Bang bang!

The gunshots continued continuously, and more than a dozen special bullets were fired towards Relo, like life-threatening impermanence, and there was no compromise at all.

"What? How so! Seeing

that Relo, whose body was pierced by bullets, but was unharmed, was smiling evilly at himself, Victor continued to point at Relo and gave orders to his men.

"Shangren, shoot!"

The original three-squad of gunners with only a few people expanded to a dozen, then twenty, thirty, and finally a full forty-seven, surrounding the entrance to the palace.


The endless gunshots rang out, and Relo just shook his head and raised his hand to cast a light barrier to protect Tina.

"Impossible! That's impossible! How could you be okay? Isn't your ability elemental? Victor

looked at the unharmed Lei Luo, and roared like crazy, he really couldn't figure out what kind of terrifying ability Relo had, which could allow him to have the same terrifying ability as elementalization.

Although Leiluo's shining fruit is said to be from the pirate world, it is definitely not as simple as an ordinary devil fruit, he will not become a dry duck, let alone be limited by the sea lou stone.

"If you still have any hole cards, hurry up, for the sake of what you told me the truth just now, I can give you a chance."

Relo stretched and moved his muscles slightly, as if the bullets were hitting him, massaging him and making him feel comfortable.

Looking at Relo's unmanned appearance, Victor slowly lowered his head.

And what about the Navy? What about skills comparable to elementalization? How much combat power can a young man who looks to be in his twenties have?


A low beast-like roar came from Victor's mouth, and the moment he raised his head again, it was still not a human, but a humanoid saber-toothed tiger!

"Hehe, hey, both of you are going to die today!"

Victor stretched out his long scarlet tongue and licked his cold claws, and next, he was going to use this pair of claws to disembogate the current two people!

Animal Devil Fruit of ancient species.

Seeing the ability of this devil fruit, coupled with Victor's age, a report came to Tina's mind.

A few years ago, there was a pirate group called the Saber-toothed Tiger in the North Sea, and its leader was a first-class physical master, extremely good at boxing, and also used armed color domineering, the owner of the Saber-toothed Tiger Devil Fruit.

It is said that the red-footed Jep, who entered the Great Passage that year, was defeated and chose to retire after a year of turmoil, and the person who defeated Zhepu was Victor, the captain of the Saber-toothed Tiger Pirates.

"Leiluo, I count to three, we will run together, Victor's horror, absolutely you have never seen before!"

After recalling Victor's true identity, Tina understood that the two had kicked the iron plate, even if they had a back hand, they would definitely not be able to resist this kind of strong man galloping on the great voyage.

"Escape? Why run away? Do you think I'm weaker than him? Lei

Luo stepped forward and stared at Victor with playful eyes, exactly the same as Victor's gaze just now, the kind of gaze that looked at the dying person.

Seeing that Relo's attitude towards running away was so disgusted, Tina's heart wanted to die.

Big brother, now is not the time to be young and frivolous, you want to prove that you are very strong, there is time in the future, why do you have to be prestige at this time.

On one side is the subordinate who carries the gun, in the middle is Tina, who is in a hurry, and in the front is Victor and Leilo, whose eyes collide, all of them are silent.

"Boy, you're so arrogant."

"Old fellow, can you not waste my time?"

Victor was laughed more by Relo, are the young people now so anxious to find death?

Since this is the case, then it is yours!


With a soft sound, Victor's figure suddenly disappeared, and Tina, who was vigilant, hurriedly looked around, but no matter how closely she observed, she could not find the slightest trace of Victor, as if he had never appeared.

Compared to Tina's panicked use of the fruit ability to build a fence to surround the two of them, Relo was quite calm.

"When facing opponents who are known for their speed, how can you have time to do all this useless work, besides, is Victor fast?"

Lei Luo said to Tina lukewarmly, and at the moment when the words fell, he suddenly looked back to the left, and the killing intent in his eyes was almost condensed into substance.

"Whew! Call! Call! Looking

at Victor, who suddenly reappeared, lying on all fours in one corner of the palace, the farthest corner from Relo, gasping for breath and sweating coldly, Tina's face was full of greetings.

What happened to Victor? Why does it look like a hell alive?

What just happened, only two people present knew, one was Relo and the other was Victor.

Victor, who was absolutely confident in his speed, was frantically circling around Relo and Tina with his high-speed movements, and from Relo's eyes at that time, he knew very well that such a young and frivolous guy did not know where he was.

However, at the moment when Victor was ready to strike, Lei Luo instantly found his position, one meter and four eyes away from him, the eyes that made up for the killing intent were like an assura crawling out of hell, Victor dodged the reaction, almost under the ability of the devil fruit, the instinct brought by the creature, when encountering mortal danger, the subconscious reaction made by the body, stay away!

"That's it? Will it just fly around like a fly?

Lei Luo sneered and said with disdain, followed by him raising a hand.

"Coincidentally, what I do best is slap a fly to death."

Between the words, Leiluo's eyes turned scarlet blood at some point, and nine of the black gouyu spun rapidly, and at the same time, a huge palm composed of energy appeared behind him, that was Susano!


"Finish work! It's too hot, so I'll go to the secret room first. A

deafening loud noise sounded, along with the trembling earth and shaking palace, and Relo, who complained that there were too many people in the palace and was overheating.

With a slap, only one slap, Lei Luo actually used only one slap to slap to death the owner of an animal-line demon fruit wrapped in armed color domineering!

Looking at Relo humming a ditty, while smashing the wall behind the throne with a casual punch, and casually walking into the back of the secret room, Tina's face gradually returned to calm.

"General Akainu, you saw it all."

At this time, in Tina's pocket, a TV bug poked out its head.

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