What arrogant words for one person against a dozen ships of centaurs!

"Lao Tzu is going to kill you!"

"Break your bones off one by one!"

The blue-robed Neji turned into a ray of thunder and rushed towards Leiluo.

For Yuji's death, his heart did not wave, but Relo killed Yuji in the face of so many people, he was hitting him in the face, which Neji could not bear.

"Six Canes Light Prison!"

Lei Luo snorted softly, and as soon as he grasped the previously raised finger, the light elements in the air quickly converged, forming a prison that bound Neji inside.

Nich, the second son of the Vince Mock family, holds the title of Shock Blue, and it is precisely because of his lightning-fast speed.

However, in front of everyone, Relo easily captured Nich's figure, looking at his breezy appearance, as if Nich was just a turtle that had been swallowing slowly in his eyes.

"It's just lightning, have you ever heard of light?"

The speed of lightning is 106 meters per second, and the speed of light is 300,000KM per second, and the gap is like heaven and earth!

Leiluo's words fell, and the figure did not move, but just appeared in the air and smiled coldly.

"What the hell is he doing?"

Smog looked at the bound Neji and Jemal armies, and a hint of confusion appeared in his heart.

However, in the next moment, the giant snail heads of the four snail ships in Jemal's army seemed to have suffered heavy damage, and they all tilted to one side in unison, while driving their bodies.

The snail boat fell!

"Strange, how come none of Jemal 66 jumped off the boat? What exactly did Relo do?

Smog was even more confused when he saw this, because in his eyes, Relo was still floating quietly in the air, just like just now.

"That's not right, the eldest son of the Vince Mock family, Spark Red Iji!"

Suddenly remembering something, Smog looked again at the snail ship that was about to sink into the sea.

On the four snail ships, all the clone troops foamed at the mouth and collapsed to the ground, including Iji.

When did the hand come out?

At this moment, everyone's minds consciously sounded Leiluo's previous sentence.

"Have you heard of the light?"

Right, in this world, except for the existence of the speed of light, who can achieve such a scene in front of you?

Even if it was as strong as the white beard that had passed away, it was necessary to use the ability of the shock fruit, but Lei Luo did not move.

No, he moved, it's just that none of our eyes caught his movements!

Realizing the opponent's powerful Jemal army, everyone subconsciously took a few steps back, deliberately wanting to stay away from Relo.

Now Lei Luo, in their eyes, is like an impermanent god who came out of hell, coming to ask for his life!

"Congratulations to the host, the brutal power is stacked to 54 layers, and you get a forty percent attack speed bonus."

Attack speed bonus? I'm not playing a game, how can this thing be reflected?

The confused Relo turned his head and set his gaze on Neji, who was still trying to break through the shackles of light.

"What are you going to do? I tell you, if you dare to touch a single hair of mine, the entire Jamal Kingdom will not let you go!"

Looking at Relo's sly smile, Neji roared angrily, but there was a trace of fear in his voice, which everyone could clearly feel.

This killing god in front of him has already killed Iji's two brothers, and he actually thinks that the Jemal Kingdom will deter Leiluo, this is probably not a fool!

The smiling Lelo kept approaching Nickie, and the smile on his face became more and more hideous.

In the next second, hundreds of rays of light burst out of Relo's right hand and fell heavily on Nich's body.

It turned out to be a fist!

"Congratulations to the host's brutal power superimposed on the 56th floor."

"It turns out that the bonus in attack speed can reduce the time it takes me to swing forward."

Relo said with some excitement, while turning his incomparably hot gaze to the rest of Jemal 66.

These clone soldiers who are still alive are, in his eyes, the source of strength!

As for the dead Neji, Relo no longer cares, allowing his body, which has been bombarded into flesh and mud, to fall into the sea one by one, becoming an underwater creature and entering their belly.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

Without any hesitation, Lei Luo crossed his hands in front of him, and countless light bullets instantly appeared, shooting wildly towards the Jemal 66 army below.

One, two, three... Sixteen!

However, in just ten seconds, all the snail boats in front of him were catapulted into a sieve by light, and the blood instantly stained a sea area.

"Congratulations to the host for stacking 100 layers of brutal power and getting a 100% attack speed bonus!"

The sound of the system sounded again.

Lei Luo felt the surging power in his body, and the smile on his face became more and more rampant, just on the way to cast the eight-foot qionggou jade, he found that the bonus brought by the attack speed could also affect the flight speed of the light bullet!

"Hey, boy, you seem to have a fish that slipped through the net."

Looking at Lei Jiu, who slowly rose from the sea and had an ugly face, Smogger paused and said.

"I did it on purpose."


In the face of the answer given by Relo, Smogg cut it, he didn't understand why this kid was so fond of pretending, obviously he missed one, and actually said that he did it on purpose.

In fact, Relo really did it on purpose, and his heart was still full of longing for the Clone Legion, but most of the Vince Mock family are ruthless and unrighteous, cold-blooded animals who only value interests, and are a group of super fools who would rather die than disclose half of the family's research and development results.

Only Sanji and Lei Jiu, these two individuals are alternative people who retain their feelings, since Sanjiu has been abandoned by the family since childhood, Lei Jiu is naturally the best choice for Lei Luo.

"Why didn't you kill me?"

"Because you're a good guy."


Leiluo's words were like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, exploding in Lei Jiu's heart, the entire Vince Mock family is called an evil existence by the world, and now some people actually say that she is a good person!

"Lei Jiu, I will give you two ways to choose, first, I will let you go, and second, join the navy, and follow me to build a great era of peace full of flesh and blood!"

Join the Navy and build an era of peace?

Since childhood, Lei Jiu, who has been treated as a guinea pig by his father since childhood, has constantly experimented, and finally turned into a sharp weapon, and has only felt respect and affection in his abandoned brother.

"Are there many people in the world who are facing the same thing as me?"

Suddenly, Lei Jiu raised her head and asked Lei Luo.

"I think you should know this better than I do."

"Okay, I choose to join the Navy!"

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