
The North Sea Giant Demon ate pain, raised its head to the sky and roared, and the ear-shattering sound spread across the sky, stirring up a huge wave, and fish corpses with shattered internal organs constantly appeared on the surface of the sea, many of which had the existence of sea kings.

The North Sea Giant Demon is crazy, since it can remember, it has never suffered any injuries, it is the overlord of the ocean, it is an invincible existence, an existence that all creatures fear!

This human being in front of him completely angered himself!


The out-of-control North Sea monster frantically slapped the surface of the sea, enough to engulf the island, destroying a kingdom and the waves appeared one after another.

Immediately after, the North Sea Giant Demon opened its blood basin and mouth, and the pale inky liquid vented out like the flooding of the Yellow River, and its strong corrosiveness was difficult even for seawater to bear.

A scorched and unpleasant smell entered the nose, and someone in the navy vomited on the spot.

"Do you want to die so much?"

Lei Luo said lukewarmly, but the killing intent on his face and the rich essence condensed into substance.

"Maybe you are the overlord of this sea, a terrifying existence that everyone fears, but you made a mistake, that is, you appeared in front of me and blocked my way!"

What about legendary things?

What about the North Sea Monster?

And what about the overlord in the sea?

Since you appear to block my way, then you can end your life and let the myth end from here!


As if by trick, several shurikens somehow appeared in Susano's hand, which were thrown seemingly at random.

This is Kamui Shuriken, a Kamui Shuriken that can cut off all things!


Looking at the giant shuriken that cut the huge wave and approached him, the giant ocean of the North Sea roared angrily, and the extremely long tentacles probed into the deep sea, rolled up solid stubborn stones, and smashed towards the dark weapon that made it feel threatened with its life.

In the face of the resistance of the North Sea Giant Demon, Lei Luo just smiled disdainfully.

Shenwei Shuriken is an attack move that integrates the mysteries of space, and it is not hindered by this ordinary one, at best, it can be regarded as a bit of a hard stone.

"Relo, help!"

Suddenly, Tina's urgent cry for help sounded.

Looking back, Lei Luo's face changed instantly.

It turned out that the target of the North Sea Monster was not him, but the warship behind him that had no power to resist!


Several rays of laser rays shot out from Leiluo's fingertips, shattering all the upper half of the stubborn stone.

But even so, due to Lei Luo's initial underestimation of the enemy, the first two boulders that smashed into the warship were only blocked by Tina and Lei Jiu.

Lei Jiu is nothing, the powerful flesh given by the super soldier's genes plus the protection of the technological combat suit, but there is some pain in both arms.

However, Lei Jiu had these, Tina did not, she could only forcibly resist the boulder with her demon fruit ability, and finally vomited a large mouthful of essence blood, fell to the ground, and fell into a coma.

"Lao Tzu is going to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

At this moment, Relo was completely in a rage, and he couldn't imagine how helpless he felt when Tina called for help just now.

Susanoo seemed to have sensed Leiluo's mood change, suddenly sank, and then turned into a blue light that was indistinguishable to the naked eye, and rushed towards the North Sea Giant Demon.

The sword flashed, the flesh and blood flew everywhere, and now Lei Luo was like a machine without half emotion, in his eyes, he could only chop the monster in front of him into meat sauce!


A heart-wrenching cry came from the mouth of the North Sea Giant Demon, but Leiluo's knife was too fast, and it couldn't react and dodge at all.

Moreover, even if he could react, his own flesh could not withstand the sharpness of that pair of long knives!

Escape! If you don't run away, you will die!

In the heart of the North Sea Giant Demon, an emotion that had never appeared in his long years - fear, which originated from the depths of his heart, could not be escaped, could not avoid deep fear!

But how can you escape? Where can you escape?

In a trance, the North Sea Giant Demon, who was already dead in his heart, suddenly appeared in his mind the picture when Lei Luo had just used the laser light.

That familiar smell, yes, it was the demon incarnation that the sea hated, the Devil Fruit Ability!

The North Sea Giant Demon who grasped this point seemed to grasp a life-saving straw and desperately moved towards the depths of the sea.

Unlike the ability of the Devil Fruit, it is born to be the overlord of the ocean, a child of this sea, facing itself, the sea will definitely not hinder, only open its arms!


The sudden pain in his back made the North Sea Giant Demon speed up his sneaking speed, and now he was too close to the sea, and he was still within the range of that terrifying human attack.

As long as it is a little deeper, it will be safe, even if that human is not a Devil Fruit powerhouse, the huge pressure of the deep sea is definitely not what his weak body can withstand!


At this time, it was already nearly three kilometers below sea level, and the sharp pain behind him and the pungent smell of blood had always warned the North Sea Giant Demon that he was not out of danger.

Four kilometers, five kilometers, six kilometers in the deep sea... 10,000 meters!

With the passage of time, the fear in the heart of the North Sea Giant Demon became more and more intense.

Why the hell is that! Why did he escape for so long, but he still didn't escape the attack range of that human being!

The North Sea Giant Demon who subconsciously looked back, its huge eyes were about to be exploded by it, and the extreme panic that permeated it had reached the existence of enough to affect the surrounding creatures.

That's right, it's not that it didn't escape Leiluo's attack range, but Relo has been following it all the time!

"Roar! Roar! Roar! The

North Sea Giant Demon roared like crazy, as if saying that this is impossible, as a demon disgusted by the sea, how can it appear in the deep sea!

"Go and die!"

Leiluo's furious face grew bigger and bigger, and the pair of long knives shining with golden light were getting closer and closer to him, and at this moment, the North Sea Giant Demon didn't even have the idea of resisting.

The enemy is too strong, and his life is coming to an end.

If it can be reproduced, those sea kings will die, and they will definitely not wake up from their slumber and surface to the surface....

A loud sound sounded, and the golden light possessed Lei Luo jumped out of the sea, turned into a ray of light and appeared next to Tina, in the warm palm, the warm golden light carefully submerged into Tina's body, which is a full-power light therapy technique.

At the same time, the soldiers on the warship stared blankly at the North Sea Giant Demon that gradually surfaced, no, to be precise, minced meat

, there was only one thought in their hearts, that is, Lei Luo had achieved the body of a mortal, comparable to the gods!

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