"Huh? Relo? "

Tina, who had just walked to the deck, saw Relo smoking alone.

Don't say this kid, the sword eyebrows are starry, the nose is straight, and he looks very handsome against the background of the moonlight.

It's a pity that he is in his thirties, and he already has a big smoker in his heart.

"Major General Tina, what's wrong? Look at your sad face? In

the face of Relo's concern, Tina did not hide anything, and poured out to him the troubles caused by the task that Akainu had just entrusted to him.

"It's no wonder that the red dog, I heard that the navy suffered heavy losses after the top war, coupled with the big secret treasure that Whitebeard said before his death, it suddenly pushed the profession of pirates to the hottest ranks."

"Who said it wasn't, now that the Marshal of the Warring States has also resigned from his post, the situation of the Navy has really plummeted."

The two legendary navies of Sengoku Karp retreated into the background, but the four emperors, the most powerful force in the pirates, were not weakened by the death of Whitebeard and were replaced by Blackbeard, who had the Dark Fruit and the Shock Fruit.

On the surface, the high-level combat power of the navy does not have much loss, but the four emperors are the most peak combat power in the pirate world, and there are several cadres and powerful crew members comparable to the level of generals under him.

On the other hand, the navy, the older generation of combat forces have chosen to retreat to the background, a marshal, three generals, more than twenty vice admirals plus more than a hundred rear generals, it seems that the force is not weak, but at most it can only clash with the forces of the four emperors on one side, if the pirates intend to join forces, it is only a matter of time before the navy is destroyed.

"I heard that the relationship between Kaido the Hundred Beasts of the Four Emperors and BIGMOM Charlotte Lingling is extraordinary, and if the two of them join forces, the navy is really in danger."

Listening to Relo's analysis of the overall situation, Tina sucked the cigarette in her hand heavily.

She understood that what Relo said was true, and the world government was also for this reason to unconditionally recruit the navy.

But what's the use?

If some ill-wishers join the Navy, not only will it not help the Navy, but it will become a hidden crisis, and the world government's approach is ultimately only a palliative problem.

"I think that to calm the chaos in the world, the Navy must reform!"

After thinking for a while, Lei Luo said solemnly.

The Navy headquarters used to seem extremely united because the two legends of Sengoku and Karp unite people from both wisdom and strength, but now that they both choose to retreat into the background, the temporary unity of the Navy will be shattered.

And this is also the most fundamental reason why the later red dog and the green pheasant began a big war for the position of marshal, although the two of them have the same ultimate goal, but the formal concept is completely opposite.

According to the current situation, Relo believes that it is necessary to carry out a strict reform of the naval headquarters from top to bottom, unifying everyone's philosophy, and only in this way can the navy be truly strong.

Of course, in Relo's mind, reform is just a rhetoric for him to win over his own forces and build his own navy in the future.

"Shh! You must not hype this dangerous idea, otherwise you will definitely be killed by General Akainu as a revolutionary army.

Tina knew very well that Relo was right, and his idea was indeed the most appropriate system for the Navy at the moment.

However, the last person who said such a thing finally gave up his position in the navy, chose to defect, and established a third-party force revolutionary army that did not belong to the navy and pirates, that person was Karp's son, Luffy's father - the revolutionary dragon!

"Go back and rest early, the journey to find Victor is very hard."

After making sure that no one around was eavesdropping on Relo's words, Tina thought of sending Relo away.

"Do you have a portrait of Victor? If anything, I think I can find his exact location.

Suddenly, Relo thought of something and said confidently to Tina.

Emperor has five visions of universal ability, an artifact with insight, farsightedness, perspective, future vision and hallucination, if it is used to find people, farsightedness plus future vision is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Although your strength is quite strong, your method is nothing more than a telescope or something, these are useless."

"What about the domineering look?"


Hearing these five words of domineering, Tina's heart jumped.

Domineering, the world's top ability to cultivate successfully.

A person who has domineering is not necessarily a strong person, but a real strong person must have a domineering existence!

Looking at the three major forces of the navy, the revolutionary army and the pirates, the main figures of all parties do not have extremely deep attainments in domineering.

And to use the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing to predict the future, the whole world can do it alone, the royal deputy Katakuri of the BIGMOM Pirate Group, does this young man in front of him really have that kind of strength, or is it just arrogant?

"Don't believe me so much, you give me Victor's portrait, and then tell me the data of this warship, let me try it and there will be no loss."

Relo, who read the doubts from Tina's eyes, did not explain anything, but just gave the choice to Tina.

"Well, I trust you, tomorrow morning I will send someone to deliver everything you want to your room."

"Then it's settled, I'll go back to rest first."

Relo stretched and walked straight towards his room, leaving Tina alone on the deck, looking at his departing back, not knowing what he was thinking with a frown.

At this time, on a small island dozens of miles away from the warship where Relo was.

"Lord Saber-toothed Tiger, as long as you can spare my life, I can give all my wealth with both hands."

The moon was dark and the wind was high, the cold wind was howling, and seven or eight pirates on the island were trembling and begging for mercy, and in front of them, a humanoid saber-toothed tiger was sitting on a rock, using his scarlet tongue to lick the undried blood on his claws.

If someone passed by now, even if he didn't know what was happening, he could easily judge that this place had just been invaded by a brutal beast based on the tragic situation of dozens of corpses dying on the ground.

"I don't want your wealth, and I'll give you a sum of money."

The human-shaped saber-toothed tiger smiled strangely, slowly got up and walked to the captain, shook his cold claws at him, and continued:

"Go west, there is an island, as long as you go there in three days to rob it, today I will let you go, and everything I grab is yours."

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