
The chakra of the big tube of wood Cixuan gushed out madly, and a huge black container like a teapot appeared in front of Cixuan.

Then, under the control of Cixuan, he instantly appeared above Lei Luo's head, and shrouded Lei Luo's head.

Relo sensed the black container on his head and sensed a familiar aura.

"This is the seal!"

Now that he knew what this was, Lei Luo naturally couldn't be stupid to hard connect.

"Void walking!"

Lei Luo disappeared directly in place, and the huge black container covered the air.

However, Da Tumu Cixuan was directly aimed at Leiluo's figure that had just appeared, condensing the tailed beast jade.

Seeing this, Leiluo's face changed, although his current state is very strong, but he is still a little reluctant to fight against the ten-tailed beast jade, and now he has to use Godzilla's power.

Then Relo directly triggered the power of Godzilla in his heart and entered Godzilla's cloak mode.

The appearance of the huge golden Buddha was covered with a layer of fierce and mighty armor, and the spikes on it flashed with a cold light.

Then Lei Luo also directly condensed the atomic jade, and it was obvious that Lei Luo's condensation speed was obviously faster than that of the big tube of wood Cixuan.

When the Ten Tailed Beast Jade of the Great Tube Mu Cixuan shot out, Leiluo's atomic jade also spit out and directly crashed towards the Ten Tailed Beast Jade.


Lei Luo's atomic jade and Cixuan's ten-tailed beast jade collided fiercely, and then burst apart in an instant.

A shock wave spread out with strong wind pressure, the space was distorted, and violent light filled the field of vision.

"Immortal Law. Guang Duan. Golden Light Shield! Relo

ran Chakra, and in an instant a golden barrier of light appeared in front of Relo, resisting the power of the shock wave.

After a long time, the smoke and dust cleared, and Relo found that the entire island of the Vortex Country seemed to have been washed by missiles, and it became a mess.

On the other side, the big tube of wood Cixuan also appeared in Leiluo's field of vision, and it seemed that he was not seriously injured.

But in fact, now that this body of the big tube wood Cixuan has reached its limit, just now when the ten-tailed beast jade and the atomic jade were confronting, Cixuan wanted to take the opportunity to leave.

However, this shock wave was too violent, the space was fluctuating, and the danger of using spatial ninjutsu was too great, and Cixuan did not dare to take this risk.

"Worthy of being the first chairman of the first generation, Your Excellency Lei Luo, although you are very strong, if I want to leave, I am afraid that you will not be able to keep me!"

Da Tumu Cixuan put a cruel word and was ready to leave, the spatial vortex instantly appeared next to Cixuan, he must now immediately find the existence of the container, otherwise if the container is broken, he is really dead.

He must transfer his consciousness into the "wedge" of a new container.

But just as Cixuan stepped into the spatial vortex, Lei Luo also disappeared directly in place.

When Otsumi Cixuan appeared again, he came directly to the Fruit Heart Priest.

"Guoxin Jushi, have you found the location of the 'weapon'?" Cixuan asked to the fruit-hearted scholar.

The Guoxin Resident did not reply, because he found a figure behind Cixuan, it was Lei Luo who followed through the void.

At the moment when Lei Luo appeared, Cixuan also discovered Lei Luo's breath, turned his head to look at Lei Luo and gritted his teeth and said.

"You guy, it's really haunted!"

Then he said to the fruit-hearted gentleman beside him: "Up, fruit-hearted gentleman, go and stop him for me!"

But at this moment, Cixuan felt a pain in his heart and found that a hand passed through his heart.

It was the fruit-hearted gentleman next to him who made the shot!

"You... You... Why?! The

Fruitheart Priest took off the iron mask on his face, revealing a face that Relo was very familiar with.

Cixuan heard the fruit-hearted scholar say something lightly.

"Sorry, I'm undercover!"

Lei Luo looked at the fruit-hearted resident and said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I saw it, Lord Zilaiye!" "

That's right, the face hidden under the iron mask is none other than Jiraiya!

Since the fourth Ninja World War, Jiraiya left Konoha to travel to the Ninja World, and there has been no news for so many years,

but I didn't expect that Jiraiya hid his identity and joined the shell organization to go undercover!

Da Tumu Cixuan's pupils gradually expanded, and his body fell weakly.

Without the new container, it was impossible for him to survive anymore.

The mark of "wedge" on Datumu Cixuan's face also gradually dissipated, and finally lost his aura in this world.

Lei Luo looked at the dead big tube Mu Cixuan and sighed lowly, and then said to Zi Lai Ye: "Lord Zi Laiye, you have been in the shell organization for so many years, you should know the information of the remaining members of the shell tissue.

Jiraiya nodded, as if relieved, exuding a sense of ease.

Then he replied to Lei Luo: "That's right, now there is only one Amado left in the core member of the shell organization, and the scientific ninja tools and human body transformation of the shell organization are all completed by him."

"As for the rest, it's all peripheral members."

Lei Luo nodded, and then replied: "Then Master Zilaiye, you go back with me, tell the water gate all the information of these people, and the dark part of the remaining water gate of these people should be enough to solve it." Zi

Lai also nodded, he has been tired for so many years, he should also rest well, and he will not go out this time when he goes back.

Relo turned and took the lead towards the original Konoha Village, now Konoha Academy.


Time is like a white horse passing through the gap, fleeting.

In a state where the core members of this organization have been eliminated, the remaining peripheral members have not been able to make any waves.

Oh no, this core member still left one person, left Amado.

It is a pity that Amado's scientific research and science and technology disappeared like this, and when he joined the shell organization, it was only because the shell tissue could provide him with enough experimental materials and funds.

After subduing Amado, the future development of this ninja world and the country of peace will become better and better.

Wano Country, Konoha Academy, Relo's house.

"Lei Luojun, have you already decided?" Kaguya looked at Relo and asked.

Relo caressed Kaguya's cheek and said, "Now that there is nothing in the ninja world that can threaten you, I should also go out and see other worlds."

"Don't worry, you and I are both immortal, and I will come back one day in the future."

Now that everything has settled, Relo has finally decided to use the random world pass that has been kept for many years.

Kaguya looked into Leiluo's eyes, knowing that Relo had indeed made up his mind, opened his mouth, and finally only spit out a "okay".

Relo took out the random world pass from the system space and asked the system in his mind.

"System, can only use this pass? Can you bring someone?

The system replied flatly: "I'm sorry host, this pass is not enough to support two people through the space-time tunnel, it can only be used by yourself."

"Well, that's all there is to it."

Relo looked at Kaguya, and then directly used the random world pass in his hand.

The random world pass floated up from Leiluo's hand, then shattered into bits of fluorescence, and finally condensed into a light gate.

After that light gate is the time passage to the random world.

Lei Luo didn't bother with anything more, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he stepped directly into the light gate.

An unknown journey awaits us!

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