"He's too powerful, isn't he!"

"This is the first sea king class to be killed in seconds?"

"God, is this still human?"

Standing at the bow of the boat, Lei Luo basked in the sun and enjoyed his quiet nap.

As for those sea kings who dared to disturb his sleep, they would be killed by a laser light as soon as they showed their heads, and the means were fierce and decisive, without dragging mud and water for half a minute.

It is now the second day of the warship sailing to the west, and the miniature of a small island is gradually expanding in the Navy's sight, which is exactly the island where Victor is located in Relo's mouth.

It was a rich land on which people built a country called Oslia and lived on their own sufficiency until one day a pirate ship arrived.

Faced with the armed oppression of the pirates, the helpless residents finally chose to give up resistance and give up all their wealth.

In this way, groups of pirates came here and took away batches of wealth, until one day, a bounty hunter named Victor appeared and rescued people from endless oppression.

Since then, whenever a pirate invades the island, Victor will appear, which also makes him have a pivotal position in the hearts of the people, and in the eyes of the navy, he is a very worthy righteous man.

"It's really the story of a generation of great people!"

After hearing the news that Tina got, Relo couldn't help but sigh, but his heart was very sneering at it.

Bounty hunters are notoriously unpredictable, and as long as someone gives money, they can solve the target by various means.

In other words, bounty hunters never defend the security of a place for free, and since Victor often protects Oslia, someone must have paid a generous enough bounty.

"I heard that every time the people of this country kill the invading pirates in Victor, they will take the initiative to hand over a good reward."

"I just said, bounty hunters are all money fans, how can they do such a high-risk and low-yield thing."

Relo, who was wandering around the country with Tina, did not realize that at this time, in the north of the island, a pirate ship had quietly landed, and the seven people who walked down the boat were the people who survived the group of pirates slaughtered that night.

"Boss, I heard that there is a bounty hunter named Victor here, the strength is very strong, why don't we escape?"

"If you escape, it will be a dead end, Lao Tzu does not believe that he is a Victor, and he can kill all seven of us!"

For the monster named Sabertooth Tiger that appeared that day, it was the name that scared all pirates in this area.

It is said that the strength of the saber-toothed tiger has long reached the existence comparable to that of a vice admiral, especially his armed color domineering, even if it is the so-called strongest Beihai, few people can stand out.

With terrifying strength, brutal means, and some strange ability to track others, it can be said that the saber-toothed tiger is synonymous with ferocity, and any pirate who does not act according to his instructions will all die after the specified time is up.


"How can we find Victor, just do it?"

"Remember to let them hide the warship, there will be pirates invading here in a while, we just need to wait for Victor to appear."

Inside the tavern, Relo was talking to Tina.


Suddenly, an explosion came, mixed with the screams of many people, and soon spread to the vicinity of the tavern.


The gunshot sounded and people died, and the blood and flesh in the broken head mixed with the brain pulp, splashed on the wall of the tavern, and the strong smell of blood was not mouthy or nose, it was so fishy and unpleasant.

"If you don't want to die, hand over all your money."

After seven pirates rushed into the tavern and shot a nearby teenager, the leader said wildly.

Looking at the bulging waist of the seven people, and the waist bag stained with undried blood, Relo grabbed the furious Tina, nodded firmly to her, and let Tina continue to choose to believe him.

However, as a rear admiral, Tina's sense of justice is naturally bursting, and she naturally will not stand by coldly when she sees someone who dares to ignore the system set by the navy and treat human life as a child's play.


I saw Tina swing her arms, and the two slender arms instantly turned into two spears made of iron bars, stabbing towards those pirates.

In the face of the sudden attack, the pirates reacted extremely quickly, and the seven people instantly divided into a three-three-one formation, blocking Tina's attack at the same time, the pirate boss shot suddenly.

It has to be said that these pirates were able to survive at the hands of the saber-toothed tiger, not all by luck,

"impulsive woman!"

Seeing this, Lei Luo shook his head helplessly, turned into a light and shadow in front of Tina, and easily caught the flying bullet with his two fingers up, and then flicked his fingers.


A scream sounded, one pirate fell to the ground in response, and the other six people immediately made a decision, turned around and fled.

"Leiluo, as a navy, why didn't you stop them?"

Seeing the pirates fleeing, Tina questioned Relo.

Facing the woman who had lost her mind, Lei Luo gave her a blank look, and then moved his gaze to an elegant middle-aged man who appeared outside the tavern.

"That's Victor!"

Following Relo's gaze, Tina recognized the identity of the man who was fighting the pirates.


Six screams sounded in succession, Victor's hand rose and fell, and six brand-new corpses appeared on the ground, followed by the voices of people around them shouting for Victor.

This Victor was really a different kind of bounty hunter, and after solving the invading pirates, he did not linger too much again, turned around and disappeared into the pile.

"Keep up."

Relo whispered in Tina's ear and strode forward, not shy away from it.

After walking for more than an hour, Relo and the two followed Victor to a forest.

"What's going on? What about Victor?

A confused Tina asked Relo, and just after turning a corner, Victor lost his tracks.

"Don't ask me, I don't know."

Similarly, for this character who did not appear in the original work, Relo is also very confused, can it be said that the setting of the character Victor only appears when pirates invade the country?

"It's not common sense for a big living person to disappear mysteriously?"

"There are more things that don't make sense, but Viktor must be hiding somewhere in the forest, and then you'll see me."

The emperor's five-sight universal turned on, and Leiluo, who had gained clairvoyance, swept his gaze in front of him, but did not find Victor's trace.

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