As soon as the words fell, Relo attacked again.

I saw a flash of light, and Lei Luo appeared above the heads of the three people in the big tube of wood peach, and the ice wheel pill in his hand instantly entered a state of dissolution.

"Water breath * three styles * flow dance!"

Orochimaru slashed towards the three of them from all directions with a cold frost aura, and for a moment it seemed that the figure of Lei Luo was all over the sky.

Each one looks like an illusory shadow, but every knife cut down is real.

In the face of Leiluo's attack, the big tube wood peach style did not make a move, just glanced at the big tube wood gold style, and the golden style understood the meaning of the peach style.

In the eyes of the big tube of wood peach, Lei Luo is not worth doing it himself, and the golden style under his hand is enough to solve Lei Luo.

I saw that the big tube of wood gold instantly opened its eyes, staring closely at Leiluo's figure, the red ring behind it bloomed with light, and the speed suddenly increased, wielding a phantom, resisting every knife of Leiluo.

"Inferior creature, you better obediently tell Kaguya's location, so that if I am in a good mood, I may spare your life." The big tube of wood peach looked at Lei Luo's figure who had stopped attacking, and said coldly.

The words carried a feeling of being high above and looking down on all living beings, and Otsuki felt like a god in the ninja world, and there was an indescribable sense of superiority.

Lei Luo snorted coldly and said: "I don't know where you have this confidence, you are not ashamed!"

"You don't really think this guy can solve me, do you?!"

"Then I will let you watch your most loyal subordinate die in front of you."

Otsuki Momoji listened to Leiluo's words, his expression was indifferent, although the strength of Jinshi was a little worse than theirs, but he did not think that there were people in this ninja world who could deal with Jinshi.

As soon as Leiluo's words fell, the big tube wood gold style took the lead in attacking

, and I saw that the red ring behind the big tube wood gold style suddenly turned into a giant axe, which was held by him in his hand, and his figure flickered and disappeared in place.

Reappeared, already in front of Lei Luo, the giant axe slashed towards Lei Luo's head.

This large wooden gold style looks burly, but its speed is not slow.

However, for Relo, his speed is too slow, after all, Relo is a man with the speed of light.


With a sound of gold and iron clashing, Lei Luo directly set up the big tube of wooden gold axe.

Then, Lei Luo, who was in the Three Immortal Immortal Mode, directly opened the Eight Doors Dun Jia.

"Immortal Law. Eight Doors Dun Jia!

"Open the door, break the door, give birth door, hurt door, jing gate, du door, shock door, open it to me!"

After all, it is one to three, and Lei Luo has decided to solve one quickly, and this goal is the weakest big tube of wood gold in front of him.

With the opening of the eight-door dunjia, a vigorous and violent momentum burst out from Lei Luo's body, and Lei Luo's figure disappeared in an instant.


Lei Luo instantly appeared behind the big tube of wood gold, kicked him out and smashed into the ground.

The large tube of wood gold climbed out of the deep pit, but there were no serious injuries on his body.

"What a strong defense!" Leiluo's eyes narrowed slightly, when he kicked on the body of the big tube of wood gold just now, he felt that his feet felt wrong, and sure enough, he should have kicked on the shield made of the red ring.

"The defense of this red ring is fast, but my speed has increased again, I don't believe you can still block it!"

As soon as Lei Luo gritted his teeth, he turned on Shu Renna's rhapsody again, and this speed immediately increased by three percent.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Lei Luo continued to attack the big tube of wood gold from all angles, although it was constantly resisted, but the big tube wood gold style was powerless to fight back.

As the saying goes, if you keep it for a long time, you will lose.

In this battle, the big tube of wood gold style also consumed a lot, but each attack of Lei Luo was powerful, although it was blocked, but the shock feeling was getting stronger and stronger, and his arms were a little numb.


Lei Luo felt that the defense of the big tube of wood gold was a little slower, and once again continued to storm up, and finally, this time the big tube of wood gold did not block Leiluo's attack, and was kicked into the sky by Lei Luo.

Looking at this gap, Lei Luo directly dodged and pasted it.

"Day Tiger!"

A fierce tiger composed of qi energy blasted out from Lei Lu's hand and was fiercely printed on the chest of the big tube of wood gold.

Suddenly, the big tube of wood gold was directly smashed half of the body, and then, with a "boom", it smashed on the ground.

Just when Lei Luo was about to make a move to solve it, he was blocked by the big tube of wood peach.

The big tube of wood peach style looked at the golden style who was paralyzed on the ground, and his expression was very dissatisfied.

"Waste! You can't even deal with a low-class creature, what use do you want?! "


Otsuki Jinshi coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, and said weakly: "I'm sorry, Lord Momo, I disappointed you!"

"Please take my Chakra and continue to fight!"

Then the big tube of wood gold took the initiative to condense its own remaining chakra.

Da Tu Mu Taoshi listened to Jin Shi's words, his expression still did not fluctuate, stretched out his right hand, and saw that the reincarnation eye began to absorb the power of Jin Shi as soon as he turned his eyes.

Lei Luo naturally wouldn't just watch the big tube of wood peach absorb the power of the gold style to strengthen himself, but his attack was intercepted by the big tube of the wood peach style.

"Human, although you defeated Jinshi, it does not mean that you can beat us."

"I can't let you disturb the seniors, you better stay here obediently."

After intercepting Leiluo's attack, he looked at Leiluo and said lightly.

Lei Luo has already exited the eight-door Dun Jia mode at this time, although Lei Luo's physical strength is very high, but opening the seven doors for a long time is also a lot of pressure for Lei Luo.

Lei Luo looked at the peach style who was still absorbing the power of the golden style, and knew that ordinary attacks would definitely not be able to break through the interception of the large barrel of mokpo, but if the peach style completely absorbed the golden style, it would definitely be more difficult to deal with.

And Lei Luo also knew that he had now killed Jin Shi and revealed his strength and threat, and Namo-Shi and Urashi Shi would definitely not fight one-on-one with themselves like they did just now.

"That's all there is to it!" Lei Luo instantly made up his mind.

Then he directly triggered the power of Godzilla in his heart, and instantly entered the complete body Godzilla mode, fusing the Three Immortal Flow Immortal Mode and transforming into a Godzilla Immortal.


In this nuclear space, Relo feels that the power of Godzilla is very active, which is exactly what he expected.

Then Godzilla Immortal Lei Luo directly opened his giant mouth and condensed atomic jade.

No! With Relo's absorption control, this atomic jade not only has Godzilla's own energy, but also absorbs a large amount of nuclear energy in this nuclear energy space.

This trick should now be called - nuclear explosion atomic jade!

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