In the air, a puff of smoke and smoke fell, startling away the surrounding foraging animals, and two figures slowly appeared, it was Relo and Smogg.

"Lieutenant General Smogg, I don't know how you plan to train me."

Relo said disdainfully, for this smoker who appeared very strongly in the original book and did not grow up after a few years, he felt in his heart that Smogg was looking for abuse.

"Young man, don't think that your eyes grow on the top of your head with a little strength, you have to know that there are people outside the people, and a mountain is higher than a mountain."

Looking at the young and vigorous Relo, Smogg seemed to see the rebellious self he once had, young man, only after being taught a lesson, will he understand what modesty is.

After hearing Smogg's words, Relo couldn't hold back his laughter.

There are people outside the people, and a mountain is higher than a mountain?

Who do you think you are, a poor vice admiral with weak strength at the headquarters of the Navy, who gave you so much courage to speak this nonsense with a thick face.

If you want to teach Lao Tzu a lesson, even if the Admiral Chi Inu comes, he may not be able to do it.

"Shoot, as a senior, I will let you make three moves."

It seemed that he was stimulated by Relo's contempt, and Smogg, who was quite dissatisfied with Relo because of Tina, took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed his anger, and said to Relo.

In any case, he must pay attention to his words and deeds, after all, he is a vice admiral of the navy, and he cannot lose the face of the navy and army.

"Huh, three moves? Do you want me to let you do ten moves?" In

Relo's eyes, Smogg suddenly became a little cute, how could anyone be so confident in themselves?

However, after facing Relo's repeated provocations, Smog finally couldn't hold his breath, raised his eyebrows, took a large puff of cigar, and spit out thick smoke, floating between the two.

"This secondhand smoke is really spicy to the eyes."

Lei Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, and his left hand fanned hard in front of him a few times.

Wait, smoke, Smog the smoker!

Relo, who suddenly thought of something, immediately retreated several meters, looked up, and found that Smog behind the smoke had long disappeared.

Seeing the domineering, Relo will, Smog will also, since Relo can predict Smogg's actions, how could Smog not predict Relo's actions.

"Boy, when a real master fights, any behavior is to prepare for an attack, this is the first lesson I taught you!"

Behind Relo, the smoke converged and gradually formed the appearance of Smogg, who was holding a special weapon with ten hands and smashing towards the back of Relo's head.

Smogg's Ten Hands, a special weapon specially designed to restrain swords, is also inlaid with the Devil Fruit Nemesis Sea Lou Stone.

Don't look at the ten hands belong to blunt weapons, there is not a sharp place on the whole body, but under the blessing of Smogg's strange power, it can easily smash rocks, and even the iron sword and armor are fragile in front of it.


Ten hands fell, stones splashed, and a large pit with a diameter of one meter appeared on the ground in an instant, but Leiluo's figure was not among them.

"This speed is far more than the shaving in the Six Styles!"

The battle-hardened Smogg could see at a glance that Relo had dodged his first attack by relying on pure speed, but what surprised him was that Relo's speed was extremely fast, so fast that he might not be able to hit the attack.

"Boy, now is the second lesson, in the face of different situations, formulate different combat plans, must not be static!"

The next moment, Smogg's figure turned into smoke again, only this time with an extremely wide range, almost covering the island.

This is the new killing move developed by Smog in more than a year - fog array!

Wherever the smoke shrouded, everything was within Smogg's grasp, and he would find out at the first time any wind and grass.

Moreover, anywhere under the smoke, he can teleport to any direction with just one thought, in addition, as long as the smoke does not dissipate, he is equivalent to having an immortal body, no matter how many attacks the body receives, it will automatically recover.


Smogg, who had been casting the fog array for a few minutes, was a little puzzled in his heart, he did not expect that he, who had completely covered the entire island, would actually search for Leiluo's trace fruitlessly.

Could it be that this kid escaped underground? It is impossible, he will definitely not notice the movement of digging a hole.

Suddenly, Smog raised his head and looked into the air.

There is no surface of the island, it is impossible underground, then the only way to escape is in the air.

Sure enough, there wasn't even a shadow in the air.

"Strange, could it be that this kid can still jump into the sea? As a Devil Fruit powerhouse, doesn't he know that he has become a dry duck?

Smogg, whose figure had shifted to the edge of the island, looked at the sea with confused eyes, and everything was calm, not like someone was fluttering in it.

So where did Relo go?

"Hey, Smogg, I'll teach you a lesson, don't underestimate any of your opponents, even if he looks younger than you."

Above the fog array, the sunlight thrown by the blazing sun on its surface rapidly converged, forming the figure of Relo, and pressed Smogg's head into the sea.

As Smog said, the Devil Fruit Powers are a group of beings cursed by the sea, and their greatest nemesis is this ocean!

Smog struggled frantically to escape from Relo's control, but when he came into contact with the sea, all his strange powers disappeared, and he couldn't get rid of the center of Relo's hand.

The fog array slowly dissipated, and Tina's group who landed on the shore also understood that the battle between the two had ended, and Tina, who wanted to teach Smog a lesson about this matter, saw this ridiculous scene in front of him, and the reaction of many navies was petrified!

Vice Admiral Smogg, who was in the naval headquarters, actually did not last even a minute in Leiluo's hands, and was fooled by Relo like a child, pressing his head in the water and unable to break free.

God, what kind of person is this Relo, and why is it so strong!

In the hearts of the naval soldiers, Smogg is still the powerful vice admiral, but Leiluo's image has been invisibly raised a few points.

Looking at the expressions of everyone on the warship, Relo sighed helplessly, casually picked up Smogg, and threw it on the grass next to him.

Originally, I was also a very low-key person and didn't want to pretend, but why do people always want to punch me in the face and let me smoke?

Could it be that my hand is too good-looking?

"Hey, invisible pretending, the consequences are the most deadly!"

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