"A naval warship is approaching us at supersonic speed?"

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Gaji suddenly had an extremely strong premonition, and subconsciously turned his gaze to Charlotte Snag.

According to Snag's news, three days later, today, the Jemal Kingdom will be destroyed, and it will be carried out by a navy and the princess of the kingdom, Lei Jiu.

"What are you afraid of? Get close to them and leave everything to me. Snag

had always trusted his brother Katakuri's prophecy.

However, the other party was just an unknown young man, coupled with the assistance of Lei Jiu in the language, so in Snag's heart, he decided that the so-called catastrophe of the Jemal Kingdom was just the final result of a conspiracy.

For intrigue, the best way is always to kill the head of the other side before the plan is implemented, and the ordinary navy with no leader will naturally not stir up any big winds and waves.


Suddenly, the sound of explosions from outside attracted the attention of Gaji and Snag, and it was logical that even if the naval warship was advancing at supersonic speed, it would never have reached the kingdom of Jemal so quickly.

"It seems that there are pirates who don't have long eyes coming to your territory to make trouble, so let's just warm up for me."

Snagsensen smiled, after all, in this sea, he can also be regarded as a generation of heroes, naturally he will not put some unruly pirates in his eyes.

"Warm up? You're really arrogant enough! The fourth general of the dessert of the BIGMOM Pirates, the Minister of Fries, Charlottes Nag!

Before Snag could make a move, a young man dressed in white had already walked to the main hall, and looking at his spotless clothes, he could not think that the riot in the outside world had anything to do with him.

Of course, it would be wrong to think so, because in the hands of that young man there was also a small leader of the army in a coma.

"Boy, report the name, I don't kill the nameless, in addition, if you want to use this method to attract your mother's attention, then you still don't need to live anymore."

In Snag's life in his thirties, he has seen too many pirates who want to join the BIGMOM pirate group and find their mother's protection.

These people are strong and weak, and the means they implement are endless, such as what unauthorized promotion of their allegiance to Aunt, breaking into Auntie's territory alone, defeating a group of minions to show their strength, or begging Aunt bitterly, just to become a low-status servant in the BIGMOM pirate ship.

Snagg, who had been accustomed to these scenes since childhood, naturally did not regard the young man in front of him as his future companion, after all, those who had done so before had all been permanently removed from this sea.

"Get Auntie's attention? You made me laugh, if I want to get Auntie's attention, it must be the moment the BIGMOM Pirates disappear!

As soon as the young man's words came out, Snagg's face sank, and endless killing intent instantly emerged.

Seeing this scene, although Gaji was firmly on the same side as Slug on the surface, his heart was constantly laughing.

Who this young man was, maybe Shnag didn't know, but Gaji knew.

No matter who wins or loses the next battle between the two, the final result must be victory, and that person's combat effectiveness is also one in ten.

Snag wins, then everything is still in order, and soon the Jemal Kingdom will find the backers of the Four Emperors.

But if Slag loses, he only needs to eliminate the navy in front of him and then provide medical treatment for Shnag, which can easily increase his favorability in the heart of his aunt.

Such a beneficial and harmless thing, Kaji naturally would not say anything to stop the battle between the two.

"Finally, ask again, what is your name, don't let my long knife add a nameless ghost."

"Navy rookie Relo!"

Upon hearing the name of Relo, the protagonist who appeared in Kakutari's prophecy, Snag was a little confused.

The naval headquarters has a bounty order from the Four Emperors and their subordinates, since Relo knows that Snag is a sea thief with a bounty of up to 600 million, why dare to break into the kingdom of Jemal, which is known as an evil army, alone.

Could it be that this is the legendary newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers?

"If you have any last words, just say them quickly, otherwise you will never have a chance again."

Snag pulled out the long knife at his waist, and I don't know where to get a rag, and carefully wiped the blade, without meaning to look at Relo squarely.


A pirate with a reward of 600 million actually dared to say these two words to himself, Lei Luo couldn't help but feel ridiculous, didn't he know that a pirate with a bounty of 800 million was killed by himself just a day ago?

Wait a minute, it seems that the people on the warship who know about this are the people.

"Okay, don't talk so much nonsense with me, fight if you want, I'll go back to the headquarters in a hurry to report."

Facing Relo's urging, Snag chuckled, and the action of wiping the long knife in his hand stopped.


At that moment, with Lei Luo as the center, the ground under his feet suddenly changed, turning into hot boiling oil, steaming hot, and the rising oil bubbles soon surrounded Lei Luo.

Devil Fruit Ability Awakening!

In just a second, Relo recognized this ability that Snag had displayed, and at this moment, Relo's voice suddenly sounded in Snag's ears.

"Big explosion of oil bubbles!"


One explosion after another roared, and the oil bubbles that surrounded Relo before were like powerful time bombs, all of which would detonate with Snag's order.

The terrifying heat, the thick smoke, and the scalding hot oil soon filled the entire hall.

"Is this the strength of the general star?"

Gaji, who originally thought that technology could be turned into combat power, had some melancholy in his heart, with the current highest technology in the Jemal Kingdom, the destructive power that could be produced was at most equal to that of Slag, but above him, there was a more powerful existence.

"It seems that the second brother is old, and there is a problem with domineering, such a weak person, where is it my turn to personally come out, the people of Jemal 66 will be able to cope with it themselves."

The smoke has not yet dissipated, but there is no movement at all, which undoubtedly indicates Leiluo's death.

Since the initiator of the catastrophe is no longer alive, there is no need to stay here much.

"Hey, hey, don't rush to leave first, why is your service attitude so bad, the guest sauna is at its most comfortable, you actually plan to go home?"

At the moment when Snag was about to step out of the hall, Relo's dissatisfied voice sounded in the smoke.

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