"What the hell is this place?"

Lei Luo, who walked out of the light gate, was standing on the vast sea at the moment, and he didn't know what the reason was, he found that the chakra in his body was like water in a bottle, and it would be less with a little, and it could not be replenished.

If any other abilities could still be used, Relo would have wondered if his previous experience in the Hokage World was just a big dream.


After thinking about it for a while, Lei Luo formed a psychic handprint, since it is in the sea, Tam, who has the title of the king of the river, is definitely the best helper.

"How so?"

Looking at the unchanged blood in his palm, Lei Luo's brows gradually twisted into a ball. Psychic failed, this was his first encounter.

It's a whole new world! But what world is it? Why can't Chakra be replenished?

The Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye can be used, why can't he successfully perform psychic techniques?

The Shining Fruit and the Renren Fruit were not affected in any way, and items such as the Slashing Knife Ice Wheel Pill and the Central Asian Hourglass were still stored in the storage space of the system, but why couldn't they summon Tam?

One after another, mysteries appeared one after another, and in the blink of an eye, Leiluo's mind filled Leiluo's mind.


About ten minutes passed, a shell explosion suddenly sounded in his ears to pull Lei Luo back from his mental trance, and looking for prestige, he found that there was an island full of gunsmoke thousands of meters away on his left.

"Ding-dong! Unexpected event detected, activation mission: first battle victory. "

Victory in the first battle: kill all the robbers who looted the island and rescue innocent villagers. Completion of missions rewards god-level draw points*1.

After hearing the sound of the system, Lei Luo did not hesitate, turned into a golden light, and rushed towards the island in the distance at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye.

"Boom! All the men are killed, all the wealth is taken, and only the young women are left! The

person who spoke was a fat man with small eyes who was two meters tall, and his clothes were very wide, but he still could not cover the big fat man who had accumulated more than ten layers of belly.

Compared with the gun in the fat man's hand and the gun battery next to him, what is frightening is that there is only one slit left in the pair that is oppressed by fat, but they still keep showing their outstanding eyes.

At this moment, the pair of eyes were greedily looking at a little girl in front of him who had not dried up.

"Lord Yakinock, please spare my granddaughter, she is only eight years old this year!"

Among the villagers, an old man who was already over the age and full of gorgeous hair knelt in front of the big fat man, kowtowing like crazy, even if his already fragile body was bleeding from this, he did not dare to stop in the slightest.

However, what awaits this old man is not the forgiveness from the big man, but the muzzle of the gun against his eyebrow, and the cold bullet that will take his life at some point.

"Don't worry, old man, I will send you to meet your son who just died now, and as for your granddaughter, I will definitely reunite with your family tomorrow."

The fat man known as Yakinok grinned, and his right hand, which gripped the pistol, jerked the trigger.


The sound of gunfire frightened the birds and finches that inhabited the forest, scared away the wild beasts near the village, but strangely, the old man did not die, on the contrary, with a flash of golden light, Yakinok's body flew out upside down like a kite with a broken line, smashed a giant tree, fell to the ground, and the figure was covered by dust, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Are you all right, Grandpa."

Looking at the teenager who suddenly appeared in front of him, whether it was the surrounding villagers or the robbers, everyone was dumbfounded, unable to believe what had just happened.

A young man of about twenty years old transformed from the ethereal light, defeated the robber Yakinok, who had a bounty of 50 million Baileys, with one blow, the speed of the lightning move, the absolute power of the terrifying and inexplicable, what is the origin of this person and why is it so powerful.


In the distant forest, the dust was pierced, and a bullet made of stainless steel screamed, passing through Leiluo's chest and shattering the old man's head.

Ghost! Met a ghost!

A person's chest was penetrated by a bullet, and the result was only a flash of golden light, without a little damage, in the impression of normal people, it seems that only the ghosts in horror stories can do this.

"The same natural Devil Fruit as Fire Fist Ace!"

Yaquinok, who did not lose his life because of a fat body, had just walked out of the forest in a posture that he thought was majestic, and his jaw dropped by everything in front of him.

Known as the strongest natural devil fruit, why did it appear in such a lonely ghost place?

Before Yakinok could break free from his fear, a flash of golden light was fleeting, and all the robbers who had plundered on this small island were

all in the blink of an eye, losing the fresh blood of life and completely dyeing the land red.

"Congratulations to the host mission completed!"

The voice of the system sounded again, but Lei Luo was not interested at all, and looked guiltily at the corpse of the old man who fell in front of him, and was silent for a long time.

With such a severe trauma, phototherapy simply won't help.

Ten minutes later.

"The North Sea Division of the Navy came to the rescue!"

With a warship docking, nearly a hundred well-equipped navies rushed to the village, but the cruel scene in front of them surprised them.

"Hey, that kid over there, honestly lie down!"

The lieutenant commander at the head put the gun to the back of Leiluo's head and said with extreme boredom that for this kind of person in strange costume, he must not be a good person.

"Get out!"

Lei Luo turned his head slightly, glanced at the navy behind him, and said lightly.

He was already in a bad mood, and now he is still pointed at the head with a gun, if not for the fact that the other party is a navy who came to the rescue, I am afraid that he would now be a dead body.

"Ouch, I'm so scared! Everyone obeys the order, take this pirate away from me! The

lieutenant commander was very unaccustomed to Leiluo's self-righteous and arrogant posture, and directly skipped the interrogation stage, wanting to take him back and torture him slowly.

"You go away! This big brother is not a pirate, he is a good guy who defeated the bad guys! The

granddaughter of the old man rushed behind Relo at once, pushed away the lieutenant commander, and said angrily with open arms.

As if infected by the little girl's behavior, the villagers also stepped forward one by one, protecting Relo behind them and confronting the navy in front of them.

"Boy, talk to Tina?"

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