On the endless sea, a warship shrouded in smoke and sheltered by golden light was quietly suspended in place.

At this moment, on all sides of this warship, a dozen ships dragged by huge snails came in a mighty manner, no, to be precise, it was not ships, but moving buildings!

This is the Jemal 66 Kingdom, a sea fortress composed of snail ships, the former overlord of the strongest sea in the North Sea!

"Smogg, is that the troops under Jemal 66? Can you see who the Lord will be at the head?

Looking at the approaching giant snails and the sea sails with the words 66 written on their backs, fluttering in the wind, Relo asked Smogg.

In the face of this force, which was once called the evil army in Nami's mouth, although Relo did not pay attention to it, knowing the root is the foundation of victory.

Hearing this, Smogg fixed his eyes on the top of the core snail ship in the southeast, southwest and northwest directions, and stood a pink, red, blue and green figure.

"Reijiu, Iji, Neji, and Yuji."

"The children of the Vince Mock family are all here, it seems that the old guy of Gaji still attaches great importance to Victor's weapons factory."

Lei Luo smiled and said, there seemed to be a new plan in those eyes.

The Vince Mock family once had a mighty position above the sea, all thanks to their family's research and development of technology, bloodline factor cloning technology and combat uniforms.

However, in the face of this potential threat, the world government will not let it run wild.

After all, any clone, the weakest has the combat power of the rank of a lieutenant, and if they are given time to cultivate the population, sooner or later the grassroots strength will surpass the navy.

When it comes to the grassroots level, it is necessary to raise the level, combat uniforms, is the standard of the high-level of the Vince Mock family, wearing combat uniforms, although their combat power is not comparable to the admirals of the navy, but it is extremely easy to defeat the vice admiral.

As long as there is enough time, the appearance of a clone legion fully dressed in combat uniforms will completely change the situation on this sea.

This is the horror of the Vince Mock family, and it is also the most fundamental reason why all forces suppress it in secret.

"Dear navy, you have been surrounded, surrender, at least one life can be saved."

The person who spoke was Lei Jiu, known as the poisonous fan, and among the five children of the Vince Mock family, like Sanji, there was a special existence of emotions.

"What are you talking about? Hey, Navy, hand over Tina, and honestly die and it's over. "

The winch Midori Yuji is a lecherous embryo, and even now, he still misses Tina.

Find death!

After hearing Yuji's words, the expressions on the faces of Relo and Smog suddenly changed at the same time.

Even if you intercept the navy, you even dare to say crooked brains to the woman you fancy.


I saw that in the smoke, a white giant fist burst out like a cannonball, accompanied by a golden beam ray.

"Hehe, Smogg, dare to make a move on me, are you taking yourself too seriously!"

Yongji, who took the white giant fist with his bare hands, took advantage of the momentum and soared into the air, fast as lightning.

The speed of technology, after all, is definitely not comparable to the speed of light, especially when faced with beams that make sudden and sharp turns.


"Fourth Highness!"

Under everyone's attention, the beam of light that Lei Luo had emitted earlier seemed to meet a mirror, shooting towards the defenseless Yuji in the air at a ninety degree angle.

In front of that beam, the Vince Mock family's proud combat uniform was like paper paste, a large hole with thick lines at the mouth of the bowl, starting from the heart of Yuji's left foot, running through his flesh, mixed with flesh and blood straight to the sky.

"I'm sorry, Smogg smoke is a bit of an eyesore, and it's missed."

In the naval warship, Lei Luo, who was covered in golden light on the surface of his body, stepped on the void and slowly walked out.

"Bastard! Bastard! Fire the gun, blast this kid into scrap for me!

Yuji roared like madness, the pain caused by the penetration of his flesh had completely angered him.

Seeing that Yongzhi actually acted like a nobody, Lei Luo was somewhat shocked in his heart, which also increased his interest in bloodline factor cloning technology, after all, normal people do not have such a powerful physical body.


With a loud bang, countless bullets and shells shot into the air, and the moment they touched the golden figure, they all exploded, stirring up bursts of white smoke.

It was a special weapon infused with ocean assimilation gas!

"You're really unfriendly!"

The explosion, which had lasted for most of the day, finally stopped, and Relo's extremely disdainful voice sounded.


"How is this possible!"

"That's a weapon developed by Victor!"

As the smoke gradually dispersed, the figure wrapped in golden light appeared in front of everyone again, without a single scar on his body, not even a little scorched black on his clothes.

This trick of golden light possession is a trick developed by Lei Luo who accidentally thought of Dragon Tiger Mountain and developed according to the famous defensive technique Golden Light Spell.

However, because the development of this move is not perfect enough, now he can only use this move without moving, as for the effect, it is more than enough to block things such as guns, and it is better to use the Central Asian hourglass when facing the real killing moves of the masters.

Looking at the glass-like golden light on the surface of Leiluo's body, Smogg's brows furrowed slightly, and he inhaled the cigar in his mouth, thoughtfully.

Relo was safe and sound, Tina breathed a sigh of relief, and the big stone in her heart also fell.

Long before Relo made the move, he had already told Smog and Tina that the two of them only needed to protect the safety of the soldiers, and that he would do the rest alone.

"Have you ever been hit by a bullet made of light?"

Relo suddenly raised his hand and extended his index finger to Yuji.

"What did you say?"


Lei Luo made a jumping sound in his mouth, and the next moment, the golden light condensed in his fingertips and burst out.

With Yuji, who was wide-eyed, falling into the sea, the scene appeared extremely quiet.

That's right, Yuji died so simply.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining two layers of brutal values!"

The voice of the system sounded in Lei Luo's mind, feeling the sudden increase in strength in his body, and a smile gradually appeared on Lei Luo's face.

The effect of the mysterious sword is indeed powerful!

"To deal with you miscellaneous things, you don't need anyone else to make a move, I'm enough alone!"

Relo chuckled, today he must let the contribution of the Jemal 66 members die.

It's like becoming his power.

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