Above the endless sea, the bright sun dispersed the cotton clouds and shone on the deck of a naval warship, while Relo was training with a group of naval soldiers.

"Leiluo, what is your move called, it's similar to teleportation, obviously you haven't done anything, but you can burst out empty power, the trick that easily kills the sea king, can you teach us?"

"You said Void Walking, unfortunately, this trick can't be taught, but I can continue to teach you the new Konoha Rigidity School Physical Technique."

After these few days of getting along, Lei Luo has simply become a god-like existence in the minds of this group of recruits, they can't imagine that there are still powerful humans in the world, even the sea kings, known as the strongest creatures in the sea, are no different from ordinary grass carp in his eyes, and can be pinched to death at will.

On the other side of the deck, Tina smoked a cigarette and smiled from time to time looking in the direction of Relo and the others.

This young man who was inadvertently recruited into the navy definitely has a terrifying strength comparable to that of a naval admiral, and most importantly, he does not seem to have any private secrets about what he has learned, and in a very short period of time, he has made a qualitative leap in the strength of the navy on the warship.

"Huh? What is that?

Suddenly, Tina saw several well-armed ships approaching them in the distance.


With a few loud bangs, white smoke rose from the ships, and at the same time, several pitch-black shells burst out.

"All on guard! Enemy attack!

At the same time as Tina gave the order, her arms were constantly building a fence of railings.

However, the moment the shell touched Tina's arm, the ability of the Threshold Fruit suddenly failed, and there was no way to stop the progress of the shell.

Immediately afterwards, the ships fired again continuously, and the shells in the sky were even enough to smash the aircraft carrier to slag.

"Sea Lou Stone!"

Tina frowned and exclaimed, she couldn't imagine what kind of force could be so rich.

At the moment when those shells were about to touch the naval warship, a little golden light rose and spread from the deck, turning into a barrier of light to protect the safety of the warship.

"The power of the North Sea, and definitely related to Victor."

I don't know when Lei Luo, who stood next to Tina, said lightly.

For this kind of shell comparable to the sea lou stone, Lei Luo obviously felt the breath of the sea tower assimilation qi contained in it.

Since Victor has been killed by his own hands, the person who came must be a powerful force that secretly traded with him.

"Did you leak the news so quickly?"

The war outside the barrier of light was raging, and the cannons were roaring, but Lei Luo did not take these to heart, he who used his domineering to perceive the details of the other party early, he could clearly feel that the other party was just a battle-hardened warrior, there was nothing to be afraid of, the only thing that could interest him a little was the forces behind these people

"Don't move."

After Lei Luo left a word, his figure turned into a golden light and rushed to the sky, crossing his hands to cover half of his face, and the tips of his ten fingers gradually condensed golden light.

Eight-foot qionggouyu!

With Lei Luo's hands, countless light projectiles flew out from his fingertips, like a rain of flowers, overwhelmingly shooting towards the shells and ships below.

However, in just a few seconds, there was nothing on the sea surface with a radius of tens of miles, except for a ship exclusive to the Navy, which could be called a ship.


Relo appeared on the deck again and casually dropped a terrified little leader he had captured.

All this happened too quickly, that little leader would never have thought that his own side was several times more than the navy, and he would actually be sunk by a young man in less than ten seconds, leaving him alone.

"Say, who sent you."

Looking at the invincible man in front of him, the little leader knew very well that he could never escape under his eyes, so he Lei Luo suddenly smiled, and thick blood flowed out of his mouth, dripping on the deck and spreading towards the sea.

"Biting your tongue and committing suicide, the dead warrior cultivated by the forces behind it."

Lei Luo frowned slightly, even if it was him, he would definitely not be able to get any answer from the mouth of the dead man, but as far as the current situation was concerned, if he could not find out who really wanted to attack him, then this warship was very likely to suffer twenty-four hours of endless enemy attacks.

The more he thought about it, the more headache Relo turned his gaze to Tina, but Tina, who rummaged through the dead man, finally found nothing.

Sending more than a dozen ships in one go, plus such a large number of shells, not to mention the need for more than 100 million financial support, it can be seen that the forces that hunted down Lei Luo and others because of Victor's death must be at the level of a prince.

The next day, the Kingdom of Jemal.

"A bunch of useless rice buckets, they can't even do such a little thing!"

The furious Vince Mockgarch said angrily after hearing the news from his subordinates.

That's right, this is a powerful force that has always maintained business dealings with Victor, known as the "Army of Evil", a terrorist existence at the level of the Overlord of the North Sea, and the Jemal 66 organization with the power to participate in the World Conference.

"Father, it seems that those navies are not simple, it is better to let a few of our brothers and sisters deal with this matter."

The person who spoke was a Vince Mock Iji wearing sunglasses, a 1-character mark on his cape, and a red combat suit.

"Fortunately, with a few of you making a move, I will be relieved, but after you solve the navy, remember not to leave any traces, and remember to take back all the products under Victor."

"Yes, Father!"

As soon as the words fell, a woman, three men and four young men walked out of the hall without looking back.

On the other hand, Lei Luo and the others who were in the bright place still did not know how terrifying their existence was this attack, but they did not have time to continue to investigate, because an uninvited guest appeared on the warship, the smoker Smogg.

"Your boy is Relo?"

"How, what's the matter?"

"Hey, the boater, stop on the island in front, I'm going to train this naval rookie."

"Always by your side."

Looking at Smog and Relo, who had a very tense relationship when they first met, Tina said that she wanted to stop the fight between the two, but the more she stopped it, the more resolute Smogg's attitude became, and finally turned directly into smoke, wrapped in Relo and flew towards the island in his mouth.

"Smogg, you idiot! Full speed ahead, hurry!

Looking at the two people who were getting farther and farther away in the air, Tina took a deep breath and ordered.

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