Although it is said that with the strength of Relo, there is no need for the Hokage Guard at all.

But after all, this is the tradition of Hokage, and it is also a noodle line, it is impossible to go to meet the daimyo of the Fire Nation, so Relo will go alone.

Relo's Hokage Guards are all acquaintances.

The captain of the Hokage Guardian was chosen as Kakashi, who has now successfully transplanted Kakashi Kiki, who has fused Uchiha Obito's kaleidoscopic chakra eyes.

The remaining members of the team are Senju Rope Tree, Uchiha Shusui, and Uchiha Itachi.

This lineup can be called luxurious, one wooden dun, three kaleidoscopes can also open Susano, this one Hokage Guardian can easily destroy a small country.

Lei Luo and his group galloped all the way, and within a few days, they arrived at the capital of the Fire Country.

Looking at the familiar and majestic city in front of him, Lei Luo couldn't help but sigh a little.

The last time he came to the capital of the Fire Country, it was Relo who came as Tsunade's guard.

So many years have passed.

After entering the city, Lei Luo did not go to see the bustle of the city, and walked directly towards the daimyo mansion.

"What are you?!"

The guards of the daimyofu looked very arrogant, although they were just ordinary samurai, and they also saw that Relo and his group were ninjas.

But with their backs to the daimyofu, they obviously feel that they are not ordinary samurai, and they don't care about the identity of Relo and his group, after all, the daimyo is the highest status person in the country of fire, and no one will go wild in the daimyofu.

It's a pity that they looked at the wrong person this time, and this iron plate is a bangbang bang


Lei Luo directly slapped the guard and flipped it several times.

When the doorman of the daimyofu got up from the ground again, his face was swollen and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"What the hell are you? Do you know what this place is?! This

guard obviously still did not see the current situation, and wanted the fox fake tiger to intimidate Relo.

Lei Luo naturally would not be accustomed to his problem, and when he went up, he slapped him again and directly gave him a left and right symmetry.

"Keep your dog's eyes open!"


"I am the current sixth-generation Hokage Reiro of Konoha Hidden Village!"

"Don't hurry in and report yet?!"

The doorman of the daimyo mansion got up from the ground, glanced at Relo, and then ran into the daimyo mansion with a puff of smoke.

The other guards were just about to strike, but when they heard that Lei Luo was the sixth generation Hokage, they all pretended not to see anything.


At this time, in the daimyo mansion, the daimyo of the Fire Nation was reading in the study, when he suddenly noticed a man with swollen cheeks like a pig's head walking in.

"What are you?"

"Is there a little rule, get out of here for me!"

"This is the first time that such an ugly person has been found in the mansion, how did this housekeeper get it, this kind of person must also be accepted into the mansion?!"

The Daimyo of the Fire Nation looked at this man with disgust on his face.

"Your Highness, I am the doorman of the Daimyo Mansion!"

"When you saw me and praised me for my determination, youth and vitality."

"I look like this now because I was beaten by others."

The doorman of the daimyo mansion howled and cried bitterly, making people think how much he had been wronged.

The Daimyo of the Fire Nation listened to the guard's words, looked carefully, and found that it was indeed a bit of the outline of the previous doorman, so he believed his words.

I saw that the daimyo of the Fire Country frowned, and asked with anger: "Who is so bold as to dare to spread wild at the gate of the daimyo mansion?!" The

daimyofu guard hurriedly replied, "He said that he is Konoha's new successor, the sixth generation Hokage, and it seems that his name is Relo." "

The Daimyo of the Fire Nation, who was originally still angry, heard that it was Relo, and the anger in his heart became even stronger, but it was not anger towards Relo, but anger at the doorman in front of him.

The Daimyo of the Fire Nation stood up from behind his desk and kicked the half-kneeling doorman down.

"How could you provoke him?"

"Why didn't he kill you?"

"Useless waste, don't hurry up and get me out and invite the sixth generation Hokage in."

This Fire Country daimyo still has some B numbers in his heart, knowing that Lei Luo's strength is strong, he should be well wooed, after all, this man who single-handedly ended the fourth ninja world war.

And according to his intelligence, Leiluo's strength may have surpassed the "ninja god" Senjukuma of the year, and he knew that people with this kind of strength would definitely not care about his daimyo's identity.

Now that Lei Luo has come to report his duties, he can treat himself well.

The doorman who was beaten was a little confused, but he still knew from the words of the daimyo what he should do now.

I saw the doorman get up from the ground and run out.

"Yes, yes, His Royal Highness!"

After all, although the doorman of this famous mansion looked a little miserable, Lei Luo really didn't make a heavy hand.

Otherwise, in terms of Lei Luo's strength, I am afraid that a slap down can directly slap this guard's head.

Soon, Lei Luo and the others followed the doorman to the door of the daimyo's study.

Logically speaking, the study room can already be regarded as a private space, and the daimyo of the Fire Nation should receive Relo in the reception room, not the study.

But the reason why the Daimyo of the Fire Nation asked the doorman to bring Relo here was also to show his closeness to Relo.

Unfortunately, he didn't know the real purpose of Lei Luo's coming here this time.

"Kakashi, Ropetree, just wait at the door, I'll just go in by myself." Relo turned his head and said to the Hokage Guardian who was following behind him.

"Yes! Naruto-sama! Everyone replied in unison.

Even if everyone is familiar with it, Lei Luo is not a person who cares too much about the rules, but in this kind of formal occasion, he should still follow the proper etiquette.

Then Lei Luo went straight into the daimyo's study.

"His Royal Highness Daimyo, Naruto-sama has arrived."

The guard was obviously more disciplined now, and said respectfully to the daimyo behind the book.

The daimyo of the Fire Nation raised his head and said softly, "Okay, you go down first!" "


The doorman of the daimyofu exited the study.

"Your Royal Highness, I am Reiro, who has just succeeded the sixth generation of Hokage, and I have come to report this time."

Lei Luo looked at the Great Emperor of the Fire Nation and said solemnly, with a non-humble and unassuming.

The Great Immortal of the Fire Nation didn't care about Relo's attitude at all, and with a gentle smile on his face, he pointed to the position next to the book and said to Relo: "Reilo-kun, please sit!"

"I'm very relieved that you are in the position of Hokage."

"If there are any needed supplies in Konoha Village, just open your mouth."

Lei Luo looked at the daimyo's attitude slightly surprised, originally thought that the daimyo was the kind of parasite full of fat and unclear things, but he didn't expect that the daimyo was still very self-aware.

But Lei Luo came this time to achieve a goal.

"Your Highness Daimyo, I want the entire Fire Nation!"

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