Oslia, still as usual, everyone lives in peace, there are abundant materials, and there is a guardian saint like Victor, and the country's development is getting stronger and stronger, but all this, in the eyes of Leiluo, is extremely abnormal.

"Charcoal, sulfur, saltpeter, and a lot of iron, this island is really rich in materials."

Somewhere on the island, Relo slowly opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face.

With the help of the Emperor Five-Sight Omnipotent, Lei Luo successfully discovered the extraordinary thing about this island, that is, under the island, there are a lot of resources buried and resources to make gunpowder.

Think about it, such a superior material environment, but no one found and made it into firearms, and no navy or pirates occupied it, which is obviously someone hiding all these materials and does not want the outside world to know.

Muffled to make a fortune, this is the purpose of the black hand behind the scenes.

In order to discover the secrets of this island, after discussing with Tina, Relo decided to take a plan and then move method, and must not rush into action until everything is investigated clearly, so as not to startle the snakes.

"Tina, have you noticed anything unusual lately?"

Relo, who returned to a secret cave, asked Tina.

"Recently, a group of people seems to be investigating the traces of the Navy, but fortunately, you expected the enemy to take the lead and took the lead in hiding the warship."

Tina was amazed at Relo's discovery of Victor's abnormality, and rushed to the Imperial City halfway through the road to the Imperial City to suddenly offer to hide the warship and let the navy disguise themselves as ordinary people.

A young man who seems to be unfamiliar with the world actually has such a brain, which is undoubtedly a forgeable material for the Navy.

"By the way, just now I heard a reminder that every time Victor solves the pirate, the king of this country will pay him privately, but what confuses me is that Victor, as a bounty hunter, actually chose to comply with the king's request and live in the imperial city."

A bounty hunter who advocates freedom and refuses the Navy's request will actually agree to live on this island, coupled with the large amount of materials found by Relo, what kind of connection this is, needs to be carefully scrutinized.

"How about this, you and I will visit the king of Oslia as a navy, and by the way, test Victor's purpose."


It's not just for some reason, Relo always feels that the resources that Victor left on the island have an indistinct relationship with the resources underground, and this seemingly peaceful country seems to be shrouded in an incomprehensible shadow.

Inside the Imperial City.

"Report to the king, a man and a woman claiming to be navy have come to visit outside the imperial city."

As if sensing something, the humanoid saber-toothed tiger on the throne quietly put down the phone worm in his hand, and after thinking for a while, nodded to the subordinate who came to report.

A moment later, under the guidance of the servants, Lei Luo and Tina entered the golden palace, but the person sitting on the throne now was not the humanoid saber-toothed tiger, but an old man who looked slightly haggard and had a somewhat blessed figure.

"Lord King, the two of us passed by here and accidentally met a bounty hunter with a righteous heart like Victor, so we specifically wanted to ask the king for someone, and as compensation, we will send a large number of naval soldiers to guard this place all year round to protect the safety of the people."

Tina followed the method of Relo's teachings and proposed an exchange to the king in front of her.

The major events of the war are still the hottest topic, and everyone can clearly see the losses of the navy on the broadcast.

In this context, if the Navy uses tough means in order to recruit talents, it is completely justified, but if the rear admiral of the Navy personally proposes an exchange, as a citizen protected by the Navy, there seems to be no reason to refuse.

"This... This matter still makes Victor big... Let Victor decide for himself. In

the face of the king's slightly weak-hearted reply, Lei Luo was nothing abnormal on the surface, but his heart was running fast.

The king of a country is understandable in stature, but why he looks haggard, especially now that the country is developing well and there is no pirate invasion.

In addition, Relo found that when the king mentioned Victor, there seemed to be fear hidden in his tone, especially since he clearly wanted to say Lord Victor just now.

Things are getting more and more interesting. Relo and Tina secretly looked at each other and smiled, all this was exactly as the two of them thought, behind the island there was a big secret that the navy did not know.

"The two naval lords must have traveled a long way, I don't know if the other soldiers have found a place to live, if not, my imperial city can live."

"Hahaha, thank you for the king's kindness, it's just that the two of us also happened to pass by Oslia on the way to attend the mission, and no soldiers were assigned at the headquarters."

Lei Luo smiled, thanked the king for his kindness, his eyes were tightly locked on the king's face, once he had any wind, Lei Luo could find out at the first time.

Sure enough, in the ensuing conversation, Relo noticed that the king in front of him sneaked a glance at the shadows in a corner of the palace from time to time, as if someone there was teaching him how to deal with the navy.

Overly humble attitude, constant temptation in language, and erratic eyes, Relo has basically confirmed that this king is just a substitute, and those who really control the country will not be able to surface until Victor appears.

"Lord King, the two of us are short of time, and I hope you can find Victor soon."

Coincidentally, just after Tina said these words under the guidance of Relo, Victor, who had been in the future for a long time, happened to be taken to the palace.

"Victor, these two naval lords are looking for you, you can consult with them yourself, and I will leave first."

Seeing Victor appear, the king seemed relieved and walked towards the outside of the palace as he spoke.

Even if the king of a country treats bounty hunters so well, why is he afraid of the navy?

"Lord King, I think it is up to you to witness this matter, lest outsiders say that our navy is doing bad things."

Looking at the king's suddenly shocked back, the corners of Leiluo's mouth raised slightly.

Just kidding, it's so simple to want to go, how can it be so easy.

"This... This...... All right.

The king stammered and agreed to Relo's request, and then returned to the throne again, but at this time, he felt a little like sitting on pins and needles.

At this moment, Tina nodded solemnly to Relo, and the eye contact between the king and Victor had just proved his false identity.

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