"As I said, I will not join the Navy, if the two adults still have important things to do, it is better to leave first, so as not to delay the business."

Victor still held a negative attitude and once again refused Tina's invitation.

"Victor, now that the navy is weak, it is the moment for my generation of good talents to contribute, do you want to think about it again?"

"No need."

"I can apply to my superiors without evaluating you, as long as you nod now, at least it is the position of major general."

"I don't like a whole bunch of rules in the Navy."

"The navy can send an advance force to protect Oslia, and reinforcements can follow, what do you think of this condition?"

"It's just a remote island in the North Sea, and I can do it alone."

"Look..." "

You two have no end!"

Finally, Victor could no longer stand the double offensive of Relo and Tina, and raised his eyebrows and drank angrily.

But soon, Victor's mood returned to normal, and his eyes began to constantly look around Tina's bumpy body.

"Otherwise, as long as this rear admiral can marry me, I will join the navy."

"Okay, I agree, just to marry our Major General Tina, the bride price is not a small amount. :

Faced with Victor's change and Relo's sudden deal, Tina was a little confused.

This plot is not right, according to the plan that Relo said, shouldn't Victor be angry, and then the two of them will expose everything and lead to the behind-the-scenes hand hiding in the shadows? Now how to start discussing her marriage.

Looking at Tina, who was glaring at herself angrily, Relohaha smiled and stretched out five fingers to Victor: "The resources in the depths of the island, the navy will take away fifty percent as a bride price for you to marry Rear Admiral Tina."

As soon as Lei Luo's words came out, the entire palace fell into death-like silence.


"You impostor, sit down honestly and don't move."

Just when the king realized that the situation was wrong and was about to flee quietly, the hand raised by Relo suddenly pointed at him, and a golden laser shot out from his fingertip, blasting out a slender crack in the wall in front of the king.

"Leiluo, look quickly, what is that!"

Relo, who was looking at Victor with a smile, suddenly heard Tina's exclamation, and turned his head to look at him, through the crack in the wall, he saw that in the secret room behind the palace, countless guns and ammunition were neatly placed.

In addition to this, there is a door in the secret room, and behind it seems to hide a bigger secret.

With the puzzle of underground resources answered, the next step is to catch the bounty hunter and find out who is behind the scenes!

"It seems that you can't hide it."

Victor took a deep breath and slowly walked to the front of the throne, grinning at the old man he ordered to pretend to be in the past.


With a scream, the old man of Fa Fu widened his eyes and looked at the hand on his chest in disbelief, no, a beast arm with sharp claws to be exact.

Lord Victor, I did everything according to your orders, why did you kill me? I can obviously not want the wealth and status promised in advance.


Victor drew his claws, greedily licked the blood that still had temperature on it, and let the old man collapse to the ground.

Looking at this scene in front of him, Lei Luo suddenly had a sense of foreboding, and hurriedly protected Tina behind him, but even so, it was too late, the entire palace had been closely guarded by hundreds of Victor's subordinates, and there was no way to retreat.

"Victor, do you know what it means to kill a rear admiral!"

Relo roared hysterically, but the cold sweat that broke out on his forehead revealed the fear in his heart.

"If you don't admit it after destroying the corpse, it's over, besides, even if the admiral finds me to settle the score, what can you do with me?"

Doesn't the Navy want to pay attention to evidence, then destroy all the evidence, what can they do? Victor had already made hundreds of plans to torture Relo and enslave Tina.

As for the two escaped... Just kidding, Relo may be very strong, but Tina is not necessarily, he can break through from hundreds of people with a burden, can it be said that he Victor has dogs?

"Can you tell us the truth before you die? Who is the person behind you, and why do you pretend to be a bounty hunter? Facing

death, Tina's legs were already trembling a little.

This is the rear admiral at the headquarters of the Navy?

Victor smiled, he always thought that the Navy was a group of well-trained elites, but now it seems that it is just that, the rear admiral will actually be afraid, the naval headquarters is really unavailable.

"In that case, let you two die blind."

It turned out that Victor used to be the leader of the saber-toothed tiger pirate group, and he who discovered this island a few years ago originally planned to occupy the mountain as the king, but the heavens favored him, the resources under this small island can make countless weapons, coupled with a special gas material unique to the island, various forces have chosen to trade with him secretly, many of which have the world's top level existence.

In order to keep his business from the attention of the naval government, Victor thought about it and decided to find pirates to invade Oslia, and then strangled them himself as a bounty hunter.

It's just that what Devictor didn't expect was that the outbreak of the war on top would actually lead to heavy losses for the Navy, otherwise no one would have come to the door in this life to find a way to die.

What the? Why didn't those pirates leak these out, you say? A bunch of dead people, how to speak.

"As for what that gas is, I don't know, but it is the deadliest to use against a natural devil fruit owner like you!"

Speaking of this, Victor smiled with satisfaction, and then sat on the throne, looking at Relo and Tina below with a flawed look, his eyes full of playfulness.

"In this way, let you experience the power of that gas, the owner of the natural system devil fruit that can no longer be elementalized!"

With Victor's order, several of his men rushed into the palace and shot at Relo with their guns raised.

Oslia picks up the unique gas, and once it is embedded in the bullets, then these bullets will be used as sea stones, and this is the most fundamental reason why Victor's business is hot.

Self-righteous brat, do you really think that if you eat the natural devil fruit, you will be invincible in the world? It's ridiculous!

"Ding! System detection, mission activation: kill Victor. Reward god-level draw points*1. "

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