Then, Godzilla Immortal Leiro instantly spit out this nuclear explosion atomic jade in the direction of the large tube of Mupo and the big tube of wood peach.

Otsukipo looked at the scarlet and dark blue energy ball that was rapidly approaching him, and his face was very cautious, because he felt a trace of deadly danger from it.

But the big tube of Mokpo is still very confident in his ability, and directly throws the red light fishing rod in his hand towards the nuclear explosion seeking jade.

This red light fishing rod is a weapon created through the Yin Yang Escape Technique. Among them, the "power of the outer path" residing in the eye of reincarnation unleashes red glowing chakra fishing lines and hooks during battle, which can absorb all the ninjutsu and chakra that you catch. And can use various ninjutsu that are fished back, and all kinds of chakra attributes are possessed.

As this fish hook flung into the nuclear explosion atomic jade, the Chakra energy in this atomic jade was continuously absorbed by it, and its size quickly shrank several times.

Just when the Otsukipo style thought that it would be able to absorb all the nuclear explosion atomic jade in this way, he found that he could not absorb it.

The chakra in the nuclear explosion atomic jade has been fully absorbed, but this atomic energy and nuclear energy remain, and this is the core of the nuclear explosion atomic jade.

"There is even a technique that I can't absorb?!" The Otsuki Mokpo-style finally produced a hint of shock.

But at this moment, the nuclear explosion atom Jade exploded.

"Boom Boom !!"

There was a loud bang in the sky, and a terrifying shockwave spread.

And due to the explosion of the nuclear explosion atom jade, the nuclear energy within the explosion range was also triggered, entered a riot state, and continuously exploded and fissioned.

And the Otsu Mokpo type, which was trying to resist the attack, and the Otsuki Tao-type, which was absorbing the gold type, did not have time to dodge, and were directly enveloped by the explosion of this nuclear explosion atomic jade.

After using the red light fishing rod again to absorb and weaken part of the power of the explosion, Otsuki-po-style felt that he couldn't hold on, and directly used Huangquan Hirazaka to shuttle to another place.

However, at this time, because of the delay of the big tube of the Mokpo style, the big tube of wood peach style finally absorbed the power of the gold style.

After absorbing all the remaining power of the golden style, the reincarnation eye in Taoshi's hand changed, from a red reincarnation eye to a purple reincarnation eye.

And a purple reincarnation eye also opened at the center of the eyebrow.

Looking at the blast wave that spread towards him, the big tube of wood peach raised his right hand, and the purple reincarnation eye pupil power surged, directly absorbing all of this energy storm.

"Inferior creatures, I admit that you are much stronger than ordinary inferior creatures, but that's the end of it!" Da Tu Mu Taoshi looked at Lei Luo and said coldly.

Obviously, having absorbed the power of the Great Tube of Wood Gold, he was even stronger than before.

Lei Luo also had a cold look, his eyes were full of murderous aura, and he turned into a Godzilla Immortal who looked at the big tube of wood peach and said coldly: "Everyone will say big things, let's see the real tricks under your hands!" "

Unlimited monthly reading!"

The nine-hook jade reincarnation writing wheel eyes in the eyebrows of Godzilla Immortal Mode suddenly opened, and a pillar of light flashing with a mysterious aura fell towards the large tube of wood peach.

As long as it is shrouded in this pillar of light, this large tube of wood peach style will inevitably be pulled into the infinite moon reading by Lei Luo.

But just when Lei Luo released the Infinite Moon Reading, the big tube of wood peach style seemed to have foreseen it in advance, and disappeared in an instant.

When he appeared again in the next second, he had already come to the side of the Otomupo-style.


With a wave of his hand, he summons a huge monster that looks like a combination of a dog and a snake, which was created by Otsuki using Tudu Chakra.

Then, under the control of Tao, he rushed directly towards Lei Luo.


This canine snake pulled its tail to the location where Relo was, but Relo did not dodge, and the power of this Chakra creation Lei Luo was not in his eyes.

The Godzilla Immortal incarnated by Relo put his two front paws together and directly held the tail of the dog snake in his arms.

Then Lei Luo made an even more effort and directly wheeled the entire canine snake.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

This dog snake was smashed left and right by Lei Luo, but he couldn't get rid of it, and finally Lei Luo directly rounded it and threw it towards the big tube of wood peach.

Looking at the flying canine snake, the big tube of Mokpo-style flicked the red light fishing rod and inserted the hook into the body of the dog snake, and then the earth chakra that built the dog snake was quickly absorbed and gathered in the red light fish basket behind him.

This red light fish basket not only has the effect of storing and absorbing Chakra, but it can increase the power of ninjutsu and immortal art caught and fight back, and the power of the technique exerted far exceeds the original effect.

Sure enough, the next second the red light fish basket fluctuated, and a more powerful dog snake was summoned by it.

And the big tube of wood peach style did not stand by and watch, since the original dog snake was not a threat to Leiluo, then there was another more fierce one.

"Ape Rock!"

I saw that the chakra on the body of the big tube of wood peach was constantly surging, and the fire attribute and earth attribute chakra quickly converged in front of him, creating a huge and mighty lava giant.

Then the big tube of wood peach stepped forward, and actually walked directly into the lava giant, this lava giant is not only large, but also speed and strength can easily suppress the Nine Tails.


I saw that the lava giant stomped his foot suddenly, and instantly rushed towards Relo, and almost in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the Godzilla Immortal incarnated by Relo.

And the resurrected and even larger canine snake was also under the control of the Otsukipo style, and rushed towards Relo with the lava giant where the peach type was.

Next, it's the physical duel of the three giant beasts!




The three giant beasts kept colliding, but it was the lava giant and the dog snake who fought two to one, and the entire battlefield was bombarded with potholes.

However, Lei Luo did not fall behind with the ice wheel pill in his hand, after all, Lei Luo's knife skills were stronger than the simple and brutal attacks of lava giants and canine snakes.

"Water breath * Qiqi style * Shizuku ripple sudden!"

Lei Luo instantly made the fastest move in this water breath, and instantly stabbed into the large barrel of wood peach wrapped in lava giants.

After turning on the five-sight omnipotence, Lei Luo easily discovered the location of the large barrel peach body in the huge body of the lava giant.

And the big tube of wood peach style sensed a sense of mortal danger, and saw the pupil power in its three purple reincarnation eyes gushing out wildly, and it instantly seemed to ripple.

Then Lei Luo felt as if his body had stopped, but his mind was still clearly active.

"What is this ability?!"

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