When Lei Luo heard this, he was just what he wanted, and said, "Then thank you Tsunade-sama!" "

Surprises always come unexpectedly.

At this moment, the rope tree beside Lei Luo suddenly showed a painful expression and trembled all over.

Tsunade immediately laid the rope tree flat on the ground, and the chakra of his hands bloomed with green light, using the palm cactus technique.

But Rope Tree's expression was still painful, without any relief, and there were constant folds on his arms, which looked like bark.

"Bark? Could it be... Mudu Cell! Lei Luo looked at the state of the rope tree in front of him, and there was some guess in his heart. So he opened his mouth and asked, "Tsunade-sama, what's wrong with the rope tree?"

Tsunade shook his head and did not answer Relo's question, but kept using the palm cactus technique to relieve the pain of the rope tree.

Seeing this, Lei Luo spoke, "Or let me try it!"

Tsunade thought that he had learned about Relo's light before and also had a special medical ability, so it was better to let him give it a try, so he nodded and let go of his position.

"Guangdu. Light Therapy" Lei Luo's hands bloomed with golden light, pressed on the chest of the rope tree, with the continuous input of Lei Luo's light attribute Chakra, the rope tree's frown slowly stretched, and the folds on his arms began to soften, and finally disappeared under the skin.

After a long time, looking at the rope tree that was no longer in pain, Relo stopped Chakra's delivery and wiped the sweat on his head, which consumed a lot.

The rope tree has already sobered up: "Brother Leiluo, thank you, you saved me again." Lei

Luo shook his head, "You're welcome, but I only temporarily suppressed your current symptoms, but I don't know the source of your symptoms, I just feel that something is devouring your cells, but I don't have the ability to solve this problem for the time being."

Tsunade sighed when he heard this, "This was originally a secret of the village, and I shouldn't have revealed it to you, but I only have one relative of Ropeki now, and I don't want to watch him suffer so much."

Next, Tsunade told Relo about this secret in the village, and it also solved a question that Relo had always had in his mind.

It turned out that after the death of the generation Hokage Senju Pillar, Konoha Village had been studying the wood dun cells between the pillars, hoping that someone would awaken a new wood dun to support Konoha, but there has been no great progress.

It stands to reason that the matching degree between Mudun cells and members of the Thousand Hands family should be the highest, but it is impossible for the Thousand Hands family to do this experimental subject.

However, this changed after the death of the second generation Mesenjuma. On the one hand, for the sake of the village, on the other hand, for the prosperity of the family, the elders of the Thousand Hands clan decided to take the initiative to cooperate with the village to study Mudu cells after deliberation, and the members of the Thousand Hands clan voluntarily became experimental subjects.

But as the experiment progressed, all the experiments failed without exception, not only did no one awaken the boundary of Mu Dun blood, but was swallowed by Mu Dun cells, and finally transformed into a tree. The population of the Senju tribe decreased rapidly, directly heading for decline, and only forest trees remained in the huge Senju tribe's land.

This is why the Thousand Hands clan kept declining, and finally there was no news!

Originally, this experimental project had been banned, but firstly, Rope Tree wanted to become a powerful ninja like his grandfather, and secondly, the Senju clan wanted to make a final attempt, and if it succeeded, it would be able to restore the Senju clan's former glory again.

So, the rope tree as an experimental subject, implanted with wood dun cells, just now the situation suddenly deteriorated, fortunately Lei Luo's light had a certain effect, otherwise Tsunade could only watch the rope tree like the ancestors of the Senju family, incarnating into a tree!

After Tsunade finished telling this series of events, he spoke to Relo-kun very cautiously: "Reilo-kun, as a dark ministry, I hope you can keep this secret in the village.

Lei Luo also nodded seriously: "Don't worry!"

Then Tsunade's eyes looked directly at Relo, with a hint of pleading, "Reilo-kun, I have a request, I hope you can agree to it."

Lei Luo looked at Tsunade in front of him, and his heart softened, "Tsunade-sama, if there is anything, just say it!"

"I hope you can learn medical ninjutsu with me and solve the problem of rope trees."



A month passed quickly, and after this month of study, Relo had a detailed understanding of the medical system of the Hokage World.

Naruto World's medical ninjutsu is a medical ninja who can repair the cells through a special chakra repair part, stimulate cell division and regenerate and replenish the cells that cannot be repaired, so as to achieve the purpose of rapid healing of the wound of the injured.

Medical ninjutsu also has morphological changes, and through morphological changes, the essence of medical ninjutsu can also be changed to achieve the effect of attack, such as the Chakra scalpel.

The change in the nature of medical ninjutsu, combined with the ninjutsu that appears in the original work, is currently only the creation and regeneration of Tsunade, and the self-rebirth of Chiyo's mother-in-law.

However, there are many times of cell division in a person's life, and excessive cell division is equivalent to the loss of human life.

And Relo's own development of "Light Dun . Light Therapy", after Tsunade's testing, has completely been called A-level medical ninjutsu, because the reason why Light is rich in vitality, the effect is better than that of palm cactus.

With Tsunade's help, Relo sets out to develop new abilities.

There is a ninjutsu in medical ninjutsu called "Fine Patient Extraction", which has the effect of extracting poison from the patient's body, or removing organs or transplanting them, but this ninjutsu requires extremely high chakra control.

And for Lei Luo, who can be photoelementalized, every light attribute chakra in his body is a part of his body, and there is no need to worry about manipulation at all.

So, based on this technique, Relo developed the "Light Escape. "Purification" can directly purify the toxins in the patient's body, repair the injured organs, and minimize the risk of surgery.

And during the development of this technique, it gave Relo a lot of inspiration, and with Relo's understanding of the human body, he developed his first perceptual ninjutsu "Light Escape. Infrared Perception", which can be perceived by infrared rays in the light to discover the location of hidden enemies.

At present, the range of this perception ninjutsu can already reach a radius of one kilometer, and with the continuous improvement of Leiluo's strength and the continuous control of the light element, this range will also continue to expand.

And during this month, the frequency of rope tree symptoms is also getting higher and higher, and now Relo's "light escape. The purification technique "has finally been perfected, and it is time to try whether it can solve the problem of the rope tree."


Konoha Village, Senju Clan Land.

In the past month, after the continuous torture of Mu Dun cells, the rope tree has lost its former passion and looks a little low and haggard.

Relo is here today to try to solve the problem of the rope tree.

Listening to Relo's description and looking at the haggard rope tree, Tsunade decided to give it a try.

Tsunade said to Relo with a cautious expression: "Since you are prepared, then let's give it a try, in order to avoid being affected, let's go to the secret room!" "

Let's go!"

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