again.

"Hahaha, very good, two elders, please rest assured, although the elder group has been disbanded, the village will still take care of you."

Lei Luo said with a smile, everyone carries the flower palanquin, since these two people know each other so well, Lei Luo naturally will not skimp on a few good words.

"Okay, everyone has no objections to the few items just now, then I'll talk about the next one."

"Article 4, since Elder Menyan has abdicated, then his position as Minister of Finance naturally has to be inherited, do you have any suitable candidates?"

Mito Menyan listened to Leiluo's words this time, and there was no reaction, he already knew that he had lost power in the village, and naturally he would not die again.

After all, no one can protect him now.

Relo glanced around, and finally Kakashi spoke.

"Naruto-sama, for the position of Minister of Finance, I will elect the Nara Patriarch."

"The Nara family itself has a business of making medicinal herbs, and they are not unfamiliar with finances, and the Nara family are all highly intelligent talents, which is suitable for this position."

The patriarch of the Nara clan, Nara Shikahisa, listened to Kakashi's words, and his squinted eyes widened sharply.

He and Reloco have never had much friendship, why would this Kakashi suddenly recommend himself?!

At this moment, thousands of answers flashed in Nara Shikahisa's mind.

In fact, this is completely Nara Shikahisa himself thinking too much, when Tsunade was in power before, Reiro has always been at ease as a salted fish, and there is no friendship with the major families in the village.

This Kakashi recommended him for the same reason as Kakashi himself said, there were not so many twists and turns.

This is also a common problem that a high-intelligence businessman may have, always thinking about one thing too complicated, if it was Naruto Xiao Li, a person with a tendon, would have happily agreed.

Relo listened to Kakashi's words, looked down and thought about it, Nara Shikaku is indeed quite suitable, then he is.

So Relo looked up at Nara Shikaku and asked, "Patriarch Nara, I wonder what you think about Kakashi's proposal?"

Nara Shikaku looked at Relo and asked him, and knew in his heart that Relo had decided to make him the minister of finance, and he had to accept it now.

After all, the three clans of Pig Deer Butterfly have always been staunch supporters of the Hokage faction, and now the identities of multiple finance ministers are not impossible, but they are a little troublesome.

So, Nara Shikaku spoke: "Since Naruto-sama does not dislike it, then Shikaku is willing to serve as the minister of finance."

After looking at Nara Shikahisa and agreeing, Relo smiled and said, "Haha, then the financial work in the village will trouble you from now on, Minister Shikahisa."

Then Relo continued to say to the crowd: "Then I will now talk about this fifth and final one. Everyone

listened to Leiluo's words and immediately listened intently, the previous four arrangements are already big changes in the village, this last is generally the most important, isn't it even more shocking?!

Then everyone heard Lei Luo say: "Article 5 is actually nothing, that is, during the time I left the village, the work in the village still had to be handled by Tsunade-sama for the time being. "

How's it going, Tsunade-sama, no problem, right?"

The expressions on everyone's faces froze at once, but they didn't expect this last article to say this....

Tsunade reacted quickly and replied, "Well, I thought I would be able to relax for a few days, but I didn't expect that I still had to deal with this matter." "

Relo, this time won't be what you planned, right?!"

"When you come back, there is nothing to deal with in this village."

Relo listened to Tsunade's words, laughed, and replied, "If there is nothing, what plan can I have?!"

"It's just a coincidence, a coincidence."

"Okay, everyone, that's all I said, if there is nothing to do, you can disperse."

"Today the village is very lively, everyone can go and stroll."

When everyone heard this, they all retreated and left the Hokage's office one after another.


Three days later, Relo set off for the capital city of the Fire Country with his own Fire Guardian.

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