The location where this old man was located was the ruins of the vortex country in Leiluo's senses, and Leilo and Bofeng Shuimen had traveled all the way, and now they had finally arrived.

Through induction, Lei Luo approached the old man's location, and then found that they had actually built a base under the original Vortex Hidden Village.

Looking at the appearance of the base, it is estimated that it did not take long to build, it should be built when the shell tissue was exposed and began to recruit the periphery.

"Are they right here?" Bofeng Shuimen looked at the ruined Vortex Hidden Village, and also sensed the traces of the enemy, but did not gain anything.

But the five-sight omnipotent Lei Luo turned on, and the sky and the ground were unobstructed, and he had already seen the scene in the base.

Lei Luo said to the Wave Feng Shui Gate: "That's right, they are here, and the underground of this Vortex Hidden Village has been transformed into a huge base by them.

"Moreover, I also found several familiar figures in this group."

"A familiar figure?" Bofeng Shuimen asked with some doubt.

Lei Luo nodded and replied, "That's right, there are now more than twenty ninjas in this base, and about half of them are the elite Shinobi of the original villages and some renegades.

"It seems that this organization has a huge plan!"

Bofeng Shuimen listened to Leiluo's words, and his expression instantly became serious, so many elite Shinobi and Rebel Shinobi of various villages were members of this mysterious organization, which was not much weaker than the Xiao Organization back then.

"So what do we do now?" Bofeng Shuimen looked at Lei Luo and asked.

Lei Luo had a smile on his face, but there was a killing intent in his eyes, and he said lightly: "Since we are all here, we must get rid of these guys."

"It seems that I can move my muscles a little this time, I haven't moved for so many years, and my body is about to rust!"

In fact, in the past ten years, Lei Luo is not eating and waiting for death, he can keep his body in peak state all the time with the Six Ku Immortal Thief, and he has been constantly practicing cultivation over the years, and his strength is still steadily improving.

The level of improvement is not too much, but it is also nearly one percent.

With Leiluo's strength, that Issei is also enough to dominate the ninja world!

Bofeng Shuimen nodded when he heard this, since Lei Luo had already decided, then follow Lei Luo's arrangement, he believed in Lei Luo's strength very much.

"Okay, Watergate, don't worry, let me give these guys a meeting gift first."

I saw Lei Luo's right hand held in the void, and the ice wheel pill instantly appeared in Lei Luo's hand.

"Old man, this time we are going to fight side by side again!"

As if he understood Relo's words, Orochimaru responded with a slight trembling.

Then Lei Luo induced the immortal Chakra in his body, and instantly entered the Three Immortal Immortal Mode, and the dazzling and mysterious eye shadow appeared above Lei Luo's eye sockets.

"Immortal Law. Guang Duan. Big day is coming. Heaven Lock Cut the Moon! I

saw that the nine-hook jade reincarnation eyes on the Leiluo Divine Court Cave opened instantly, and the pupil power gushed out madly, and the solar energy in the sky was pulled by the pupil force and entered Leiluo's body, and then formed countless golden halos constructed by the "swastika age" behind Leiluo.

A strong momentum burst out from Lei Luo's body, and the chakra in his body frantically poured towards the ice wheel pill in his hand, and the ice wheel pill was covered with a layer of fluorescence, and then this fluorescent light became brighter and brighter, like a scorching sun.

And the wave feng shui gate next to Lei Luo was no longer able to look directly at Lei Luo.

The ninjas in the base under the Hidden Village of Vortex also had a sense of great disaster, just as they were about to come out to find out what had happened.

The ice wheel pill in Lei Luo's hand finally swung out, and a heavenly sword qi was cut out of the ice wheel pill, and there was nothing where the knife qi passed, and even the space had a feeling of turbulence and fragmentation.

And the base that was the target of Lei Luo was directly crushed by Lei Luo's knife qi, and those elites among them could not stop Lei Luo's knife, and directly annihilated with the base.

After all, Lei Luo's knife is infused with his full thirty percent of Chakra and Immortal Chakra, as well as the amount of solar energy in the sky, which is no less powerful than the atomic jade of Lei Luo incarnating Godzilla.

Unfortunately, the limitations of this move are too great, and it also requires a build-up.

The ruins of this whirlpool country were originally an independent island, and when the thunder knife qi dissipated, a deep trench appeared in the original location of the whirlpool hidden village.

The surrounding sea water continued to pour into this trench, and those ninjas who still had a trace of life were swept by the whirlpool of the sea and pulled into the deep sea.

Soon, the raging sea filled the trench and gradually returned to calm, and Relo found through the five visions that no ninjas had survived in the trench.

The old man who was marked by the spiritual pressure of the binding path also died in the trench, and the mark had dissipated.

In fact, this is also the bad luck of the old man, after all, he is through "illusion. Communication "Meetings in the shell tissue space, a lot less responsive to the outside world.

Otherwise, with his time and space ninjutsu, he might be able to escape a glimmer of life.

And just as the sea poured into the trench, Calder and Diruda finally arrived.

Looking at the trench that the original base had turned into, and the two people of Leilo and Bofeng Shuimen standing on the edge of the trench, Diruda and Kaude were shocked.

Because they have seen that this trench has been cut open by man.

However, they immediately regained their calm, and the consumption of such a powerful technique must be very large, maybe now the Chakra in the bodies of Lei Luo and Bofeng Shui Men has been completely cleaned.

Diruda looked at Relo and Bofeng Shuimen and asked coldly, "Did you two destroy this base?!" "

Relo had already discovered Diruda and Calder through the Five Visions when they appeared, but Relo didn't care.

Because Leiluo's current state has basically returned, and the strength of these two is not much stronger.

I saw Lei Luo replied lightly: "That's right, I did it, is there any problem?"

Diruda's eyes narrowed when he heard this, and he replied sharply: "Since you did it, then send me to hell!" Saying

that, Diruda launched an attack on the two of Relo, and Calder followed.

"Hitomi. Destroy the laser! I

saw the pupil power in Diruda's eyes gushing out wildly, and two lasers full of dangerous aura shot directly from Diruda's eyes.

"Scientific Ninja. Peacock double sword. Wind chop! "

Following Diruda's side, the Chakra in Calder's body surged, and his arms directly turned into two ninja knives, and then exchanged blows, and a huge wind blade flew out of the ninja knife and blasted towards Leiluo.

Lei Luo looked at the two people who attacked him, did not panic in the slightest, only to see a flash of light, and Lei Luo disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, Lei Luo had already come behind Kaude, and the ice wheel pill in his hand had pierced into Kaude's heart.

It is the fastest straight stab that uses the "Water Breath * Qizhi Type * Shizuku Ripple Spike".

"Your strength is just too weak!"

"The knife technique should be used like this!"

Calder's ears heard these two words spoken by Relo, and then his eyes darkened, and he lost consciousness forever.

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