In the small room, in front of Lei Luo was a portrait of an elegant middle-aged man, as well as a large number of data related to naval warships.

Lei Luo's heart froze, the emperor five visions of the omnipotent future was launched, and an island with a small country appeared in his mind in just a moment.

"Not good, there will be pirates invading the country in three days!"

It seems that before the future Relo could tell Tina to rush to the island as fast as possible, a whirlwind feeling had already arrived one step ahead, and the warship seemed to be attacked by some creature.

"All on guard! All on guard! There are Sea King class attack warships! As

soon as Lei Luo, who had just walked out of the room, heard the three words of the sea king, his figure immediately turned into a golden light and rushed towards the deck.

On the deck, Tina's hands turned into huge black iron railings, forming a small battlefield in the sea, in which several navies were fighting a sea king.

"Hold on, everyone!"

Tina shouted, a little helpless in her voice.

With the passage of time, the navies who are only mortal in the flesh have long been physically exhausted, but the sea king class is still fierce, and the decline of defeat is constantly expanding.

Neptune are the most powerful creatures in the sea, but they are not invincible, at least in the face of the previous navy, Neptune are just larger animals.

But now, because of the war on top, a large number of elite naval personnel have been killed, and most of the surviving people are soldiers transferred from other branches, and their combat effectiveness is naturally incomparable with the sea kings.

"Damn, if only Smog were there!"

In order to prevent the destruction of the warship, Tina must maintain her current state at all times, plus the owner of the Devil Fruit is a dry duck, and after falling into the sea, it is almost equivalent to a waste.

It is precisely because of this that she who is the strongest on the scene cannot make a move, and can only pin her hopes on these recruits.


At this moment of crisis, a laser suddenly shot out from the naval warship, which effortlessly pierced the head of the sea king.


Looking at the figure gradually condensed by the laser in front of her, Tina couldn't help frowning.

Killing a sea king so simply, and there was not a trace of blood on the whole body, coupled with the move just now, a name suddenly appeared in Tina's heart - Shining Fruit!

But soon, Tina dismissed the idea. Once the Devil Fruit finds a host, there will be no second identical one in the world, and the person who now has the Shining Fruit is the Admiral Yellow Ape of the Navy Headquarters, and Relo cannot have the ability of the Shining Fruit anyway.

If this is the case, then what is this ability of Relo?

"Wow! Relo, are you so strong?

"One finger piercing the sea king class, when can I be so powerful!"

"Even if it is a general of the headquarters, it is estimated that it is only so!"

Compared with Tina's heart, these navies who have never seen any big scenes surround Relo in the center, and look at him with adoring starlight in their eyes.

That's right, the law of the jungle, everything respects strength, has always been the norm of the pirate world, people will envy and worship from the bottom of their hearts when facing the strong, and there will rarely be weak people who rebel against the strong.

"Rear Admiral Tina, order the warship to go west with all its strength, and in about a day and a half you will see an island, on which Victor is located."

Lei Luo said and left for a long time, leaving everyone with an extremely dashing back.


"Leiluo, are you resting?"

Relo, who was planning how to ascend the marshal step by step, was awakened by a knock on the door, and it was Tina.

"What is she going to do? Came to me in the middle of the night, could it be that I was fascinated by my actions during the day?

As soon as this idea was born, it was immediately erased by Leiluo, he didn't think that an old woman in her thirties would be as crazy as a flower girl.

"Come in."

Sure enough, Tina, who pushed the door in, did not express her love to him, but walked to his side, lit a cigarette, and said lightly: "Who are you, or rather, why did you join the navy and what is your purpose."

When Tina asked this, Lei Luo was really a little confused at once, and he didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Imagine that someone who accidentally joins your forces, has a strength far beyond your own, but is willing to be the lowest private, and it feels wrong to think.

"I am who I am, and I joined the Navy just to uphold justice."

"Oh? I don't think that a person with the ability of the natural Devil Fruit and the domineering nature of seeing and hearing would think so simplely.

"Even if it is the owner of the Light Fruit, what can it be? I said that the Navy needs to be reformed, do you think my words are just casual words? "

Light fruit?"

Hearing this, Tina's eyes were full of confusion, what kind of devil fruit was this, why had she never heard of it.

Looking at Tina, who frowned, Relo smiled secretly in his heart.

Deception, it's as simple as that, as long as you guide the other party to your own rhythm first, everything that follows is left to the last word with one mouth.

"Yes, that's right, the light fruit, it's not the shining fruit of the yellow ape general, the connection between me and his fruit may be the relationship between superiors and subordinates."

Listening to the explanation given by Relo, Tina was a little doubtful, after all, he was on the scene of the top war at that time, and the boundary between the fire fist Ace and the fruit witnessed at the front, don't rub the red dog on the ground madly, for this statement, her heart agreed.

"Have you heard of photosynthesis?"

As soon as the words fell, Lei Luo slowly raised his right hand, a soft light flashed in his palm, and with a gentle touch, the huge life force submerged into her body along Tina's fingertips, sweeping away her tiredness of the day.

This trick is a derivative of phototherapy, which can be used regardless of whether there is a disease or not, and the effect is to eliminate fatigue and fatigue in the human body and inject vitality into life.

"It is indeed different from the shining fruit of the yellow ape general, in this case, the safety of the warship will be entrusted to you."

After dispelling her suspicions of Relo, Tina returns to her room, while Relo begins to plot her own reform plans again.

The office of the Admiral Akainu at the headquarters of the Navy.

Jingle Bells –

"Tina, what's going on?"

"Report to Admiral Akainu, a navy named Lei Luo, which I newly acquired a few days ago, not only has the domineering power above everyone, but also the owner of the natural Devil Fruit, and has the strength to kill the sea king class in one blow."

"As long as he joins the Navy, nothing else matters."

"I accidentally discovered today that he can actually ignore the curse of the sea."

"Oh? Remember to bring him to meet your husband when you come back. "

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