"Lao Tzu goes to your uncle's tentacle monster, and he doesn't say a word in advance!"

Just when everyone's hopes were all dashed, a loud shout sounded, followed by a dazzling golden light rushed out from under the sea, and finally condensed into the appearance of Lei Luo, blocking the front of the warship.

Still alive, Relo is still alive!

In mid-air, Leiluo's slightly thin back is extremely tall in the eyes of the navy

, even if they know that the appearance of the North Sea Giant Demon has represented destruction, but they still believe in Leiluo.

Because this man, in their hearts, is that light in the darkness, that glimmer of hope in despair!

"The Lao Tzu who just shot is so painful, you have to be ready now!" Konoha Great Whirlwind! I

saw Lei Luo slightly sideways, and then the waist exerted force, and the whole person was thrown violently, driving the surrounding air flow at an extremely fast speed, and his right foot smashed towards the North Sea Giant Demon.

A person intends to shake the North Sea Giant Demon with his own strength, how can he do it, can it be said that this is the legendary mayfly shaking tree?

Indeed, the hearts of the navy were full of hope for Relo, but that hope was more that Relo used his ability to push the warship to flee, and as for defeating the North Sea Monster, no one thought about it, and they did not dare to think there.

The deep-sea giant whale against the ants, no matter how hard the latter tries, it is not painful to hit the other party, not even a trace of feeling.

And at this time, Lei Luo and the North Sea Giant Demon, in the eyes of the navy, are exactly that ant and whale, the two are not a weight class at all, how to fight?

"This light inky liquid not only has a lubricating effect, but also is extremely corrosive!"

Looking down at his calf, which had been eroded off by strong corrosion, Leiluo's eyebrows gradually furrowed.

Because of the layer of mysterious swords, Lei Luo's current pure physical destructive power has reached a terrifying level, but even so, he can't hurt the monster in front of him in the slightest.

This North Sea Giant Demon really deserves to be a legendary terrifying existence, and it is indeed more than a hundred times stronger than the Sea Kings!

"Don't be afraid, get popcorn and Coke ready, I'm going to start pretending!"

In this increasingly depressed situation, Lei Luo suddenly cleared his throat and said with his back to everyone.

What? Popcorn? Coke?

Brother, now that we are all dying, who is still in the mood to eat and drink?

"Who just said to come with popcorn and Coke... Yes! "

In the lower level of the warship, several people dressed as chefs suddenly rushed out, carrying large buckets of popcorn and boxes of Coke on their shoulders.

However, at the moment when they just appeared on the deck, the enthusiastic smile on their faces instantly disappeared, replaced by extreme horror, and the whole person seemed to be petrified.

Which bastard kid has a brain disease? At this time, I actually wanted to eat, drink and watch the play!


"Lei Jiu, do you really eat?"

"Mr. Relo believes in me so much, and I think we should believe him too."

"Hey, bring me a bottle of Coke, I may not be able to drink it in the future."

"Is there any wine, I want to drink some wine."

"Come on, do you want me to stir-fry you two more plates of wine?"

Hearing the sound of everyone's bitter amusement, Lei Luo shook his head helplessly.

Isn't it just a big and small gap? Does the North Sea Monster look big?

The next moment, the golden light flashing in Lei Luo's eyes slowly dissipated, and a little Yin red began to spread from the pupils, gradually occupying the entire eyeball, and at the same time, nine pitch-black gouyu appeared one after another, every three for a circle, a total of three circles, and the purple patterns of the circle connected the gouyu.

"Okay, change a trick for you!"

Lei Luo smiled evilly, and combined with his handsome appearance, it should have been a beautiful picture, but it was destroyed by the blood flowing from his eyes.

The Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye opens, completely suzaku, launch!

It was a cyan giant the size of a mountain, dressed as a samurai, with a pair of open wings on his back covering the sky, his movements were the same as Lei Luo standing between his foreheads, arms hugging his chest, supreme divine power!

"That... Is that a god?

"How can this be a little bigger than the Great Buddha of the Marshal of the Warring States?"

"Could it be that this is the god sent by God to save us?"

Looking at Susano, who was standing quietly on the sea in front of him, facing the North Sea Giant Demon from a distance, the navies were stunned one by one.

"That hand... Once shot to death Victor! With

just a glance, Tina recognized the left hand of the giant in front of her, the palm that slapped a legendary pirate to death, a palm she will never forget for the rest of her life!

Against the North Sea Giant Demon, Lei Luo can completely use the ability of everyone's fruit, but once he uses the god and Buddha mode, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of the navy, so Lei Luo will choose to use the more powerful Susano.

As if feeling the pressure, the North Sea Giant Demon retreated sharply for several miles, and the eight huge tentacles buried under the surface of the sea also stretched out and surrounded itself.

"Know it's scared? It's late!

Relo chuckled, and Susano's hands leaned back, drawing a pair of long knives from the pair of huge wings, and pointed them at the North Sea Monster.


What a ridiculous word, for these endless years, only humans have always feared the North Sea Giant Demon, it has never felt half fear because of a human being, not before, and definitely not now!

Eight tentacles, like thunder, burst out, brute force coupled with this incomparable speed, can easily twist everything on the sea surface into powder!

The provocation of mankind, the North Sea Monster accepted!


Relo looked at the menacing tentacles in front of him and snorted softly, and Susanoo blocked the long knife in his hand in front of him horizontally and vertically.

Cross chop!

The fierce knife qi roared out in the form of a cross, cutting the huge waves, cutting the air, and met the huge tentacles that destroyed the heavens and the earth for eight days without shying.


Just a face, the air instantly spread a rich bloody aura, a large stream of fishy blood fell like a waterfall, dyeing the surface of this sea, followed by a loud noise, something fell into the sea, sank into the abyss

, just a face, the most powerful tentacle of the North Sea Giant Demon was cut off!

"I'm not mistaken, the North Sea Giant Demon has actually fallen behind as soon as they clash?"

"Pinch me and tell me it's not a dream!"

"Pinch me too."

With severe pain coming from the waist, the faces of the naval soldiers were not half distorted, but laughed heartily.

All this is real, with just one blow, Lei Luo severely damaged the North Sea Giant Demon!

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