"On the top of the major war events, although on the surface it seems that our navy ended in a crushing victory, everyone here should know very well that if it were not for the appearance of the red-haired Shanks of the Four Emperors later, the navy might no longer exist now."

"However, this is not a reason for us to indulge the pirates, in the face of those extremely vicious criminals, we must execute them all, and leave none of them, just like when we executed Fire Fist Ace!"

Akainu's words are very direct, just like what he did, they are so cold, pirates are absolutely evil in front of him, as long as they can eliminate pirates, he will inevitably do whatever it takes.


With a loud bang, the angry Karp with a face full of killing intent was once again fiercely pressed under him by the Warring States.

For Ace's death, it has always been an inextricable knot in the heart of Karp, a grandfather, and listening to the murderer of his grandson have a meeting is already his biggest concession, but Akainu has to mention it again.

"Sakaski, the green pheasant is gone, after you die, there will still be Borusalino to be a marshal, don't think that the old man does not dare to move you!"

"Karp, calm down!"

Sengoku slammed his head hard and buried his entire face in the floor.

"You guys continue the meeting, I'll leave with Karp first, as for the content of the meeting, Tsuru, remember to come to the old place to find the two of us after the end."

What kind of person Karp is, Sengoku knows too well, if he lets him and Akainu stay here for one more second, the consequences will be unimaginable, and Karp in rage will change from a naval hero to the Navy's biggest criminal, a criminal who killed a contemporary naval marshal.

After the Warring States dragged Karp out of the office, Chi Inu glanced at the yellow ape thoughtfully, Karp's words just now, he would not take it as angry.

Faced with the questioning of the red dog, the yellow ape hurriedly waved his hand, complaining in his heart that Old Master Karp really dared to say anything, he obviously only wanted to live a salted fish life clocking in and out of work, how could he go to the annoying position of marshal.

"Now let's get down to business, because of the departure of the traitor Pheasant and the retirement of the former Marshal Sengoku, the top combat power of the naval headquarters can no longer compete with the top pirate regiment of the Great Route, for this reason, I want to appoint several new generals."

Akainu said as he handed over the information in his hand to everyone present.

The current navy can be said to be the old generation retired, the middle-aged combat power is falling apart, the younger generation is even more uneven, strong strong, weak and weak, the former powerful navy, now I am afraid that only facing a group of four emperors pirates, can not achieve a crushing victory, unless the older generation of strong people are invited to shoot.

To this end, the navy, following the orders of the government, began a large conscription.

Although the effect of the large-scale conscription is indeed remarkable, in just over a year, the base of the navy has even slightly exceeded the previous scale, but whether these people have ghosts in mind is not very clear.

Arms can never twist the thighs, even if it is two arms, it is impossible to fight with one thigh, in the same way, in front of the real strong, even if the weak are numerous, it will not help.

Just like during the war, if it weren't for Whitebeard's old age and terminal illness, and he was attacked by his beloved son Skuyard, the big vortex spider, Akainu would not be sure that he could hurt Whitebeard, let alone those ordinary naval soldiers.

"Do you mean to increase the difficulty of screening for large conscriptions?"

After all, Steel Bone Kong is a former marshal, and he also knows the situation in the current navy very well.

"My plan has two aspects, first, select three people from the information in your hands to serve as admirals together with the yellow ape, corresponding to the four emperors of pirates; Second, through Blackbeard's request, appoint him as His Majesty Seven Wuhai, and at the same time invite Bucky of the Clown Pirates to take the post of His Majesty Seven Wuhai, and slowly recapture those damned criminals he once took away! Faced

with Akainu's proposal, the leaders of the navy looked at each other and nodded.

It is only a matter of time before the admiral's order is accepted, as for His Majesty Qiwu Hai, although they did not expect that the red dog, who has always hated pirates, would actually propose this idea, but they also understood the meaning of the red dog, which can undoubtedly reduce the pressure from the pirates for the navy to the greatest extent.

"A few people here, are you the candidates you want to appoint the general at the moment?"

Tsuru looked at the information in his hand and said slowly.

In the information given by Akainu, there are many people in the eyes of Crane who are all juniors who have just emerged, but they did not expect that after so many years, they have become a strong party, and they have actively chosen to join the navy.

"Fuji Tiger and Green Bull are the candidates that the old man values the most, as for the fourth person..."

Steel Bone Kong said this, without any follow-up, just set his eyes on the TV bug on the red dog table.

"That kid is quite strong, even Sengoku and Karp don't have such terrifying strength when they are his age."

"The commander of the entire army of the world, Lord Gang Bone Kong, and Lieutenant General Tsuru are right."

"That's right, I also agree to make an exception to promote the three of them as new admirals."

"As long as the three of them are diligent, I can give up my position as a general."


Seeing that everyone agreed with Relo's decision to become the new general, Smogg slammed out the door with a dark face, leaving only the scent of cigars still surrounding the office.

"Smogg, this kid is jealous, but he'd better not mess around, he's not Relo's opponent."

Lieutenant General Tsuru looked at the closed dead gate and said with a sigh.

North Sea.

"Is this the Navy Six?"

With superb strength and an approachable personality, Relo quickly became acquainted with the navy, and now he is learning the naval six developed by Karp.

"A genius is a genius, and you have learned the approximate of the Navy Six with just one glance."

Looking at Lei Luo, who stepped on the air and flew higher and higher, many navies couldn't help but praise.

In Leiluo's eyes, this moon step is not a profound move, and its launch theory is generally similar to that of Wudang Light Gong Tiyun Zheng, which requires extremely strong foot power to urge.

"In this way, in return, I will also teach you a few tricks of my hometown, look at it, Konoha Great Whirlwind!"

I saw that Lei Luo's next kick posture was ready, and then bowed his waist and kicked out violently, and the speed of the move was extremely fast, plus the move belonged to the circular range of attacks, it looked like it really meant a whirlwind.


"Which fool broke the mast of a warship! Get out of here for the old lady!

With a loud bang, Detina, who rushed out of the deck, looked at the broken mast in front of her and roared.

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