Konoha Dark Base, Black Crow Squad Room.

At the end of his daily patrol mission, Relo is chatting with the night owl, while the hummingbird is holding a book next to him.

The black crow suddenly pushed the door in, holding a scroll in his hand.

"We have a new mission!"


Southwest border of the Land of Fire.

The border between the Land of River and the Land of Fire.

At this time, the southwestern border ninjas continued to arrive from Konoha.

At first, the southwestern battlefield was small, and the two sides of Konoha and Sunahide faced each other, but there were constant skirmishes.

But as time went on, Konoha reinforced and the village of Sunahide began to reinforce as well, and the scale of the war slowly expanded.

So far, the war has lasted for more than a year, and the casualties on both sides are increasing, which can be called extremely tragic.

Now the two countries' front lines are held in the center of the river country, straddling the entire border of the two countries.

Not long ago, the village of Mist Hidden in the Land of Water also declared war on Konoha and began to attack the Land of Fire.

The country of fire is at war with the country of water, the country of wind, and the country of earth at the same time, which is very bad.

And the battlefield of the country of grass is at an impasse, just as Orochimaru also applies to temporarily return to the village. After some thought, the three generations of Hokage decided to send the Hyuga clan to support the battlefield of the Mizuno-Kuni and stabilize the situation together with the Uchiha clan. Then let the Konoha ninja concentrate on the southwest battlefield, and this time must solve the country of wind.

After a month of slow mobilization, the three generations of Hokage successfully concealed the entire world, and a large number of ninjas were transported to the battlefield of the Land of the Wind. Intelligence officers throughout the Southwest Theater operated quickly to relay battle plans.

And the confrontation that lasted for more than half a year, coupled with Konoha's simultaneous war with Mizunoku, made Shinobu let down his vigilance.


The black crow briefly briefed Relo, Nightowl, and Hummingbird on the situation in the southwest battlefield.

He then said: "Our mission this time is to support the southwest battlefield.

Then he instructed several people to pack up their things and rush to the southwest battlefield together.


A few days later, on the southwestern border, the Konoha ninja had already assembled, and Orochimaru led the army to set off for Mt. Kikyo.

And in the battlefield of the River Country, Kiki Shuo Shigeru and Jiraiya immediately led all the ninjas of the Konoha camp to Mt. Kikyo.

The ninjas from both sides of Konoha arrived at Mt. Kikyo at about the same time and successfully met their division.

Immediately afterwards, all the shadow levels on Konoha's side gathered in the makeshift tent to discuss the next move.

"Senior Shuomao, do you have any information you can share with us?" Orochimaru asked first.

Qimu Shuomao thought for a while and said: "The only thing that is worth noting is the puppet master, and everyone knows this. Iwa Shinobu's words, there have been many small movements recently, I am afraid that they have some conspiracy, so I must be extra careful. "

After a few people briefly exchanged information, they had a general understanding of the strength of the enemy and us, and the next step was the distribution of the opponent.

The strength of the few people present is not much different, and Qimu Shuomao is probably slightly higher.

Although Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru have the title of "Konoha Three Shinobi", compared to Kiki Shuo Shigeru, who became famous earlier, the strength of the three of them is still a little weak.

Even, Kiki Shuo Shigeru was a strong contender for the fourth generation of Hokage.

Among the middle ninjas of Konoha, he has great prestige.

However, Qimu Shuomao is a well-known old and good man in the village, which is also a secret hand left for the tragedy of suicide in the future.

Kiki Shuomao proposed that he deal with Chiyo and Kaizo, and everyone had no opinion.

The others were tentatively scheduled to be dealt with by Ichigo by the Great Snake Pill, and Jiraiya also dealt with Luo Sha.

And because he is good at space ninjutsu, he leads the dark department to support everywhere.

"Then, the time of the total attack is set for tomorrow morning, and today is a good rest. Recharge your batteries for tomorrow's battles! After

the meeting, Kiki Shuo Shigeru went to the place where Kakashi's squad was.

Bofeng Shuimen went to contact the patriarchs of the major families and arrange the dark department.

Zi Lai is also talking to the big snake pill.

It is also particularly interesting for Kiki Shuo Shigeru to meet Kakashi's father and son, and Kakashi's cold character automatically collapses when he faces his father. But the conversation between father and son is also very simple, mostly asking each other about the recent situation.

Then the father and son came to a battle, Kakashi's progress during this time was not small, but in the face of Kiki Shuomao, he was only passively beaten. And Kiki Shuomao was already very satisfied with Kakashi's progress, and he himself did not have such strong strength at Kakashi's age.

As a parent, it is the happiest thing to see that their children are better than the blue.

On the other hand, Jiraiya is bragging about his novel with Orochimaru, and his first book is "Strong Perseverance Shinobi Den. Haojie Jiraiya Monogatari", this book is the epitome of Jiraiya's life, and it is also his wish.

It's a pity that this book is really not very well written, no one likes it, there is no fire.

Orochimaru obviously has little interest in this kind of novel, but out of the affection of his comrades, Orochimaru did not mock Jiraiya.

Zilai was also a little frustrated, I didn't expect this kind of reaction from the first person to read his novel, but soon Zilai cheered up, and put the big snake pill into the ranks of not knowing how to appreciate.

With such a big action in Konoha, Shayin is naturally not blind, after all, he also gathered on the Kirito Mountain, but the time is urgent, and the combat power is insufficient.

At six o'clock the next day, the trumpet of the assembly sounded. All ninjas are ready to step into battle. The Great War begins!

The ninja troops, who quickly surrounded the three sides of Mt. Kikyo, came to the bottom of the mountain, put his palm to his mouth, bit his finger, his fingertips swiped with blood on his palm, and slapped one hand on the ground, "Psychic art."

"Boom" In place, a huge toad appeared, it was holding a cigarette stick, and glanced at Zilaiye faintly, "Why did you call me out again, Zilaiye."

"Wen Tai, this is the battlefield, there is not so much time to explain. The target, this mountain in front of us, jumps up, and we want to directly attack the camp of Shayin.

"Good." Toad Wentai's movements are very agile, as it raises its feet and jumps, the ground sets off a strong wind, Sheng Sheng blows the dust and sand around in all directions, when it appears hundreds of meters above the Kratom Mountain, the Sand Yin Camp below has already issued a warning warning.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! "

Quick, Konoha enemy attack!"

The quickly assembled Shinobu was rushing towards the gate of the camp, and Toad Wen Tai landed in the camp with Jiraiya.

"Wen Tai!"

"Toad oil bomb!"

"Yan Bomb!"

The combined ninjutsu "Toad Oil Flame Bomb" converged in front of the two, and the terrifying flames swallowed dozens of sand ninja who rushed out of the camp in an instant.

The endless yellow sand of "Magnetic Placer Gold" suddenly surged up, and Sheng Sheng stopped this wave of fire.

"It's the fourth generation of Wind Shadow Lord!" Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the sand ninja who had survived the disaster.

"Magnetic Escape Placer Gold Burial", the placer gold on all sides surrounded Zi Laiya and Toad Wen Tai in the middle, and the placer gold encircled, instantly swallowing the two figures.

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