"Is this the place?!"

Icy words spat out of one of the men's mouths.

I saw that this man had pale skin and long gray-white hair, and two hard horns in the shape of rabbit ears on the back of his head, and was dressed in white, which was a large tube of wood peach.

"That's right, senior, Kaguya is here."

The man was also a man, with pale skin and long gray hair, dressed in white, with two hard lumpy "horns", and a red glowing fish basket on his back.

It's exactly the Otsukipa style!

Next to the two of them also floated a giant man with a lock, with a horn-like object on his left eye, and without a glance, this person was a large tube of wood gold.

This time, the three came together precisely to bring Kaguya back.

"Then let's go, go find Kaguya, this rat, I didn't expect to hide for so many years."

With an order, the three disappeared in place.


At this time, in the ninja world, the birthday banquet held by Lei Luo for his daughter's future has just ended.

The guests also gradually left, and at this moment, Lei Luo suddenly frowned, because he felt that someone had intruded into the space of his Heavenly Imperial Palace.

"Someone can break into the space of my Heavenly Emperor, there is absolutely no one in the ninja world who has this ability."

"It seems that they are coming!"

Leiluo's eyes gradually became cold, and his body also exuded a trace of killing intent.

This big tube of wood peach style three people really pick the time, and they will come not long after Kaguya has just given birth, and these three should want to enter Kaguya's Heavenly Imperial Middle Space.

But I didn't expect that in addition to Kaguya, there was also Lei Luo in this ninja realm who also had the space of the Heavenly Imperial Palace, and the result was wrong, but it made Lei Luo notice.

Feeling the cold breath on Relo's body, Lin spoke up to wake Relo.

"Lei Luojun, what's wrong with you?" Rin shook Relo and said softly and gently.

Only then did Lei Luo come to his senses, and quickly converged a trace of murderous aura leaking from his body to prevent affecting the people around him.

Then looked at the four women beside him, and the little cute future who was still lying in the cradle, Lei Luo shook his head lightly and said: "There is nothing important, you don't have to worry."

"Today is a birthday banquet for the future, a few of you are busy."

"You guys have a good rest, I'll go out, I suddenly remembered that there was still a little thing to deal with."

After speaking, Lei Luo walked out directly.

None of the four women were fools, they had already sensed that something must have happened, but they didn't say much.

First, because they believe in Relo's strength, and second, if they go with them, not only may they not be able to help, but they may even drag Lei Luo back.

After Lei Luo left his home, he turned into light and galloped towards the distance, using Void Walking to flicker continuously, and with Relo's speed, he soon came to a place that was inaccessible.

There will be no worries about fighting here!

Lei Luo sensed and found that the three people in the space of his Heavenly Emperor were still there, and then snorted coldly, and he also entered the space where the three people were.


In the nuclear energy space of the space of Relo's Heavenly Emperor, the three of them are looking for the temple in the space.

Because there will be a temple in the center of each space in the Heavenly Palace, which also contains the statue of the master of the Heavenly Palace, and this temple is also the union point of each space.

Although the three of them can use Huangquan Hirasaka to enter Leiluo's Heavenly Emperor, they cannot shuttle through it at will.

They must pass through the temple to find the node that enters the space of the first sphere, so as to control or destroy.

And the space they are now in is also filled with an energy that has never been seen before, with super radiation and corrosion.

This forced them to use Chakra all the time to protect their bodies.

"I didn't expect Kaguya, the rat generation, to be able to create such a peculiar space, but it's still a waste!" Otsuki said coldly, his tone full of disdain for Kaguya.

Finally, the three of them found the temple in this nuclear energy space, but looking at the statues in this temple, the three finally had a little surprise.

Because they found out that this statue was not Kaguya's appearance, but a strange man who had never seen it before, and did not seem to be from their Otsuki clan, but like the natives of this planet.

"How can a low-grade creature possess the Heavenly Imperial Emperor?!" Otsuki Momoji was a little surprised, but his words were still full of disdain and disparagement for the people in the ninja world.

At this time, Lei Luo also happened to enter the Heavenly Palace, appeared in the temple of the nuclear energy space, and heard the words of the big tube of wood peach.

Lei Luo, who was already unhappy with the peach three, the killing intent directly came out of his body.

"Inferior creatures?!"

"Hmph! Let you see who is the inferior creature!

Lei Luo drank coldly, and then instantly entered the Three Immortal Immortal Mode, and directly attacked the three of Tao.

"Immortal Law. Guang Duan. Eight-foot qionggouyu! As soon as

the light flashed, Lei Luo came to the top of the peach three's head, and with a wave of his hand, countless golden jade shot out from Lei Luo's hand and blasted towards the peach three.

The peach trio instantly discovered Lei Luo above.

"Peach-style senior, it's that native!" Otsukipo Shiki saw Leiluo's face and said.

Da Tu Mu Tao snorted coldly and said: "Inferior creatures, come just right!"

"Since he has the space of the Heavenly Imperial Palace, it is absolutely inseparable from Kaguya, and he must know Kaguya's location."

In the midst of the conversation, several people easily blocked Leiluo's attack.

I saw that the big tube of wood peach raised his right hand, and the red reincarnation eye pupil power in his right hand gushed out, and he absorbed all the golden jade in front of him.

The big tube of Mokpo style suddenly appeared in his hand, and when he waved it, he intercepted and absorbed the golden goujade that Lei Luo blasted out.

Only the big tube of wood gold turned the red ring in his hand into a shield, blocking Leiluo's attack, and this red ring was similar to the existence of seeking jade.

However, from the means of the three, it can be seen that among these three, the big tube wood gold style is obviously weaker than the other two.

Then the big tube of wood peach looked at Lei Luo in the air and said coldly: "Inferior creatures, say the location of Kaguya, I will spare you not to die!" When

Lei Luo heard the words of the big tube of wood peach, his expression became even colder, he had not been looked down upon like this for many years.

I saw Lei Luo replied coldly: "Want to know the location of Kaguya?

"Okay, beat me, I'll tell you!"

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