"Boy, can you talk to Tina? Tina is a rear admiral. At

the critical moment of the tension between the two sides, a sexy woman with purple lenses and sunglasses wearing pale pink long hair and a cigarette in her mouth walked over the warship, looking at her appearance, she was about thirty years old.

Tina, currently in her position as a rear admiral, is a contemporary of the Navy with Smogg, and the two have a good relationship, both disciples of former Admiral Zefa.

"I have nothing to talk about with you."

Navy, North Sea Division, Rear Admiral Tina, these familiar words are clearly telling Relo that now he is in the world of One Piece, so why should he be a navy instead of a pirate?

Since you want to be a pirate, what is your name?

Hokage Pirates? Red-eyed pirates?

"Ding! Mission trigger: Become a navy and calm the chaos in the pirate world! Reward god-level lottery points *1 "

..." The

sound of the system sounding in his ears made Lei Luo very speechless, he was still thinking about the name of the future pirate group a moment ago, and now the system actually wants to call him a navy.

The most embarrassing thing was that Lei Luo had already turned around and walked more than ten meters away.

"So, can you talk to me?"

After looking at the distance with a long sigh, turning back to ask her Leiluo, Tina nodded.

Inside the warship.

"Hahaha, Leiluo, with bounty hunters like you taking the initiative to join the navy, the world will soon usher in peace!"

Looking at Tina's departing back, Relo lay alone on the bed in a daze, recalling everything Tina had just said.

Now the pirate world is on top of the war just over a month ago, the heavy casualties of the navy under the order of the world government, began a large-scale conscription mode, as long as you admit that you are righteous, then you can unconditionally join the navy, it is because the government does things so rashly, Tina decided to go out and personally find powerful and righteous people to join the navy.

Lei Luo, who has some understanding of the current world line, picked up the newspaper next to his pillow at random, and was surprised to see today's headline - Straw Hat Kid, with Hades Renly and Seaman Jinping, one of the seven martial seas of the former king, reappeared in Maryford!

"Has the 3D2Y message spread?"

Lei Luo suddenly smiled, since he wants to quell the rebellion in the pirate world as a navy, then two years later, as a naval admiral, he will face this future One Piece Straw Hat Luffy.

"System, come out, I want a lottery!"

As soon as Lei Luo finished speaking, a huge turntable appeared in his mind, and six prizes were written on it

: S-class weapon: Supreme Speedy Night.

S-level skill: Great Desolate Prisoner Heavenly Finger.

S-level skill: Seeing and smelling domineering.

S-class dark weapon: Tangmen dark weapon rainstorm pear flower needle.

S-class item: Fallen Heart Inflammation.

SSS-level item: Void Mirror.

"I lean, how can I still have SSS-level props? How have I never met it before?

Looking at the Void Mirror that appeared at the end, Lei Luo couldn't help but burst into foul language because he was extremely excited.

"The rewards are all randomly drawn, the higher the grade, the smaller the probability, and the host rarely gets a European emperor possession."

"You mean that SSS-level rewards are mandatory?"

"Hehe, you have to look at the face."


Supreme Great Fast Sword Night, the world's first sword Hawkeye Saber, one of the twelve works of the Supreme Great Fast Sword, is known as the strongest black knife in the world.

The Great Desolate Prisoner Heavenly Finger is a martial art with a very high grade in the other world, it is rumored to be created by a peerless powerhouse, even if it is just an incomplete residual move, it also has a terrifying destructive power that cannot be underestimated, and those who can practice this trick to a great success can break mountains and rivers with a single move.

Overlord color domineering, is a natural king talent can have a force, is a kind of the owner's courage, can easily stun the strength of the weaker than their own. According to legend, if you cultivate it to an extremely high level, you can cause substantial physical damage and attack it invisibly.

Rainstorm pear blossom needles, created by the dark weapon family of the other world, as soon as the peculiar release technique comes out, there will be ninety-nine highly toxic pear blossom needles, one after another, without giving the other party any chance to breathe, and the single group attack is indispensable.

Falling Heart Yan, known as a cheating cultivator, has such a strange fire existence, and the body will forge energy on its own all the time, thus reaching the point of open and hanging cultivation.

As for the final Supreme Treasure Void Mirror, the quality is so high that it is difficult to describe in words, and the above five heavy treasures are all garbage in garbage compared to it.

Legend has it that a god emperor who mastered the Void Avenue single-handedly fought in all directions, killing demons, destroying supremes, and slaughtering all those who dared to invade the world he was protecting.

And this Void Mirror was originally a supreme artifact that accompanied that peerless powerhouse through all kinds of battles, and later due to the blessings of various top-level essence blood, it had already broken through the shackles and became a magic weapon that transcended everything.

Thinking of the class he had previously rewarded, and then looking at the power of the Void Mirror, Lei Luo's heart instantly burst out with a crazy blaze.

"Pump fast, I can't wait!"

With Leiluo's order, the huge turntable immediately began to turn.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the S-level skill reward: see the domineering! The

final draw result was not the Void Mirror of his own mind, which made Relo a little disappointed, but he soon realized a more serious problem.

Although it is an innate ability to see and smell domineering qi that cannot be learned through cultivation, it is also a unique power in the One Piece world, and it is only a matter of time before it wants to awaken.

In this way, Relo felt that his face seemed to be a hundred times darker than that of the non-chief.

"Wait a minute, seeing that the domineering color can predict the actions of others, then isn't my emperor tool five-sight omnipotent..."

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, he silently walked to the deck, greeted the moonlight, and lit a cigarette.

Tina Room.

"Tina, the old man heard that there is a bounty hunter named Victor in the North Sea, and the task of wooing him to join the navy will be handed over to you."

"Obey, General Akainu."

After putting down the phone worm, Tina let out a helpless sigh.

This Victor, as a bounty hunter, is naturally uncertain, let alone collect him, I am afraid that it is quite difficult to find him.

Moreover, bounty hunters are bounty hunters because they are jealous but do not like the constraints of rules, and it is undoubtedly difficult to win them into the disciplined navy.

Tina, who was a little depressed, nodded and walked towards the deck, perhaps only this lonely moonlight could share her worries.

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