The strength of this shell organization is really much weaker than Lei Luo expected, I am afraid that only Datumu Cixuan can be his opponent!

After Relo easily kills Kaud, he switches his target to Diruda.

Diruda, who was still using the pupil laser to attack Relo, found that the light flashed and Leilo disappeared, while the wave feng shui gate threw out a sword of ninja and shot towards Diruda.

Diruda's legs instantly formed flamethrowers, and then changed his direction in the air, dodging the sword of forbearance of the Wave Feng Shuimen.

But I saw that the wave feng shui gate also disappeared in an instant, appearing in the position of the sword of ninja, holding the sword of ninja in his left hand, and a huge spiral pill in his right hand directly pressed on Diruda.


Diruda didn't have time to dodge, and was directly bombarded into the ground by the spiral pill of the wave feng shui gate.

When Diruda got up from the ground, she found that Calder had died at the hands of Relo, who had turned his target on her.

"Fire. Fire Dragon Bomb! Wave

Feng Shuimen's hand quickly froze, and then opened his mouth to spit out three swift fire dragons, blocking the direction where Diruda fled.

But when the fire dragon came to Diruda, he saw the pupil power in Diruda's eyes gushing out madly, and his right eye directly absorbed the fire dragon.

Then his left eye turned his head and released the fire dragon again, slamming towards the Wave Feng Shui Gate.

"A new pupil technique?" Relo thought as he looked into Diruda's eyes.

This Diruda's eye is clearly not any of the known pupil blood stains, but this ability is somewhat similar to Uchiha's reincarnation eye.

Bo Feng Shuimen did not panic in the face of the obviously stronger fire dragon, and his figure disappeared in a flash, and he had already left the mark of the Flying Thunder God on the ground.

And Relo attacked directly towards Diruda.

"It's not polite, you actually attacked me with a laser just now, then let you taste my laser too!"

"Immortal Law. Guang Duan. Laser cannon! A

dazzling pillar of light shot out from Leiluo's hand in the air, directly towards Diruda on the ground.

Diruda had just absorbed and reflected the fire of the Wave Feng Shui Gate, and now he couldn't use the pupil technique for the time being, and in desperation, he could only use the time and space ninjutsu to avoid Lei Luo's move.

And at this time of evasion, Diruda delivered the news to Otsumi Cixuan in a secret way.

As long as she held on a little longer, Datumu Cixuan should be able to arrive.


Leiluo's laser bombarded the location where Diruda was just now, directly slamming the ground into a big pit, and the soil in the pit was carbonized into a crystal-like existence under the high temperature of this laser cannon.

Diruda looked at the scene in the pit for a while and was afraid, if he was directly hit, it is estimated that he would be evaporated in an instant.

Even if it is its own core, it is estimated that it will not be able to bear this trick.

That's right, Diruda's body has been completely transformed, and her core is hidden in the drone in her back, just like the Red Sand Scorpion back then, as long as the core is not damaged, she can replace her body and respawn at any time.

Relo looked at Diruda, who appeared in another place, stepped directly into the void, and stepped out again and came to Diruda.

Over the years, Lei Luo has completely controlled the meaning of Void Walking, and space nodes are everywhere for Lei Luo, and he can appear anywhere within the Void Walking range at any time.

It's like instinct!

Looking at Relo who appeared in front of him, Diruda's pupils suddenly dilated, Chakra surged, his hands instantly became a battery-like existence, and when he raised his hand, two missiles bombarded Relo.

"Your attack is really far worse than Nagato's Asura Dao!"

The Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye in the Cave of Lei Luo Divine Court turned, and the missile that flew in front of Lei Luo was directly absorbed into the space of the Heavenly Emperor.

Then, Relo swung his knife and slashed towards Diruda.

"Water breath * Pound * Taki pot!"

Diruda was directly split in half by Relo from top to bottom, and blood was spilled on the ground.

I have to say that this scientific transformation still has certain advantages, and the modified human body is still flesh and blood like a real body, not a puppet.

At this moment, Diruda's body, which was cut off by Relo, squirmed, and a drone broke out, and then flew up leisurely.

This drone is the core of Diruda.

"Do you guys think I'm a fool? Just like that, you still want to escape? Lei Luo looked at the shaking flying drone a little speechless.

Isn't there a brain in this Diruda's core, as if he has lost his mind?

Just when Lei Luo was about to swing a knife to shoot down the drone, a figure appeared in front of Lei Luo and took Lei Luo's knife and took the drone in his hand.

It seems that this Diruda is not losing her mind, but knows that someone has come to rescue her.

Lei Luo looked at the appearance of the person in front of him, and saw that he was wearing a black cloak, his hair was gathered on the top of his head, he had a long braid on the back of his head, and there was a very special mark on his chin.

He wears a red object similar to a wrist guard on his neck and wrists, a black crystal on his abdomen, a red belt around his waist, and red earrings on his ears.

Then Lei Luo watched the drone disappear in an instant into the hands of the person in front of him.

"Your Excellency, I wonder if you can give me a face and spare my disobedient subordinates?"

Only before the meeting, this man said lightly, like a gentleman.

Lei Luo smiled slightly when he heard this, and said in a loud voice: "Since Your Excellency has spoken, then I can also give you a face."

"But are you not allowed to give me some compensation?"

"Oh? No problem! The man replied, "I wonder what you want?"

Leiluo's eyes narrowed, and his voice became cold, "Naturally, one life for another, if you want to save the lives of your subordinates, then exchange your lives for them!" "

Otsuki Cixuan!"

Lei Luo had already recognized him when Da Tu Mu Cixuan appeared, because Lei Luo had already sensed the unique Chakra aura in Da Tu Mu Cixuan's body.

It seems that this Cixuan really has a ten-tailed body in his body, and I don't know where he got it.

Maybe it was obtained from the Otsukimoto family back then?

When Da Tumu Cixuan heard Lei Luo call out his name, his expression became cold, and the murderous aura on his body permeated.

"I didn't expect Your Excellency to know my name, so I don't know what Your Excellency is called?"

Da Tu Mu Cixuan said coldly.

Lei Luo still had a gentle smile on his face as if he didn't feel the killing intent of Datumu Cixuan.

Lei Luo didn't pay attention to Da Tuo Mu Cixuan at all, but turned his head to Bofeng Shui Men and said: "Water Gate, you go back first, and then leave it to me here!" Bofeng

Shuimen also felt the murderous aura of Da Tumu Cixuan, but he believed in Leiluo's strength very much, nodded towards Leiluo and disappeared in place.

After watching Bo Feng Shuimen leave, Lei Luo opened his mouth and replied to Da Tu Mu Cixuan.

"After so many years, I think you should have heard my name too."

"My name is Relo!"

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