Relo followed Tsunade with the rope tree to the secret room, and Shizune was left on it.

Relo looked around curiously, looking at the many bookcases standing on both sides of the secret room, and inside were many ninjutsu scrolls. There are also several rooms in the secret room, the doors are closed, and I don't know what is inside.

Tsunade opened one of the doors, pushed it in, and turned on the light.

Relo found that the room looked like an operating room, brightly lit, without dark corners, with an operating table in the middle, and a variety of surgical tools next to it.

"Rope tree, you take off your shirt and lie down!" Tsunade spoke.

The rope tree obediently took off his shirt and lay on the operating table, his upper body skin wrinkled, like dead wood.

Lei Luoxin said, "Is it already so serious? I don't know about the light. Does purification have any effect. Tsunade

, who was worried that the rope tree would not be able to withstand the pain, directly slapped the rope tree unconscious, and then Tsunade turned his head and said to Relo, "Reilo-kun, I'm bothering you!"

Relo nodded, then stepped forward and walked to the operating table.

"Guangdu. Purifying Technique" Relo pressed his hand on the position of the heart of the rope tree, and the soft light flowed from Lei Luo's hand to the body of the rope tree, slowly spreading throughout the body with the meridians.

With the flow of the light attribute Chakra, the dry cells on the rope tree were replenished with vitality and slowly recovered, but the wood dun cells in the body were still devouring.

But under Leiluo's continuous input light attribute Chakra, Mu Dun cells seemed to have finally eaten enough, no longer devouring the rope tree's own cells, but began to fuse.

After a long time, Lei Luo finally exhausted the Chakra in his body, and looking at the rope tree lying on the bed, the whole person seemed to be in a state of transformation, and his skin was slightly shining.

Lei Luo picked up his hand from the chest of the rope tree, stumbled backwards, and said in his heart, "This consumption is too big, I didn't expect that just the cells between the thousand hand pillars would be so difficult."

Tsunade, who was waiting next to him, looked at the stumbling Lei Luo, immediately stepped forward to hold on, and then helped him to sit on the chair on the side, and said, "Lei Luojun, thank you, hard work, you sit and rest first, I'll look at the condition of the rope tree, I'm sorry!"

Relo waved his hand gently, signaling Tsunade not to care, then adjusted his state in the chair, slowly recovering Chakra.

Tsunade was about to step forward to check the state of the rope tree, but a chakra momentum suddenly erupted on the rope tree, and the whole person bounced up from the bed and woke up.

Tsunade looked at the sober rope tree and asked happily, "Rope tree, how are you feeling now?" Rope

Tree clenched his fists: "I have never felt so good, I feel that my Chakra volume has been greatly improved, and I also feel a special power in my body." "

Special powers?" Tsunade was a little puzzled when he heard this, and then reacted sharply, "Could it be Mu Duan?"

Excitedly grabbed Rope Tree's hand, "Rope Tree, you try to mobilize that special power in your body to see if you can control it." Hearing

this, the rope tree nodded, tried to mobilize the strength in his body, and then stretched out his hand, and a slender small branch appeared in the rope tree's hand with a few young shoots.

"It's really Mu Duan!" Tsunade exclaimed excitedly.

"Hahaha, I will definitely become a great ninja like my grandfather!" Rope Tree also looked at his hands excitedly.

Relo, who closed his eyes and breathed, heard the cheers of the Tsunade siblings, and when he opened his eyes, the emerald green eyes of the young shoots directly attracted Lei Luo's gaze, "Unexpectedly, it really made the rope tree fuse successfully, and successfully awakened Mu Duan."

"But I just don't know if the rope tree is fighting the world like a generation, or if it is greening like Yamato in the original work."

Relo suddenly thought of the only wooden ninja who appeared in the original book except for the first generation of Hokage. Yamato was one of the experimental subjects of the Great Snake Pill when he was a child, and has no name. It is the only experimental subject that survived the big snake pill Mu Dun cell experiment and awakened Mu Duan.

After he awakened Mu Duan, he held the darkness in his heart and was directly included in the root of the direct subordinate force by Tuan Zang, codenamed "A".

It wasn't until a later battle with Kakashi that the dark thoughts he had in his heart gradually disappeared.

After that, he broke away from the root and joined the Dark Department directly under Naruto, where he carried out tasks under the code name "Tenzo", and was known as the top ninja in the Dark Department.

In the end, he was given the name "Yamato" by the third generation of Hokage Ape Hibiki, and went to the place of the light, replacing the injured senior Kiki Kakashi, and led the seventh class on a mission.

The current Yamato should not have appeared yet, and if the two old Yin Ratios of the Great Snake Pill and Tuan Zang knew that he could help others fuse the Mu Dun cells, his danger would definitely increase greatly.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said to Tsunade, "Tsunade-sama, I hope you don't tell me about helping the rope tree fuse.

Tsunade was a little surprised to hear Relo's words, but still nodded and agreed.

The three people came out of the secret room, silent looking at the restored rope tree was also very happy, immediately went to prepare things, and several people celebrated at home.


A few days later, Konoha root base.

"What?" Danzo listened to the information reported by the ninja in front of him, and said with some surprise, "You said that the Senju rope tree successfully awakened Mudun?" "

Is the intelligence accurate?"

The root ninja was half-kneeling on the ground, "Danzo-sama, this is what Tsunade-sama personally prayed to Naruto-sama, there should be no mistake." Tuan

Zang nodded, "Does the intelligence say how it succeeded?" The Thousand Hands Clan has died so many times before without success, how can the Thousand Hands Rope Tree successfully awaken, I don't believe it's just that he is lucky. The

root ninja did not dare to raise his head, "Danzo-sama, for the time being, I don't know the reason for the success of the Senju rope tree.

Tuan Zang touched the sleeve of his empty right arm, and said viciously: "Waste! If you don't know, check it! "

Yes!" The root ninja got up and left.

After the root ninja left, Danzo returned to the book case, wrote down the information, and passed it to the frontline Orochimaru through a secret channel.


Kusanagi Battlefield, Konoha Front Base.

The big snake pill looked at the information transmitted by the group in his hand, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

"Has the rope tree successfully awakened Mu Duan? But don't know the reason for the success yet?

"It seems that Tuanzang's intelligence is only capable of this."

At this moment, the figure of Lei Luo suddenly flashed in the mind of the big snake pill, remembering the last time he tested Lei Luo cells.

"Will this awakening of the rope tree have anything to do with you? Relojun.

"Now that the battlefield of the Grass Country is temporarily deadlocked, it seems that it is time for me to go back to the village and see, how can I say that I am also the teacher of the rope tree."

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