The people of the big tube wooden house who were pierced in the heart by Lei Luo no longer had any chance of survival.

The people of the big tube wooden house felt as if they had been drained of all their strength at once, and they could no longer maintain their bodies, and they opened their mouths to say something but could not say anything.


Lei Luo withdrew the ice wheel pill from the heart of the big tube wooden house, and at this time, blood burst out from the heart wound, adding a bright red color to this brilliant sea of light.

Then the people of the big tube wooden house collapsed weakly, leaving only the huge reincarnation eye around him to levitate quietly.

"I'm sorry, your thoughts are too dangerous, there can't be such an unstable factor in this ninja world."

Lei Luo looked at the corpse of the big wooden house and thought in his heart.

After all, Reiro is not Naruto, he doesn't have such a strong mouth, and he doesn't think that he can make the Otoki people change their minds by saying something.

Therefore, the best way to eliminate this destabilizing factor is to kill him.

Otherwise, I don't know if Lei Luo is still sitting at home one day, and the moon will fall from the sky.

Now that the people of the Great Tube Mushe had been eliminated and the Great Reincarnation Eye had been obtained intact, the purpose of Leiluo Moon's trip had been achieved.


The scene changed, and Lei Luo returned from the light sea space in the Heavenly Emperor to the ruined palace complex of the moon.

Looking at the huge Hamura stone statue that was still standing in place, the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel on the Thunder Luo Divine Court Cave turned its eyes, and it was received into the space of the Heavenly Emperor.

It doesn't matter if you let the village study the puppet later, or control it for the next person with a reincarnation eye.

Looking at the group of lunar palaces that had become silent again, Lei Luo turned and walked towards the Earth-Moon Passage.

"Time to go back!"


Country of Fire, Konoha Village, Hokage Building.

Relo finally returns to Konoha Village and officially begins his life as Hokage.

The huge reincarnation eye Lei Luo obtained from the moon also gave it to Datumu Kaguya, although Datuki Kaguya is the ancestor of the white eye, but he has not awakened the reincarnation eye.

When Lei Luo released the huge reincarnation eye from the space of the sea of light in his heavenly palace, Datuki Kaguya felt the throbbing of his white eyes when he saw it.

When Relo said that he would give her this huge reincarnation eye, Kaguya sweetly said thank you to the master, and he couldn't wait to absorb the pupil power in this huge reincarnation eye.

Under the stimulation and catalysis of this huge reincarnation eye pupil power, the white eye of Kaguya Otsuki finally completed its evolution and became his own reincarnation eye.

And the light blue light on this huge reincarnation eye was already imperceptible, almost returning to the state of white eyes.

However, Lei Luo didn't care, after all, if you want to deal with the three of the big tube of wood peach, only Kaguya can have enough combat power, and the strength of the others is still weaker.

Now that the overall situation has settled down, it is finally time for Relo to settle his own affairs.

On this day, Relo had just returned home from the Hokage Building, but suddenly found that Red had taken the initiative to run into his bedroom to find him.

"Red, what's wrong, is there something going on?" Lei Luo looked at Hong and asked with some doubt.

Sunset Red ears turned red and said shyly: "Lei Luojun, didn't you say that you would get married after the war was over?" Saying

that, he lowered his head, not daring to look at Lei Luo again.

And Lei Luo also noticed the breath of the other three women outside the door at this time, and said: "You all come in!"

Then looking at the four women sitting in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little remorseful, after all, so many years have passed, and now there are four beautiful women waiting for him.

Lei Luo sighed low and said, "You have worked hard, you have waited for me for so many years.

"Get married, we'll get married!" I'll arrange it tomorrow! "

He finally decided to marry Yuki Yuyan, Yuri Hong, Nohara Rin, and Otsuki Kaguya.

To this end, Relo held a grand wedding, and the other four major countries and countless small countries sent people to watch the ceremony, after all, Lei Luo is now the actual controller of the Fire Nation.

With Leiluo's combat power, a night of fighting heartily, and finally achieved the achievement of sleeping together, he finally became a married person and truly had his own home in the Hokage world.


Time flies by, and five years have passed in a flash!

After the wedding, Relo did not indulge in the gentle country, although it was said that creating life was a must, but he also began his final plan - to unify the ninja world.

But if unification is carried out through war, it will inevitably cause great trauma to ordinary people, and the wounds of this battle are not so easy to remove.

So, Relo finally decided to replicate his control of the Fire Nation.

With Leiluo's strength, he can naturally infiltrate the mansions of the daimyos without being discovered, thus successfully controlling the identity of the daimyo.

And these daimyo did not disappoint Relo, none of the daimyo had the idea of dying generously, and in order to save their lives, they all became puppets manipulated by Relo.

And under the control of Lei Luo, the road of reform began from top to bottom, and the unification of the ninja world was carried out.

In the end, the five great powers merged, and the original five great daimyo established the senate, but this senate basically did not have any actual control ability, and the real control of the country was the standing committee set up under the senate.

This Standing Committee was composed of the five shadows of the original five major powers, and Lei Luo, who was the Hokage, naturally became the chairman of the Standing Committee and truly controlled the five major powers.

Then, under the pressure of the five major countries, other small countries also integrated, and the daimyo of the original small countries retained certain preferential treatment and became idle nobles.

The ninja world is finally unified.

In the end, under the discussion of the Standing Committee, the unified country was called the country of peace, which means a united republic.

And this good thing is coming one after another.

Relo finally had a child of his own.

Maybe it's because Lei Luo's strength is too strong, or maybe it's because of Lei Luo's physical problems, he has been working hard and cultivating continuously after marriage, but it is difficult to sow seeds in four fields.

This made Lei Luo wonder if he was no longer a species with the four women, and there was reproductive isolation.

But fortunately, the emperor did not pay off, and Lei Luo's hard work finally came to fruition, and in the end, it turned out that Datumu Kaguya was pregnant first.

After becoming pregnant in October, Kaguya Otsuki gave birth to a baby girl.

This baby girl was born with extraordinary qualifications, looking at the light blue eyes that opened, she was born with rebirth eyes.

And there is a slight gap on the forehead, and Lei Luo has seen that among them is the unawakened reincarnation writing wheel eye, and the physique of this baby girl actually has Leiluo's unique light attribute.

Relo laughed while holding the baby girl, happily named her Future, and then held a banquet.

But just as Lei Luo was celebrating, three figures suddenly appeared outside the earth's space at this time.

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